I de as to Ac tio n (i2a) Wo rksho p # 2 July 31, 2018
T ransfo rming I de as to Ac tio ns T oday’s F oc us I2a Wor kshop #1 F oc us Or ganize the m in a Colle c t Ide as Ide ntify Ac tions De ploy L oose F r ame wor k
Mo bility Challe ng e s How do we use te c hnology and innovation to: • I mpro ve safe ty o f o ur limite d ac c e ss ro adways? • I mpro ve safe ty o f o ur lo c al stre e ts and arte rials? • Pro vide multi-modal options to the re g io n? • Make sure o ur infr e ady fo r the astr uc tur e is r future ?
abs) Wo rksho p # 1 (SPC-Co llabo rative L
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I 2a Wo rksho p # 1 - T o p So lutio ns Implement integrated corridor management Improve access to multi- Deploy more Connected and modal information for users Autonomous Vehicle Technology Use technology to avoid costly Provide analytic and predictive infrastructure improvements data tools Use technology to link and Use technology to link and Build centralized data management hub leverage data sources leverage data sources
T o p 15 I de as (So lutio ns) ID# ID# ID# ID# ID# ID# ID# ID# ID# ID# ID# ID# Colle c t Ide as ID# ID# ID# ST MT LT <1 yr 1 ‐ 2 yr 3+ yr
E me rg ing T he me s DP5 Common DP4 MS1 RI6 Data Platform DP3 MS2 Mobility as a RI3 Service RI2 DP6 (MaaS) RI1 RI5 ganize Ide as DP2 Re ‐ imagining DP1 Infrastructure RI4 ST MT LT <1 yr 1 ‐ 2 yr 3+ yr Or
Alig ning to ward a Visio n DP DP1 DP5 DP2 DP4 VISION DP3 MS VISION MS2 MS1 MS3 ganize Ide as RI RI1 RI2 RI3 RI4 RI5 RI6 VISION ST MT LT <1 yr 1 ‐ 2 yr 3+ yr Or
Co nne c te d So lutio ns DP DP1 DP1 DP5 DP6 DP2 DP2 DP3 DP4 DP5 VISION VISION DP3 DP4 MS VISION VISION MS2 MS1 MS1 MS3 MS3 ganize Ide as RI RI1 RI2 RI4 RI5 RI6 RI3 VISION VISION ST MT LT <1 yr 1 ‐ 2 yr 3+ yr Or
T aking Ac tio n DP DP1 DP1 DP2 DP2 DP3 DP4 DP4 DP5 DP5 DP6 VISION VISION MS VISION VISION MS1 MS1 MS2 MS3 MS3 ganize Ide as RI RI1 RI2 RI3 RI4 RI5 RI6 VISION VISION ST MT LT <1 yr 1 ‐ 2 yr 3+ yr Or
T aking Ac tio n TODAY’S FOCUS Track ‐ Level Action Plan Data VISION DP1 DP2 DP5 DP3 DP4 Ide ntify Ac tions Project ‐ Level Action Plans ST MT LT <1 yr 1 ‐ 2 yr 3+ yr
T aking Ac tio n DP • Expand Description • Capitalize on Current • Confirm Timeframe Projects • Address what problems • Identify Lead Agency Action we are solving • Identify Key Stakeholders • Define Desired Plan • Define Key Actions Outcome/Vision • Scope/RFP Development • Identify Performance • Identify Funding Sources Ide ntify Ac tions Metrics • Report Back • Collect Lessons Learned
T ransfo rming I de as to Ac tio ns T oday’s F oc us I2a Wor kshop #1 F oc us Or ganize the m in a Colle c t Ide as Ide ntify Ac tions De ploy L oose F r ame wor k
Que stio ns o r Co mme nts? Que stio ns o r Co mme nts?
What is the T ampa Bay Smart Citie s Allianc e ?
Core Team Core Team Public Private Private Action Team: Action Team: Action Team: Action Team: Action Team: Action Team: Mobility as a Mobility as a Reimagining Reimagining Data Platform Data Platform Service (MaaS) Service (MaaS) Infrastructure Infrastructure
Co re Value s Customer Driven Customer Driven Action ‐ Oriented Action ‐ Oriented Partnerships Partnerships Engagement Engagement Transparency Transparency Equity Equity Sustainability Resilience Accountability Accountability
Guiding Princ iple s fo r Pro je c t De ve lo pme nt Customer Driven Scalability Customer Driven Interoperability Customer Driven User Experience Customer Driven Collaboration Customer Driven Innovation
Pro je c t Go als • I mpro ve safe ty o n limite d ac c e ss fac ilitie s • I mpro ve safe ty o n lo c al stre e ts and arte rials • I mpro ve bic yc le and pe de strian safe ty • Pro vide be tte r multimo dal o ptio ns • Re ady o ur infrastruc ture to adapt with future te c hno lo g y
Pe rfo rmanc e Me tric s Reduce traffic Increase number of Increase miles of CAV Reduce injuries and • • • • violations connected users compatible fatalities Reduce pedestrian Increase transit ridership Increase number of Reduce multi ‐ car • • • • detection failures Better access to shared, discoverable collisions • Reduce gap in choices for all data sources Improve travel times • • real ‐ time data and Improve modal ‐ split Increase number of on road • • reported conditions Improve access to agencies with shared Reduce per incident costs • • Increase dedicated jobs/services for all communication Reduce Road Ranger • • bike/ped facilities Improve personal travel infrastructure response times • time Increase number of Reduce abandoned • • vehicle rates innovative intersections
Que stio ns o r Co mme nts? Que stio ns o r Co mme nts?
Call to Ac tio n!
T ransfo rming I de as to Ac tio ns T oday’s F oc us I2a Wor kshop #1 F oc us Or ganize the m in a Colle c t Ide as Ide ntify Ac tions De ploy L oose F r ame wor k
Mo bility as a Se rvic e Source: MaaS Alliance, 2018 (massalliance.eu)
Mo bility as a Se rvic e OneBusAway HART and CUTR’s Real ‐ Consolidated Regional Fee St. Petersburg’s Parking Time Transit Information Payment and Collection Management App for Users
Re g io nal Data Platfo rm Cloud ‐ Based Data Platform Real Time Traffic Predictive Analytics Transit Data Energy Data Connected and Electric Cars Mobility on Ride ‐ Share Autonomous Vehicles Bike Share Demand and Car ‐ Share SHARED BY LOCAL AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE REGION
Re g io nal Data Platfo rm
Re -imag ining I nfrastruc ture Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Marion Transitway Autonomous Shuttle 34
Re -imag ining I nfrastruc ture Arterial Management Program and Active Traffic Management Systems Integrated Corridor Management 35
Ac tio n T e am Bre ako ut Se ssio n • Part 1 – E xpande d De sc riptio n, Visio n, and Be ne fits • Part 2 – Pro o f o f Co nc e pt • Part 3 – Ro le s, Re spo nsibilitie s, and Re so urc e s • Part 4 – Ac tio ns and T ime frame • Part 5 – Go als and Pe rfo rmanc e Me tric s • Part 6 – Pro je c t Co o rdinatio n • Gro up Re c ap
Que stio ns o r Co mme nts? Que stio ns o r Co mme nts?
Gro up Re c ap
L o o king Ahe ad • Ac tio n T e am Me e ting s – Aug - Oc t 2018 • T e c hno lo g y Sho wc ase – Se pt/ Oc to be r 2018 • Smart Citie s Allianc e Me e ting – Oc to be r 2018 • F lo rida Auto no mo us Ve hic le Summit – No ve mbe r 2018
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