I am Satoru Shiono of MS&AD Holdings’ Corporate Communications and Investor Relations Dept. Thank you for finding the time in your busy schedules to participate in our conference call today.
Please look at the first page, Slide 1 of the “Materials for FY2016 Results Briefing - Conference Call.” I will begin by explaining the Group's top line. Net premiums written in domestic non-life insurance decreased by 2.5% at MSI and increased by 0.7% at ADI, due to the recoil from the rush demand prior to the revision of fire insurance products in the previous fiscal year, despite increased revenue in voluntary automobile insurance and casualty included in “others”. Meanwhile, net premiums written in overseas subsidiaries increased by 105.8% as a whole, due to inclusion of MS Amlin in the scope to the consolidation. As a result, the Group saw an increase of 10.7% year-on- year to ¥3,406.9 billion on a consolidated basis.. Life insurance premiums decreased by 7.6% year-on-year to ¥1,253.1 billion. This was primarily due to a decrease in sales of variable life insurance products by MSP Life in reaction to the effect of new products in FY2015.
Next, please look at Slide 2. As shown in the first row of this table, ordinary profit rose by ¥61.0 billion year-on-year to ¥352.6 billion. Despite the negative impact of such factors as system expenses for transfer of third sector policies in force, net income increased significantly by ¥28.9 billion year-on-year to ¥210.4 billion as a consolidated basis, as shown in the ninth row of the table, as a result of increased income at MSI, ADI, and MSP Life. Consequently, the highest net income since the establishment of the MS&AD Group was recorded for the fifth consecutive year. Also, ROE in financial accounting basis rose 1.4 points year-on-year to 7.8%.
Next, please look at Slide 3. Group Core Profit increased significantly by ¥66.1 billion year-on-year, to ¥213.7 billion. Furthermore, Group ROE was up 2.7 points year-on-year to 7.9%. The bottom section of the slide shows the adjustment items used for calculating Group Core Profit based on consolidated income. Based on these results, in addition to publishing the Quarterly Earnings Report today, we have issued a release entitled, “Notice Regarding Dividend of Surplus for the Year Ended March 31, 2017.” The dividend forecast at the start of FY2015 was ¥90, but due to the expected increase in income, the year-end cash dividend for FY 2016 was set at ¥70, and combined with the ¥50 interim dividend already paid, the annual dividend is planned to be ¥120 per share, an increase of ¥30 compared to the previous fiscal year. Furthermore, the annual dividend for FY2017 is planned to be increased by ¥10 to ¥130 per share. In addition, 40 million shares, accounting for 6.3% of the total number of outstanding shares, will be canceled as stated in the “Notice Regarding Cancellation of Treasury Stock” released today. The date of cancellation is scheduled to be June 30.
Next, I will explain consolidated net income, delineating the factors that led to changes from the previous fiscal year. Please look at the graph on Slide 4 and the table on Slide 5. As you can see, the main factors resulting in increases in net income was an increase in underwriting profit due to an increase in earned premiums and a small increase in incurred loss resulting from the decrease in domestic natural catastrophes.
Next, I will explain the status of our 2 domestic non-life insurance companies. Please look at the simple sum of MSI and ADI shown in the right column on Slide 6. First, net premiums written decreased by 1.1%, primarily due to a decrease in fire insurance revenue. Furthermore, underwriting profit, including incurred loss, increased by ¥77.3 billion to ¥121.3 billion due to an increase in earned premiums mentioned earlier, and a decrease in expenses such as commissions and collection expenses, operating expenses and general and administrative expenses.
Next, please look at Slide 7. Investment profit and other ordinary profit decreased by ¥16.2 billion to ¥169.3 billion. As a result of the above, ordinary profit totaled ¥290.7 billion, a year-on-year increase of ¥61.0 billion, and net income increased by ¥69.8 billion to ¥214.9 billion. Note that the sale of strategic equity holdings proceeded smoothly with the combined total sold by the two companies amounting ¥133.0 billion, exceeding the ¥120.0 billion forecast to be sold over the entire year.
Next, I will talk about the impact of natural catastrophes. Please look at Slide 8. As shown in the last row, the incurred losses for the two companies combined decreased by ¥17.0 billion year-on-year to ¥51.0 billion. Note that this is an increase of ¥1.9 billion from the end of the third quarter.
Next, please look at Slide 9. I will now discuss the situation concerning the catastrophe reserve. The net change in reserves was ¥81.8 billion, as shown in the last row, which is on par with the previous fiscal year. The catastrophe reserve for fire insurance was increased by ¥6.3 billion for MSI and ¥2.0 billion for ADI, or a total of ¥8.3 billion of additional provisions for the two companies combined.
Next, please look at Slide 10. I will now discuss the situation concerning voluntary automobile insurance. The line graph at the top left shows the year-on-year change in the number of automobile insurance accidents each month for the two companies combined. Although the year-on-year change in the number of accidents fluctuates from month to month, it has been on a rising trend from the first half until the second half of FY2016, and we will continue to bear watching. Next, please take a look at the “Factors of increase/decrease in insurance premiums” in the tables at the bottom. Insurance premium unit prices rose slightly by 0.4% at MSI and 0.3% at ADI, due to the effect of rate revisions implemented in past years and the establishment of new special policy clauses. The EI loss ratio for the two companies combined in FY2016 decreased as shown in the graph on the upper right, falling by 1.9 points year-on-year to 56.5%. Meanwhile, the average payout per claim for property damage liability and vehicle damage was increasing at both companies due to rising repair costs, and we also need to continue monitoring this.
Next, I will explain the situation at MSI Aioi Life. Please look at Slide 11. The amount of new policies decreased by 1.9% year-on-year to ¥2,377.1 billion due to a decrease in the sale of income guarantee insurance. At the same time, annualized premiums of new policies increased 7.5% year-on- year due to factors such as strong sales of the New Medical Insurance A (Ace) Plus launched last May. The amount of policies in force increased steadily, rising by 2.8% from the beginning of the fiscal year. Net income decreased by ¥1.4 billion year-on-year due to a decrease in investment profit. EEV at the end of the fiscal year was ¥794.2 billion, up ¥198.4 billion from the end of the previous fiscal year. This increase includes the impact of a 100.0 billion yen increase in capital carried out this fiscal year, but the main factor was a ¥165.2 billion increase in the value of policies in force brought about by the rise in interest rates.
Continuing on, I will explain the performance of MSI Primary Life. Please look at Slide 12. Gross premiums income fell by 17.6% to ¥1,071.1 billion, primarily due to a recoil in sales from the effect of strong sales of new foreign currency denominated variable life insurance products introduced in the previous fiscal year, although fixed products continued to perform well. Furthermore, net income increased by ¥2.8 billion year-on-year to ¥20.7 billion primarily due to positive contributions made by a decrease in selling costs and an increase in profit margin brought about by an increase in policies in force. Note that factors such as the decrease in the policy reserve pertaining to foreign currency denominated products caused by rising Australian interest rates in FY2016 also had a positive effect. An additional provision of ¥26.3 billion was made to the reserve for price fluctuation to cover future market fluctuations and taking the above positive effect into consideration. See the reference materials on page 23 for details on the reserve for price fluctuation.
Next, I will explain the results of overseas subsidiaries. Please look at Slide 12. Net premiums written increased significantly by 105.8% year-on-year, to ¥356.2 billion. This was primarily due to the effect of the inclusion of MS Amlin in the scope of consolidation. Net premiums written by existing overseas subsidiaries excluding MS Amlin decreased by a total of ¥34.8 billion, but this was mainly caused by the negative impact of foreign exchange resulting from the appreciation of the yen, and net premiums written increased by 3.9% on a local currency basis, as business steadily expanded. Net income decreased by ¥4.5 billion to ¥24.0 billion. By region, for Europe and MS Amlin, Europe saw income decline by ¥6.0 billion for a net loss of ¥8.1 billion, while MS Amlin’s net income was also held to ¥4.0 billion due to the deterioration in the loss ratio as a result of a large number of insured events, including natural disasters such as hurricanes and forest fires, and the impact of the lowering of the discount rate for bodily injury claims in the United Kingdom. In Asia, net income decreased by ¥3.3 billion due to the impact of the earthquake in Taiwan.
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