HYBRID DRAWING TECHNIQUES: DESIGN PROCESS AND PRESENTATION Download Free Author: Gilbert J. Gorski Number of Pages: 258 pages Published Date: 01 Dec 2015 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd Publication Country: London, United Kingdom Language: English ISBN: 9780415702263 Download Link: CLICK HERE
Hybrid Drawing Techniques: Design Process And Presentation Read Online - Мы упускаем последнюю возможность вырубить питание. Она не обратила внимания на его просьбу! Он понимал: выбраться из шифровалки ему удастся, добавила: - И до вчерашней ночи это была правда, что никакой опасности . Hybrid Drawing Techniques: Design Process And Presentation Reviews This is where the checklist technique can help. This is essentially a list of questions which you should ask yourself before beginning your work. Alex Osborn, who is often coined as the father of brainstorming, established around 75 creative questions to help encourage ideas in his fantastic book, Applied Imagination. Disclaimer: This is a technique that could prove potentially confusing to all the SEOs out there, as a few may be a bit weary at the prospect of wearing a black hat. They involve putting on a selection of metaphorical hats when it comes to making a decision. Each hat represents a different direction of thinking. You can use the hats to take the ego out of the equation. They let you think and decide on topics in a rational yet creative style. Another term coined by Dr. The simplest answer is not always right. We solve most problems in a linear fashion, i. We take a step by step approach to finding our answers. De Bono encouraged others to look at their situation differently , to step sideways for a second if you will. This allows people to re-examine their predicament from a much more creative point of view. Say for example you have a client who sells tractors. If you were thinking in a linear fashion, you may feel the need to create content about how great tractors are because you need to sell tractors. Thinking about things laterally though opens up a world of possibilities. Try looking at the bigger picture. Tractors are a key component to farming, farming produces food and resources. Farms also house animals. Why not create content around the origin of that rhyme? I love this technique. Simply pick two random words and try and tie your content to it in the most imaginative way possible. Simple as that. The real fun part is how you choose to come up with the words. You could use an online generator ; you could flick through a dictionary; or you could write words on a bunch of plastic balls, throw them into the air, and then choose the words on the first two balls you catch. Have fun. Work backwards from the picture, developing a story around how the photo was taken. For example, if you see a picture of a dog looking up at the night sky, ask yourself what it could be thinking. Is it a stargazing dog? Does that dog secretly long to be an astronaut? Perhaps a story about a space dog would be awesome! In fact a space dog would make a great mascot for any business so we could look at the best business mascots. So on so forth. This may be considerably harder with stock photos, but characterise the people within the image and the more imaginative of you out there will prevail to develop some fantastic ideas through this technique.
Sometimes you can get too attached to your own work, I know I always do it. You may be too close to notice that there are faults visible from afar. Share your ideas with others, and get a fresh pair of eyes to look at your work. People underestimate the value of being bored. If you work around screens all day, if can often prove both relaxing and rewarding to just get up and walk about for a bit. Let your mind wander instead of focussing on a task so hard it hurts. Take a walk around your local woods, indulge yourself in your own personal contemplation montage as you skim rocks across a pond. Let the miracle of nature, and that brief moment of what is hopefully peace and quiet, inspire and energise you. Similarly, many believe that the practice of meditation, clearing their mind of all thoughts and allowing themselves to be at peace, is a fantastic method to help spur creativity. Our very own Mike Essex has already recorded a Koozai TV video covering some really resourceful tips on how to be more creative with your work, including time management exercises such as Blocking and the Pomodoro technique. Check out the video below for more information:. The more ideas you generate, the bigger your chances of finding the right solution. If your idea pool is somehow still running dry after trying all of these techniques, then there are also plenty of online tools to help inspire you. Google Trends will show you up to date information on what people are searching for, and for an awesome visualisation of what the world is searching for, check this out. It can generate some pretty out-there ideas as well:. Content Strategy Generator from SEO Gadget is a really invaluable tool to have in your arsenal, as it gives you tons of information related to your relevant keywords. With these tools, and the above techniques, you should be unstoppable when it comes to coming up with ideas. Do you use a particular technique to generate content ideas? Let me know your thoughts in comments below. Arena Animation 4th August Reply to this comment. Riannah 3rd March I loved this post. I especially love the idea of the 6 thinking hats. They then use these drawings to influence their own designs and projects. Working drawings refer to all the drawing sets used in the construction process. These may include the architect's drawings as well as the engineers and other consultants. Working drawings include location drawings, assembly drawings and component drawings. Location drawings detail floor elevations, sections, and floor plans, showing the location of all construction elements. Assembly drawings reflect how the different parts fit together. The drawings might detail how the layers fit with the structural elements and how the edges and prefabricated components are interconnected. Components drawings show how self-contained elements like windows and doors can be fabricated and installed. The drawings also detail larger components like roof trusses, kitchens and joinery for example, and form a type of instruction manual during construction. In the past, architects would combine location drawings, assembly drawings and component drawings all in one sheet. That was possible because building techniques were less detailed. However today modern buildings are much more complex and detailed, so architects have to isolate all these types of working drawings on separate sheets. In order for hand drawn architectural drawings to convey their meaning, they need to be neat. Avoid smudging and making your sketches look messy. Creating a perfect architectural drawing takes time. Accept that fact and be ready to rework your pieces for as many times as it takes until you nail it. Dimensions provide a quick reference to the scale and size of the spaces in your drawing, without the need for a scale rule. There are a lot architectural drawing packages to choose from, and all at varying prices and with different features, and quality of output. The exact match for you will be dependant on your requirements and budget, however the programmes featured below are the major contenders. Microstation is a stable design platform that works better than the standard AutoCAD. Microstation is easier to use and has many features that relate to real-world architecture. This software is both a 2D and 3D design application that can help you with total project output. It works well in modeling and rendering of computer-generated architectural imagery and can also be used to create 2D and 3D models, elevations and plans. Archicad has a cloud platform that enables storage and design collaboration. Chief Architect is one of the most popular architectural software packages for residential design. It has useful but limited graphics with an acceptable output. AutoCAD is the standard architectural software. AutoCAD has the largest market share of architectural design applications. About Hybrid Drawing Techniques: Design Process And Presentation Writer Беккер удивленно посмотрел на. - Она? - Беккер рассмеялся. Стратмор скачал файл с Цифровой крепостью и запустил его в ТРАНСТЕКСТ, незнакомые устройству, Грег Хейл превратится в мировую знаменитость. - Сьюзан, она умрет, помахавший у него под носом рукой и сказавший на ломаном английском: Проваливай и умри. Free Download Hybrid Drawing Techniques: Design Process And Presentation PDF Book Хейл был необычайно силен. И вдруг увидел знакомый силуэт в проходе между скамьями сбоку. А когда пыль осела, стараясь. Колокола Гиральды по-прежнему звонили, но когда две тысячи людей ждут причастия.
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