
ARCH211 pixels III diller scofidio + renfro hybrid drawing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ARCH211 pixels III diller scofidio + renfro hybrid drawing Tourisms: Suitcase Studies Walker Art Center, 1991 American Lawn Surface of Everday Life Quebec, 1998 Mural Whitney Museum, 2003 Eyebeam Museum of Art and Technology New York,

  1. ARCH211 pixels III

  2. diller scofidio + renfro hybrid drawing

  3. Tourisms: Suitcase Studies Walker Art Center, 1991

  4. American Lawn Surface of Everday Life Quebec, 1998

  5. Mural Whitney Museum, 2003

  6. Eyebeam Museum of Art and Technology New York, 2004

  7. Instjtute of Contemporary Art Boston, 2006