HURRICANES How much damage do they do?
HOW MUCH DAMAGE DO THEY DO? Hurricanes have a scale that measures now bad a hurricane is from 1 to 5
CATEGORY 1 A category one hurricane is known as "minimal. It can do light damage. These hurricanes damage trees and may flood low-lying roads near the coast.
CATEGORY 2 A category two causes people living on the shore line to evacuate. It damages roofs, doors and windows.
CATEGORY 3 A category 3 can destroy mobile homes and cause serious flooding in coastal areas.
CATEGORY 4 A category 4 hurricane can completely destroy roofs, windows and doors.
CATEGORY 5 A category 5 is the worst one of them all. They blow signs, trees down and completely overturn small buildings.
ENDING This is the ending of how much damage they do I hope you learned something.
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