human pepper interaction

Human-Pepper Interaction Mayte Lzaro, Luca Iocchi Who is Pepper? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Human-Pepper Interaction Mayte Lzaro, Luca Iocchi Who is Pepper? Pepper is a robot developed by Softbank robotics Human-like 1.2m tall Arms/head/body movement Gestures Emotions Holonomic mobile base

  1. Human-Pepper Interaction Mayte Lázaro, Luca Iocchi

  2. Who is Pepper? ● Pepper is a robot developed by Softbank robotics ● Human-like ○ 1.2m tall ○ Arms/head/body movement ■ Gestures ■ Emotions ● Holonomic mobile base

  3. Technical specifications ● Motherboard Processor: Intel Atom E3845, Quad core, 1.91GHz ○ ○ RAM: 4GB DDR3 ● Connectivity ○ Ethernet Wifi - IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n ○ Operating system ● ○ NAOqi

  4. Proximity sensors ● Laser ● Sonar 45 points distributed in 3 sectors 5m range ○ ○

  5. Vision sensors ● RGB Cameras ● Depth Camera ASUS Xtion ○

  6. HRI devices ● Tablet ● Microphones Loudspeakers ● ● LEDs - Eyes, ears and shoulders

  7. How to program Pepper? ● ROS ● Choregraphe SDKs ● ○ Python ○ C++ Java ○ Both Choregraphe and SDKs available at: ● ○

  8. ROS ● ● ● Allows to access to sensors and robot base through ROS topics roslaunch naoqi_driver naoqi_driver.launch nao_ip:=<PEPPER_IP> roscore_ip:=<YOUR_IP> network_interface:=lo /cmd_vel /naoqi_driver/hand_touch /joint_angles /naoqi_driver/head_touch /joint_states /naoqi_driver/imu/base /naoqi_driver/audio /naoqi_driver/imu/torso /naoqi_driver/bumper /naoqi_driver/info /naoqi_driver/camera/bottom/camera_info /naoqi_driver/laser /naoqi_driver/camera/bottom/image_raw /naoqi_driver/odom /naoqi_driver/camera/depth/camera_info /naoqi_driver/sonar/back /naoqi_driver/camera/depth/image_raw /naoqi_driver/sonar/front /naoqi_driver/camera/front/camera_info /speech /naoqi_driver/camera/front/image_raw /tf /naoqi_driver/camera/ir/camera_info /naoqi_driver/camera/ir/image_raw ● ROS must be run on a external laptop

  9. Choregraphe ● Tutorials: Block-based programming ● ○ Allows to program Pepper without writing a “single line of code” ● Can be used as a simulator using a “virtual robot” ○ IP = PORT = ○

  10. SDKs - Python ● Cross-platform: Same program can be run on linux or on Pepper ● Instructions ○ Download and extract Python SDK ○ Move the extracted files to: /opt/Aldebaran/naoqi (sudo permissions required) ■ ○ Add in your .bashrc ■ export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/opt/Aldebaran/naoqi/pynaoqi-python2.7- ib/python2.7/site-packages To test the installation do: ○ $ python >>> import naoqi

  11. SDKs - C++ ● Requires cross-compilation to run programs on Pepper ● Instructions ○ Install qibuild using pip ■ pip install qibuild --user Download and extract both the C++ SDK and the Cross Toolchain ○ ○ Move the extracted folders to: ■ /opt/Aldebaran/naoqi Start a qi workspace ○ ■ mkdir qi_ws ■ cd qi_ws ■ qibuild init ○ Prepare your ws to compile code running on Linux and on Pepper ■ qitoolchain create linux64 /opt/Aldebaran/naoqi/naoqi-sdk- ■ qitoolchain create pepper /opt/Aldebaran/naoqi/ctc-linux64-atom- ■ qibuild add-config linux64 -t linux64 ■ qibuild add-config pepper -t pepper

  12. First steps with Python SDK 1. Open a qi Session import qi s = qi.Session() s.connect("tcp://") foo = s.service("foo") 2. Useful APIs for this lesson: ○ AutonomousLife: ■ ○ RobotPosture: ■ Motion: ○ ■

  13. Pepper tools for exercises ● Sample codes and exercises in:


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