http geocradle eu themat th matic ic areas eas
play Themat Th matic ic Areas eas linked ed - PowerPoint PPT Presentation Themat Th matic ic Areas eas linked ed with the UN SDGs Adaptation to Improved Access to Access to Climate Food Security Raw Energy Change (ACC) Water Materials (SENSE) Extremes (ARM) Management (IFS)


  2. Themat Th matic ic Areas eas linked ed with the UN SDGs Adaptation to Improved Access to Access to Climate Food Security Raw Energy Change (ACC) – Water Materials (SENSE) Extremes (ARM) Management (IFS)

  3. T4.1 .1 The he ACC Pil ilot ot (Ad Adaptatio tation n to Cl Climate ate Ch Change) e) The ACC pilot will pave the ground for the holistic monitoring and Specifically, the GEO-CRADLE ACC will provide 3 services on respective thematic pillars: forecasting of region-specific atmospheric components, ECVs 1. 1. Dese sert t dust st servi rvice ces and hazards, in line with the standards and vision of GEOSS and 2. 2. Regio ional l climate te change servi rvice ces Copernicus for information extraction and service delivery 3. 3. Air qua uality ity servi vice ces regarding the Climate SDG. Gap Analysi lysis s of the Regio ional Clim imate te relat lated Capacitie cities End-Use User Aware reness ss on Copern rnicu icus s and GEO

  4. ACC – De ACC Desert rt dust t services ices The September 2015 Middle East dust-storm results in Landuse changes (dese serti rtifica ficatio tion) and local meteorology increased the severity of this episode dramatic reductio ction of visib ibil ility ity in Limassol Mamouri et al., 2016, ACP Solomos et al., 2016, ACPD Lan and type pe cha hanges es (MODIS IS) Model del Satellit ellite

  5. ACC – De ACC Desert rt dust t services ices Dust effects on aviati ation on safety ety Optimizat ation on of the ACC dust forecast (AirFrance 2009 accident) with satellite data assimilation

  6. ACC – Re ACC Regio iona nal l cli limate ate change e servic vices Establi Es ablishin hing a pilo pilot regi region onal al clim limate chang ange web appli pplication on tool ol to to ret etrie rieve clim limat ate variabl riables es and and clim limate indi ndices fro rom high high re resol olut ution on regi region onal al clim limat ate pr projec ojection ons in in sup uppo port of of end nd-us user ers and nd dec ecis isio ion maker ers on on climate chang ange mitiga igatio ion and and adapt aptatio ion polic licie ies. A need for reliable open access to weather and climate data is expressed by all countries of  the RoI. For ACC is essential the use of future climate data from high resolution model projections for  the RoI based on Regional Climate Models (RCMs). Need for uncertainty estimates in future projections based on ensemble versus individual  RCM simulations. Plenty of open access data in databases but there is limited usability from non-experts.  Need ed for r estab ablis ishing ing a user er frien iendly dly clim imate chang hange e web applic plicat ation ion tool ol for r regio giona nal clim imat ate e  dat ata a download nload in suppo pport rt of inter ermedia ediary ry and d end d user ers.

  7. ACC – Re ACC Regional nal climat ate change e service vices Make ake use use of of hi high gh reso esolut ution on RCM RCM da data (0.11 11°) for a nu numbe ber of of Indic ndicativ ive e list of Climat ate e varia riables bles and d indic dices climate ate va variab ables es from vario arious us RCMs and and emissi ssion on scen scenarios os 1950 1950-2100 2100. data source urce: EURO-CORDEX: http://www.euro euro-cordex net/

  8. ACC – Re ACC Regional nal air quality ty servi vices ces EUFAR AR Evalua aluatio ion n of CAMS for or regiona egional l air r qualit ality serv ervic ices es 25/10 25 10/16 6 00 UTC CAMS S fore orecast t+12 12 Mod odel el ENSEMBLE LE: Hei eigh ght leve evel: sur surface ace, Param amet eter er PM PM10 10 aeroso osol [ μ g/ g/m3] Athen hens - ACTRIS Observa rvati tional l platf tforms rms NEO - ACTRIS Finok nokalia alia - ACTRIS A thorough ough eval aluat uation on of specifi fic CAMS S forecasts ts will be exploi oiting ng an intens ensive e ACC pilot ot experi erimental mental campai paign gn as well as other er regional onal obser ervati ation onal al platfor forms ms

  9. ACC – Re ACC Regional nal air quality ty servi vices ces ACC expe perim riment ntal al campaign aign for or ACC serv rvic ice evalua aluation ion and d opt ptim imiz izatio ion n – April ril 2017 17 EUFAR AR RI ACTRIS S RI ICOS OS RI

  10. En End-us user ers expr pres essing sing interest erest in the AC ACC pilot (from the results of end user survey and gap analysis) Tourism sector for dust forecasting  Meteorological agencies for dust forecasting  Civil aviation for dust forecasting  Insurance companies for Climate Change services  Agriculture sector for Climate Change services  Water river basin agencies for Climate Change services 

  11. T4.2 .2 Improve proved d Food Security rity (IFS) FS) – Water ter Extr tremes emes Manageme gement nt (WEM) EM) Soil l Spec ectra ral l Librar brary Predic ediction ion (spec pectral al based) d) mode dels ls (Tas ask 4.2 2 – IFS) S) of field eld mois istur ure e and d clay ay cont ontent nt Flood ood Fore recast Model del (Tas ask 4.2 2 – WEM) Pixe xel l by pixe xel l map on Sentin tinel l -2 2 data ta usin ing the he predictio iction models ls

  12. Concept Co pt of T4.2 .2 Generate a Regional Soil Spectral Library  Resample the models into Sentinel-2 spectral configuration  Predict soil attributes using spectral base models  Apply the models on a pixel by pixel basis on Sentinel-2 (reflectance) data to create soil  moisture and clay content maps Transfer the thematic maps to the DEWETRA platform  Apply the thematic maps into the flood models  Assess the added accuracy obtained from the suggested concept 

  13. The Connecti ction on - Output utput Layers rs Field eld mois isture ure and d clay ay cont nten ent CONTINUUM Hydro drolog logic ical mode del Input nput Lay ayer ers Out utput put Layers rs

  14. myDewetra implementation at Regional scale: Weather forecast model outputs global scale (e.g. GFS), land use/land cover maps, exposed elements (e.g. OpenStreetMap), satellite based rainfall observation (e.g. GPM, TRMM) and global scale flood risk hazard (e.g. GAR2015 hazard maps). myDewetra implementation at Basin scale:  identification basin “ test-case ” (e.g. DRIN-BUNA basin in Albania) selection of the time period for hydrological forecast (e.g. November 2016)   ingestion soil moisture and clay content maps into Continuum hydrological model run and comparison of results from hydrological modeling with and without soil  moisture and clay content maps  value added evaluation publication and sharing of the results by myDewetra and connection to GEO-  CRADLE Data Hub

  15. T4. 4.3 Ac Acces ess s to Raw Materi rials ls (AR ARM) Establishing a roadmap for long-term monitoring, mapping, and management of mineral deposits in a severely under-explored ROI. Use of existing regional capacities and skills Development of Mapping of waste Monitoring of ground protocol for materials in deformation evaluating the level abandoned mines during/after mining of impact Identification, collection, Enrichment of the assessment and use of information content of EO based and in-situ the Regional Data Hub data

  16. T4.3 3 answ swer er to the need ed defined ined by WP WP3 Five proposals on raw materials pilot projects were submitted from Greece  (two) and Cyprus (three) Selected examples of the pilot studies sites (Greece and Cyprus) present  most interesting mining and post-mining areas which are going to be analysed from the point of view applicability of the EO methods The elaborated methodologies will be the main goal of the pilot. The  elaborated EO methodologies will be useful for better management of the mining and post-mining areas and reduce their impact on the surrounding areas It is expected that the methodologies elaborated on the examples pilot site  will have a universal character and could be applied for other RoI


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