Higher areas Modeling Extrastriate Areas • Many higher areas beyond V1 Dr. James A. Bednar • Selective for jbednar@inf.ed.ac.uk faces, buildings, http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/jbednar self-motion, etc. • Not as well understood Macaque visual areas (Van Essen et al. 1992) CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 1 CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 2 What/Where streams V2 OR/DR map Typical division: Ventral stream: (Ungerleider & Mishkin 1982) “What” pathway from V1 to temporal cortex (IT) Dorsal stream: V2 cat direction map (Shmuel & Grinvald 1996) “Where” pathway • Except OD, maps found in V1 are usually also found in V2 from V1 to parietal • RFs are larger, maybe more complex (not really clear) cortex (e.g. MT) • Macaque V2 has complicated organization of thick/ thin/pale stripes selective for color, luminance, etc. CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 3 CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 4
V2 Color map MT/V5 MT has orientation maps, but the neurons are more motion and direction selective Involved in estimating optic flow (Xu et al. 2006) Neural responses in MT Xiao et al. 2003 – Macaque; 1.4 × 1.0mm have been shown to • Like V1, color preferences organized into blobs directly reflect and • Rainbow of colors per blob (Xiao et al. 2007: in V1 too?)) determine perception of • Arranged in order of human perceptual color charts (CIE/DIN) motion direction • Feeds to V4, which is also color selective (Britten et al. 1992; Salzman et al. 1990) CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 5 CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 6 Object selectivity in IT Rapid Serial Visual Presentation ak et al. 2004) (Bruce et al. 1981) oldi´ (F¨ Some cells show greater responses to faces than to other 1000s of images ( > 15% faces) presented to neuron for 55 or 110ms classes; others to hands, buildings, etc. Hard to interpret, though. CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 7 CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 8
RSVP: Face-selective neurons RSVP: Non-face-selective neurons ak et al. 2004) ak et al. 2004) oldi´ (F¨ oldi´ (F¨ • Some monkey STSa neurons show clear preferences – top 50 faces are images • Other neurons don’t make much sense at all • Response low to remaining patterns • Concern: faces are the only special category • See also Naselaris et al. (2009); mapping based on (overrepresented, aligned, blank background) semantic category for tagged images CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 9 CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 10 Parametric testing Form expertise Difficult to see e & Van Essen 2007) (Gauthier & Tarr 1997) differences in kind in responses to Macaque; (Hegd´ geometric stimuli across the hierarchy Most of the “specialness” of faces appears to be shared by other object categories requiring configural distinctions between similar examples. CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 11 CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 12
Face aftereffects Invariant tuning Higher level ventral stream cells have response properties invariant to size, viewpoint, orientation, etc. (Leopold et al. 2001) Similar to complex cells, but higher-order. E.g. can respond to face regardless of its location and across a wide range of sizes and viewpoints. Aftereffects are seemingly universal. E.g. face aftereffects: changes in identity judgments; blur/sharpness aftereffects, contrast aftereffects. . . CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 13 CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 14 Why is invariance hard? RF sizes (Rolls 1992) Simple template-based models won’t provide much invariance, but could build out of many such cells. CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 15 CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 16
VisNet Trace learning rule Layer 4 VisNet uses the trace learning rule proposed by F¨ oldi´ ak Develops neurons with (1991). Based on Hebbian rule for activity y τ and input invariant tuning x jτ : Layer 3 (Wallis & Rolls 1997) ∆ w j = αy τ x j τ (1) Assumes fixed V1 area but modified to use recent history (“trace”) of activity: Layer 2 Ignores topographic y τ x j τ ∆ w j = α ¯ (2) organization Layer 1 y = (1 − η ) y τ + η ¯ y τ − 1 ¯ (3) General technique for invariant responses? CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 17 CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 18 HMAX Koch and Itti saliency maps Top level (only) learns Attention model: view, position, size most salient invariant recognition feature attended Max (C) units: (Riesenhuber & Poggio 1999) Various feature nonlinear pooling, maps pooled at like complex cells different scales Linear (S) units: Single winner: feature templates, attended location like simple cells Inhibition of return: No clear topography enables scanning (Itti, Koch, & Niebur 1998) CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 19 CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 20
Other attention models Modeling separate streams There are a number of Face Processing other models of behavior (Dailey & Cottrell 1999) Object ?? like attention, most quite Processing complex General- Purpose Feature Decision Hard to tie individual model (Deco & Rolls 2004) Stimulus Extraction Processing Units areas to specific Mediator experimental results from those areas Slight biases are sufficient to make one stream end up Also need to include selective for faces, the other for objects superior colliculus CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 21 CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 22 More complexities Summary Need to include eye movements, fovea/periphery. • Need to include many areas besides V1 • Complexity and lack of data are serious problems At higher levels, neurons become multisensory. • Eventually: situated, embodied models Eventually, realistic models will need to include auditory areas, touch areas, etc. • May be useful to focus on species with just V1 or a few areas before trying to tackle whole visual hierarchy Feedback from motor areas is also more important at higher levels. • Lots of work to do Training data for such models will likely be harder to make than building a robot – will need embodied models. CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 23 CNV Spring 2012: Extrastriate models 24
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