how to win minds and hearts of serbian consumers

How to win minds and hearts of Serbian consumers? Prof. dr Tamara - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

How to win minds and hearts of Serbian consumers? Prof. dr Tamara Vlastelica 1 2 3 Back to Basics for Status Shoppers are searching for authentic products and experiences, moving away from overt materialism to simplicity as well as from

  1. How to win minds and hearts of Serbian consumers? Prof. dr Tamara Vlastelica 1

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  4. Back to Basics for Status  Shoppers are searching for authentic products and experiences, moving away from overt materialism to simplicity as well as from generic to higher quality products. Conscious Consumer  What used to be the domain of ethically-positioned, niche producers is now being embraced by conventional companies through higher welfare products. Everyone’s an Expert  Whereas previously shoppers relied on a certain brand or information source, now companies must constantly innovate to entice more inquisitive shoppers. I Can Look After Myself  As people become more self-sufficient, they take preventative measures against illness, unhappiness and discomfort without consulting a professional 4

  5.  Shoppers spend twice as long in supermarkets as they did ten years ago because they want to find the best deals. 5


  7. PREFERED CONTENT OF QUALITY LABELS IN SERBIA Garantuje bolji kvalitet hrane 59% Garantuje prirodne sastojke 37% Garantuje da nisu u pitanju GMO proizvodi 36% Garantuje da nema aditiva (konzervansi, arome, i sl.) 33% Garantuje da postoji kontrola kvaliteta od strane neke 33% institucije/organizacije Garantuje bolji ukus 30% Garantuje da je u pitanju organski proizvod 18% Garantuje da proizvod proizveden od mesa iz Srbije 13% Garantuje očuvanje prirodnih resursa prilikom proizvodnje 9% hrane Garantuje oslanjanje na tradicionalne recepte za 8% proizvodnju hrane Proizvedeno sa sastojcima koji su peoizvedeni u Srbiji 8% Garantuje očuvanje srpskog gastronomskog nasleđa (srpsko 6% nasleđe vezano za hranu/proizvodnju hrane) Garantuje poreklo proizvoda iz određenog regiona 5% Garantuje male proizvođačke jedinice ili proizvodnju u 4% domaćinstvu Garantuje da proizvođač hrane podržava život u 3% marginalizovanim područjima 7

  8. How much more would you be willing to pay? Are you willing to pay more for products with quality label? Do 5% više 37% 5% do 10% 36% više Ne 41% Da 10% do 15% 14% 59% više 15% do 20% 9% više Preko 20% 4% više 8

  9. WHO SHOULD GUARANTEE THAT THE CLAIMS ON THE LABEL ARE TRUE? Uopšte ne bih imao poverenja 2 3 4 Imao bih apsolutno poverenje Oznaka kvaliteta na prehrambenim proizvodima koju 4% 5% 16% 26% 49% garantuje država Oznaka kvaliteta na prehrambenim proizvodima koju 5% 5% 16% 27% 48% garantuje udruženje proizvođača ili prerađivača Oznaka kvaliteta na prehrambenim proizvodima koju garantuje neko drugo telo - nezavisno sertifikaciono telo 10% 8% 23% 28% 32% (SGS, Eurocert, TÜV, i sl.) Oznaka kvaliteta na prehrambenim proizvodima koju 13% 10% 24% 24% 29% garantuju EU institucije 9


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  13. MEDIA CONSUMPTION  Serbian citizens have low levels of trust in the media. Indeed, Serbia is one of four countries in Europe in which less than half the citizens trusts the media .  Citizens have the least trust in the print , while having the most trust in TV and online media according to the research of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) for 2018.  Although the level of trust is low, Serbian citizens still follow television programming most regularly.  Data from the IPSOS Strategic Marketing Agency shows that: – over 6 million people in Serbia watch TV, – 3.6 million listen to radio, – the internet is used by 4.8 million people, – daily printed press is bought by 1.5 million people – magazines by 2.5 million. 13

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  16.  The best media tool for the general awareness raising campaign is paid TV advertising.  Given the extremely high cost of this type of promotion, the most cost-effective media mix for promoting quality labels is: 1. In store promotion 2. Publicity 3. Digital campaign focused on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter 4. Paid articles, interviews and stories published in carefully selected daily newspaper and magazines 4. Organized events for the target groups that would be covered by specialized media 5. Orchestrated campaign with food bloggers and other social media influencers. 16


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