How to Share a Lattice Trapdoor: Threshold Protocols for Signatures and (H)IBE Rikke Bendlin, Sara Krehbiel , Chris Peikert Georgia Institute of Technology June 26, 2013 ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 1/11
Threshold Cryptography Setting: A crypto task can be performed securely and correctly with ≥ h honest and ≤ t corrupted of ℓ total parties. ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 2/11
Threshold Cryptography Setting: A crypto task can be performed securely and correctly with ≥ h honest and ≤ t corrupted of ℓ total parties. Digital signature scheme: ◮ KeyGen �→ sk to a privileged party, publish vk ◮ Sign ( µ, sk ) �→ σ ◮ Verify ( µ, σ, vk ) �→ accept or reject Properties: ⋆ Correctness: Verify accepts ( µ, σ ) from Sign. ⋆ Unforgeability: infeasible to sign µ without sk . ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 2/11
Threshold Cryptography Setting: A crypto task can be performed securely and correctly with ≥ h honest and ≤ t corrupted of ℓ total parties. Threshold signatures: ◮ KeyGen �→ � sk � i to each party i , publish vk � s � i is i ’s share of secret s ◮ Sign ( µ, � sk � i from ≥ h honest parties ) �→ σ (e.g. [Shamir’79]) ◮ Verify ( µ, σ, vk ) �→ accept or reject Properties: ⋆ Correctness: Verify accepts ( µ, σ ) from Sign. ⋆ Unforgeability: infeasible to sign µ without sk . ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 2/11
Threshold Cryptography Setting: A crypto task can be performed securely and correctly with ≥ h honest and ≤ t corrupted of ℓ total parties. Threshold signatures: ◮ KeyGen �→ � sk � i to each party i , publish vk � s � i is i ’s share of secret s ◮ Sign ( µ, � sk � i from ≥ h honest parties ) �→ σ (e.g. [Shamir’79]) ◮ Verify ( µ, σ, vk ) �→ accept or reject Properties: ⋆ Correctness: Verify accepts ( µ, σ ) from Sign. ⋆ Unforgeability: infeasible to sign µ with ≤ t shares of sk . ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 2/11
Threshold Cryptography Setting: A crypto task can be performed securely and correctly with ≥ h honest and ≤ t corrupted of ℓ total parties. Threshold signatures: ◮ KeyGen �→ � sk � i to each party i , publish vk � s � i is i ’s share of secret s ◮ Sign ( µ, � sk � i from ≥ h honest parties ) �→ σ (e.g. [Shamir’79]) ◮ Verify ( µ, σ, vk ) �→ accept or reject Properties: ⋆ Correctness: Verify accepts ( µ, σ ) from Sign. ⋆ Unforgeability: infeasible to sign µ with ≤ t shares of sk . ⋆ Threshold efficiency: • Verify runtime and vk size independent of ℓ • Efficient and minimally interactive Sign (not general MPC!) ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 2/11
Threshold Versions of Classical Cryptoschemes ◮ Variants of ElGamal ◮ Canetti-Goldwasser ’98 version of Cramer-Shoup ’98 ◮ Shoup ’00 version of RSA ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 3/11
Threshold Versions of Classical Cryptoschemes ◮ Variants of ElGamal ◮ Canetti-Goldwasser ’98 version of Cramer-Shoup ’98 ◮ Shoup ’00 version of RSA ◮ All broken by the quantum algorithm of Shor ’97. ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 3/11
Threshold Versions of Classical Cryptoschemes ◮ Variants of ElGamal ◮ Canetti-Goldwasser ’98 version of Cramer-Shoup ’98 ◮ Shoup ’00 version of RSA ◮ All broken by the quantum algorithm of Shor ’97. ◮ Lattices for the post-quantum world... (Image courtesy ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 3/11
The GPV Schemes [GentryPeikertVaikuntanathan’08] GPV Signatures: ◮ KeyGen (1 n ) : ⋆ sk = R , vk = unif A ∈ Z n × m with trapdoor R . q ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 4/11
The GPV Schemes [GentryPeikertVaikuntanathan’08] GPV Signatures: ◮ KeyGen (1 n ) : ⋆ sk = R , vk = unif A ∈ Z n × m with trapdoor R . q ◮ Sign ( sk, µ ) : ⋆ Sample x ∈ Z m q : Ax = H ( µ ) ∈ Z n q . (Image courtesy ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 4/11
The GPV Schemes [GentryPeikertVaikuntanathan’08] GPV Signatures: ◮ KeyGen (1 n ) : ⋆ sk = R , vk = unif A ∈ Z n × m with trapdoor R . q ◮ Sign ( sk, µ ) : ⋆ Sample x ∈ Z m q : Ax = H ( µ ) ∈ Z n q . ◮ Verify ( vk, µ, x ) : ⋆ Accept iff x is short and Ax = H ( µ ) . (Image courtesy ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 4/11
The GPV Schemes [GentryPeikertVaikuntanathan’08] GPV Signatures: ◮ KeyGen (1 n ) : ⋆ sk = R , vk = unif A ∈ Z n × m with trapdoor R . q ◮ Sign ( sk, µ ) : ⋆ Sample x ∈ Z m q : Ax = H ( µ ) ∈ Z n q . ◮ Verify ( vk, µ, x ) : ⋆ Accept iff x is short and Ax = H ( µ ) . IBE using sampling for key extraction [GPV’08] HIBE using trapdoor delegation [CHKP’10] ABE, group signatures, . . . [AFV’11, GKV’10] (Image courtesy ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 4/11
Threshold Lattice-Based Schemes Challenges: ◮ Complex early KeyGen algorithms [Ajtai’99, AlwenPeikert’09] ◮ GPV sampling involves adaptive iterations ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 5/11
Threshold Lattice-Based Schemes Challenges: ◮ Complex early KeyGen algorithms [Ajtai’99, AlwenPeikert’09] ◮ GPV sampling involves adaptive iterations Prior work: ◮ Encryption [BD’10, MSs’11, XXZ’11] ◮ Signatures [CLRS’10, FGM’10] ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 5/11
Contribution Threshold Protocols: trapdoor generation, discrete Gaussian sampling, and trapdoor delegation = ⇒ lattice-based threshold signatures and (H)IBE Properties: ◮ Information-theoretic security ◮ Optimal thresholds ◮ Efficiency/security params independent of # parties ◮ Inefficiency/interactivity limited to offline phase ⋆ Offline phase: computation at keygen time ⋆ Online phase: computation once syndrome is known ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 6/11
New Lattice Trapdoors [MicciancioPeikert’12] ◮ Trapdoor can be a short basis [GGH’97, GPV’08] ◮ Improved efficiency with trapdoor based on public gadget G [MP’12] ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 7/11
New Lattice Trapdoors [MicciancioPeikert’12] ◮ Trapdoor can be a short basis [GGH’97, GPV’08] ◮ Improved efficiency with trapdoor based on public gadget G [MP’12] Definition Short R is a trapdoor for A if AR = G . ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 7/11
New Lattice Trapdoors [MicciancioPeikert’12] ◮ Trapdoor can be a short basis [GGH’97, GPV’08] ◮ Improved efficiency with trapdoor based on public gadget G [MP’12] Definition Short R is a trapdoor for A if AR = G . ◮ Key Generation: ⋆ Sample uniform ¯ A and random short ¯ R . � ¯ ⋆ Output A = [ ¯ A | G − ¯ A ¯ � R ] and R = R . I ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 7/11
New Lattice Trapdoors [MicciancioPeikert’12] ◮ Trapdoor can be a short basis [GGH’97, GPV’08] ◮ Improved efficiency with trapdoor based on public gadget G [MP’12] Definition Short R is a trapdoor for A if AR = G . ◮ Key Generation: ⋆ Sample uniform ¯ A and random short ¯ R . � ¯ ⋆ Output A = [ ¯ A | G − ¯ A ¯ � R ] and R = R . I ◮ Given u , how to sample short Gaussian x with Ax = u using R ? ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 7/11
The Convolution Approach for Sampling [P’10, MP’12] Given A , R , and u , sample short Gaussian x with Ax = u . ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 8/11
The Convolution Approach for Sampling [P’10, MP’12] Given A , R , and u , sample short Gaussian x with Ax = u . ◮ Easy to sample short z with Gz = A ( Rz ) = u . ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 8/11
The Convolution Approach for Sampling [P’10, MP’12] Given A , R , and u , sample short Gaussian x with Ax = u . ◮ Easy to sample short z with Gz = A ( Rz ) = u ; but Rz is skewed. ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 8/11
The Convolution Approach for Sampling [P’10, MP’12] Given A , R , and u , sample short Gaussian x with Ax = u . ◮ Easy to sample short z with Gz = A ( Rz ) = u ; but Rz is skewed. ◮ Convolution lemma [P’10] : covariance and syndrome are additive = ⇒ add p from a different skewed Gaussian. ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 8/11
The Convolution Approach for Sampling [P’10, MP’12] Given A , R , and u , sample short Gaussian x with Ax = u . ◮ Easy to sample short z with Gz = A ( Rz ) = u ; but Rz is skewed. ◮ Convolution lemma [P’10] : covariance and syndrome are additive = ⇒ add p from a different skewed Gaussian. Standalone sample algorithm: ◮ Offline: Sample p , store with w = Ap . ◮ Online: Given u , sample z with Gz = u − w . Output x = p + Rz . ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 8/11
Sampling in a Threshold Setting Given A , R , and u , sample short Gaussian x with Ax = u . Offline: ◮ Threshold sample shares of p and store with public w = Ap . ◮ Threshold sample and store shares of syndrome correction data. Online: (party i ) ◮ Retrieve � p � i and w . ◮ Assemble � Rz � i for Gaussian z with Gz = u − w . ◮ Broadcast � x � i = � p � i + � Rz � i and reconstruct x . ACNS 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada 9/11
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