how to print organ how to print organ

How to print organ? How to print organ? Vladimir Mironov MD, PhD - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

How to print organ? How to print organ? Vladimir Mironov MD, PhD Vladimir Mironov MD, PhD Director of Director of MUSC Bioprinting Bioprinting Center Center MUSC Medical University of South Carolina Medical University of South Carolina

  1. How to print organ? How to print organ? Vladimir Mironov MD, PhD Vladimir Mironov MD, PhD Director of Director of MUSC Bioprinting Bioprinting Center Center MUSC Medical University of South Carolina Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, South Carolina, USA Charleston, South Carolina, USA

  2. Kidney price: $30,000.00 .00 Kidney price: $30,

  3. Tissue assembly technologies Tissue assembly technologies 1. Rolling 1. Rolling 2. Embedding 2. Embedding 3. Seeding 3. Seeding

  4. How to print organ? How to print organ? Part I. Part I. Engineering Engineering aspects aspects

  5. What is organ printing? What is organ printing? Automatic computer- -aided aided Automatic computer layer by layer deposition of of layer by layer deposition living and biologically relevant living and biologically relevant materials with purpose of rapid materials with purpose of rapid manufacturing of functional manufacturing of functional human organ human organ

  6. Computer- -assisted assisted Computer prototype polymer scaffold printing prototype polymer scaffold printing Therics Inc, NJ, USA Inc, NJ, USA Therics Rapid prototyping technology Rapid prototyping technology

  7. Organ printing technology Organ printing technology nScript Inc.(Sciperio Inc.(Sciperio), USA ), USA nScript Organ printing technology Organ printing technology

  8. Three Main Steps in Three Main Steps in Organ Printing Technology Organ Printing Technology 1. Preprocessing 1. Preprocessing (CAD, blueprints, preconditioning) (CAD, blueprints, preconditioning) 2. Processing 2. Processing (actual printing, solidification) (actual printing, solidification) 3. Postprocessing Postprocessing 3. (perfusion, postconditioning postconditioning, , (perfusion, accelerated tissue maturation) accelerated tissue maturation)

  9. How to print organ? How to print organ? 1. Preprocessing 1. Preprocessing (CAD, blueprints, preconditioning) (CAD, blueprints, preconditioning)

  10. Blueprint for Heart Blueprint for Heart

  11. Blueprints for Vasculature Blueprints for Vasculature

  12. Blueprint for Vasculature Blueprint for Vasculature According to TissueInformatics, Inc.

  13. Blueprint for Vasculature Blueprint for Vasculature

  14. Blueprint for Vasculature Blueprint for Vasculature (from R. Karch et al., 1999, 2000)

  15. How to print organ? How to print organ? 2. Processing 2. Processing (actual printing, solidification) (actual printing, solidification)

  16. Bioprinter is probably not a big problem ... is probably not a big problem ... Bioprinter Therics Envisiontech Therics Envisiontech Sciperio Sciperio Sandia NL NL Sandia Canon, Epson, Canon, Epson, HP, Lexmark HP, Lexmark Neatco Neatco

  17. Neatco Inc. Canada Inc. Canada Neatco

  18. Methods of Dispensing Methods of Dispensing

  19. Modeling of Printed Vascular Unit Modeling of Printed Vascular Unit V A Sometimes modeling Sometimes modeling is not a bad idea... is not a bad idea...

  20. Roadmap for organ printing Roadmap for organ printing

  21. How to print organ? How to print organ? 3. Postprocessing 3. Postprocessing (perfusion, accelerated tissue maturation, (perfusion, accelerated tissue maturation, postconditioning) ) postconditioning

  22. Perfusion bioreactor Perfusion bioreactor

  23. …one of “Six technologies that will change the world” one of “Six technologies that will change the world” … …at least according to magazine “Business -2.0”

  24. Organ Printing Technology Organ Printing Technology Printing of living organs Printing of living organs will be another pioneering will be another pioneering step in the history of science, step in the history of science, technology and civilization technology and civilization

  25. Bioprinting in 2024 in 2024 Bioprinting Here is what Michael Dell ( Dell Inc ) said in his speech at Hitotsubashi University, Japan (24 May 2004): (Micheal Dell started his company when he was 19 years old student with only $1,000 cash. 20 years later Dell Inc is one of fastest growing $50bln company with $14bln cash) Question: "How could you imagine yourself, your company in 2024?" Michael Dell’s answer: ”… I think certainly by the time there will be a whole new industry as you combine the physical sciences and the biological sciences and we don't quite know what that will look like, but I think it's an incredible opportunity to change medicine and health. That brings me back to what I started to study in college, to be a doctor”.

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