how to implement faas in

How to Implement FaaS in Lingxian Kong OpenStack for Public Cloud - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

How to Implement FaaS in Lingxian Kong OpenStack for Public Cloud OpenStack Vancouver Summit 1 Agenda Qinling - Why another FaaS project? Design&Implementation challenges Demo 2 Why FaaS 3 Projects/Products/Platforms 4

  1. How to Implement FaaS in Lingxian Kong OpenStack for Public Cloud OpenStack Vancouver Summit 1

  2. Agenda ❖ Qinling - Why another FaaS project? ❖ Design&Implementation challenges ❖ Demo 2

  3. Why FaaS 3

  4. Projects/Products/Platforms 4

  5. Function execution flow in Qinling RUNNING initialize authentication qinling-api execution status SUCCESS authorization Database FAIL Keystone update qinling-engine execution status download function package Orchestrator(k8s, swarm, etc.) execute function ... runtime sidecar runtime sidecar runtime sidecar worker1 worker2 workerN 5

  6. Qinling - FaaS in OpenStack ❖ VM? Container? ❖ Autoscaling ❖ Security ❖ OpenStack matters ❖ Orchestration tooling ❖ ...... 6

  7. Where the function is running ❖ Container orchestrator, Kubernetes ❖ Kubernetes cluster on top of VMs(Magnum) 7

  8. How the function execution scales ❖ Request rate/container load/ container IO... ❖ Limit the concurrency ❖ Re-use the orchestrator autoscale ability ❖ Scale up/scale down API 8

  9. Function can not be trusted ❖ Be cautious to support image type functions ❖ Container has its own weakness(Enforce Least Privileges) ❖ Kubernetes RBAC/Resource Quota/Network Policy/Pod Security ❖ Container isolation with virtualization ❖ Will Kata containers/gVisor save the world? 9

  10. Function execution monitoring/debugging ❖ Monitoring CPU & memory usage ❖ Function execution counts ❖ Code level performance ❖ 3rd party APMs: X-Ray for AWS Lambda, Retrace for Azure Functions, IBM Cloud shell for IBM Cloud Functions... ❖ Running and debugging function locally 10

  11. Qinling is part of OpenStack ❖ Mistral ❖ Aodh ❖ Swift ❖ Magnum 11

  12. ❖ Function execution autoscaling ❖ Function versioning 12

  13. Are we done yet? ❖ Logs/Billing ❖ Event standardization ❖ Stateful functions ❖ Function orchestration ❖ ... 13

  14. Get involved in Qinling ❖ IRC: #openstack-qinling (@lxkong) ❖ StoryBoard:!/project/927 ❖ Doc: Qinling - Project Update Qinling - Project Onboarding 10:15am-10:35am 11:00am-11:40am Level Two - Room 212 Level Two - Room 223 14


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