how to get open data in the hands of activists


HOW TO GET OPEN DATA IN THE HANDS OF ACTIVISTS Aslam Khan @aslamkhn Activism Open Data Aslam Khan / @aslamkhn Activist by default if you lived on the receiving end of apartheid in South Africa 1977 1985 1986 1988 1993 8y 16 17 19


  2. Activism Open Data Aslam Khan / @aslamkhn

  3. Activist by default if you lived on the receiving end of apartheid in South Africa 1977 1985 1986 1988 1993 8y 16 17 19 23 State of Brink of School Detention Worker & Emer gency Civil War Protest without trial Student Pressure

  4. Would data have been valuable to me - in both eras? 1969 2013 1992 s 23 years r a e y 1 2 born now 22 I want to believe so but I'm not sure

  5. This is Cape Town, South Africa Khayelitsha

  6. This is Khayelitsha, Cape Town It means New Home in isiXhosa

  7. satellite dish

  8. There is (almost) no bulk sewage chemical toilet ditto ditto

  9. People protested using the most shocking means imaginable source:

  10. More Importantly... Why did nearly 4 million residents of Cape T own not know about this issue? How wide spread is this problem? Why did we let this degrade into a battle for political points?

  11. because it was just noisy people (perception!)

  12. Look at the data behind the protest This touches the mind first, then the heart (a little) Everyone in Denmark Khayelitsha will live into about 400 not 43k 29 400,00 people 13.7k people/ all figures are approximate 2000 people share eleven flush toilets

  13. Facts stick when it touches hearts make it concrete and tangible so that it appeals to everyone, not just the disenfranchised On average, Khayelitsha toilets are used every 8 minutes so that each person can use a flush toilet once a day 25km Durbanville 27 55,000 people Khayelitsha 2,000 people/ 29 1 flush toilet per house 400,00 people 4 people per flush toilet 13.7k people/ 180 people per flush toilet

  14. Where did I find these facts? There is data available, but it is scattered, and not all open data Statistics South Africa Report of the Khayelitsha 'Mshengu' T oilet Social Audit Open Data for Africa Wikipedia various news web sites

  15. What would we do differently if we had access to data?

  16. Offering data to social activists has little value We need to distill data into facts that are simple, precise and easily understood that appeals to hearts and minds

  17. common open data knowledge freedom to discover freedom to distribute Digital activists Social activists need to discover need to share we need tools to we need tools to access discoveries discover facts in data and distribute widely and publish discoveries

  18. What tools do digital activists need? Digital activists do not need campaign tools open data freedom to discover frictionless sharing of data sets ability to "mix-in" and explore varied data sets location independence of data sets

  19. Pre-requisites Normally codified in licenses software freedoms data freedoms freedom to execute and modify free to access, reuse, redistribute freedom to distribute available as a whole freedom to share changes machine readable

  20. What tools do digital activists need? Digital activists do not need campaign tools open data freedom to discover frictionless sharing of data sets ability to "mix-in" and explore varied data sets location independence of data sets

  21. Frictionless Data Sharing Lowest common open data standards based denominator standards allow for simplest machine readable richly adorned data sets formats are anemic Must provide When/How do we The constraint is metadata early get metadata? meta data

  22. context semantics definition Meta Concept Data domain variables classification

  23. Why metadata is the biggest constraint mostly because of changes in context and time Can we compare poverty between countries? multiple definitions of metadata poverty poverty threshold US Census Bureau UNESCO WHO World Bank South Africa adjustment for Sub-Sahara and medium income economies

  24. No metadata, No analysis Can we compare poverty between countries? metadata poverty It's difficult to compare because the metadata is different for each country BUT without metadata it is impossible

  25. The problem with a strict standard format The problem with any standard is that compliance is a choice HIGH cost of conformance HIGH barrier to get in But the cost of metadata remains, regardless of compliance

  26. Frictionless Data Sharing I doubt we can ever remove the cost of metadata completely simplest machine simplest extensible open data readable format format for for data metadata Open Knowledge Foundation's Data P ackage Standard is a step in the right direction JSON for metadata + CSV for tabular data

  27. What tools do digital activists need? Digital activists do not need campaign tools open data freedom to discover frictionless sharing of data sets ability to "mix-in" and explore varied data sets location independence of data sets

  28. Why do we need data exploration tools? LOW barrier to get in (frictionless data sharing) constraint shifts What is the effort to get knowledge out? Cost of computation (analysis)

  29. Why do we need to compose data sets? because that is where the interesting and relevant facts lurk When is per capita income interesting? Correlation between … between parent to infant mortality and child HIV infections and per capita income? per capita income? Digital activists are in the business of data science - not campaigning

  30. What do we need for discovering facts? treat every column Split into individual columns and as a data set compose columns ad-lib & remove all duplications Find all other occurrences of a in every column and single value join on “value” how?!? I DON’T KNOW Set-based? Graph-based? something else? if we make the above easy then then look for trends the cost is mental effort

  31. Is there such a data discovery tool? QlikView fails freedom pre-requisites

  32. What tools do digital activists need? Digital activists do not need campaign tools open data freedom to discover frictionless sharing of data sets ability to "mix-in" and explore varied data sets location independence of data sets

  33. Why do we need location independence? for the same reason that bit torrent is popular “ Peer-to-peer software, if we could make it work, would seem to give the best of both worlds: the freedom to modify how a program functions on our local computers as well as the ability to share and collaborate with others across the Internet. -- Aaron Swartz A Programable Web: An Unfinished Work

  34. The attraction of peer to peer but I think we need a more research to make this work the publisher is relieved of the burden to share distribution is the responsibility of those that want it we get location independence for free

  35. To turn Open Data into Common Knowledge so that we can spend our effort almost exclusively on the mental (analysis) battle simple data format lower the cost of participation extensible meta data format compose into new data sets lower the cost of discovery compute power to discover peer to peer lower the cost of sharing distribution

  36. What tools do social activists need? Social activists also need tools for campaigning common knowledge freedom to distribute knowledge close at hand ability to reach people ability to receive feedback

  37. Reminder this applies regardless of scale - from few to thousands to millions of people activism is a call for a gathering of people to exert pressure for (social, political, environmental, economic) change

  38. Most commonly... to stop exploitation (in other words) to alleviate under-development under-development is the result of unfair agreements for access to resources

  39. Activism is an effort to ... …establish new relationships. A balancing via fair and equal agreements

  40. What tools do social activists need? Social activists also need tools for campaigning common knowledge freedom to distribute knowledge close at hand ability to reach people ability to receive feedback

  41. How can we make knowledge accessible? overlaps with location independence for digital activists federated wikis is an interesting development Wiki is centralised with many editors Federated wiki belongs to a single person Sharing is achieved between wikis

  42. What tools do social activists need? Social activists also need tools for campaigning common knowledge freedom to distribute knowledge close at hand ability to reach people ability to receive feedback

  43. How can we reach people? this is not about about twitter and social media NOT shotgun marketing lots of marketing V ery specific and tar geted messages strategy involved It can be private too! Awareness is the first stage of involvement for activists

  44. What tools do social activists need? Social activists also need tools for campaigning common knowledge freedom to distribute knowledge close at hand ability to reach people ability to receive feedback


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