walk hands in hands toward an information era shaping a

Walk hands in hands toward an information era: Shaping a peaceful, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Walk hands in hands toward an information era: Shaping a peaceful, secure, open and cooperative cyberspace LI Chijiang Director of Office for Cyber Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China Roles of les of Sta States in Cyber es in

  1. Walk hands in hands toward an information era: Shaping a peaceful, secure, open and cooperative cyberspace LI Chijiang Director of Office for Cyber Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China

  2. Roles of les of Sta States in Cyber es in Cyberspace pace the peace keeper the inheritor of cyber sovereignty the equal participant of the global governance on Internet the facilitator of international cooperation

  3. How to pr How to promote and ensur omote and ensure the the Role of le of the Sta the State in e in Cyberspace Cyber pace Top Priority: norms of behavior international norms of responsible States' behaviour deemed as the cornerstone the proposal on table: a draft of International Code of Conduct for Information Security (A/66/359) put forward by SCO members in 2011 UN as the Major Platform The United Nations should play the leading role.

  4. Priorities of Priorities of ARF countries ARF countries on c on cyber cooper ber cooperation ion Formulate regional code of conduct in cyberspace ASAP, which should not be neglected in the ARF work plan under discussion. Strengthen the pragmatic cooperation of mutual benefits. Assist developing countries in capacity- building on cyber security.


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