how to generate insight using text network analysis

How to Generate Insight Using Text Network Analysis Dmitry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

How to Generate Insight Using Text Network Analysis Dmitry Paranyushkin 1. Cognitive Network Protocol (draft proposal) data packet the moon is white timestamp sender receiver type: RELATED_TO (:TO) timestamp: ymdhmsms

  1. How to Generate Insight Using 
 Text Network Analysis Dmitry Paranyushkin

  2. 1. Cognitive Network Protocol 
 (draft proposal)

  3. data packet “the moon is white” timestamp sender receiver

  4. type: RELATED_TO (:TO) 
 timestamp: ymdhmsms 
 user: #ID 
 context: #ID 
 statement: #ID type: IN_STATEMENT (:OF) type: IN_STATEMENT (:OF) moon white the moon is white

  5. black :TO :OF :TO moon white OF: OF: the moon is white and black

  6. user #1 black :BY :BY :TO :BY :BY :OF :TO moon white OF: OF: the moon is white and black

  7. round the moon 
 is round :OF :TO :OF moon

  8. round black the moon 
 is round :OF :TO :TO :OF :OF :TO moon white :OF :OF the moon is white and black

  9. dangerous round moon is 
 round black black moon 
 is round and 
 dangerous moon white moon is white and black

  10. context: 
 user #1 :BY moon studies black :AT :BY :AT :BY :AT :TO :BY :AT :BY :OF :TO moon white OF: OF: “the moon is white and black”

  11. 2. How to Generate Insight

  12. moon cluster 1: the moon is white and round round white

  13. cluster 2: the moon rotates around the earth moon cluster 1: the moon is white and round rotates round earth white

  14. moon rotates round earth

  15. moon rotates round earth

  16. moon rotates round sun earth

  17. cluster 2: the moon rotates around the earth moon cluster 3: the earth rotates around the sun cluster 1: the moon is white and round rotates round sun earth white

  18. cluster 2: the moon rotates around the earth moon cluster 3: the earth rotates around the sun cluster 1: the moon is white and round rotates round sun earth white structural gap = novel ideas the structural gap between clusters 1 & 3 = opportunity for a discovery: 
 “is the sun [3] somehow connected to the fact that the moon is round and white? [1]”

  19. cluster 2: celestial bodies moon cluster 1: qualities round rotates sun earth white

  20. cluster 2: celestial bodies moon cluster 1: qualities round sun earth white astrology

  21. dangerous sun round i black like come moon white night context: text see

  22. F F = m * a m a m * a

  23. F F = m * a dt m a dv / dt dv m * a a = dv / dt

  24. 3. Real-Life Case Study

  25. case study: text network analysis using open-source infranodus tool


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