How do you chew? I need to eat I need to break I want to eat down hard grains tough foods that EVERYTHING! and seeds... but I other animals can’t don’t have any teeth! digest.
How does a cow eat? They have special stomachs with four parts. Once the food has been swallowed and mixed with digestive juices the cow brings it back up to her mouth and gives it another chew! Grass and hay are diffjcult to digest. Humans can’t eat them... but cows can! • Cows have a strong, rough tongue for ripping up grass. • Instead of upper teeth they have a tough pad of gums to help grab hold of grass. • Their teeth are large and fmat for chewing. They are always growing so they never get worn away.
How does a chicken eat? Chickens need to break down hard seeds and grains before they can digest them. Inside the body a special organ called Their beaks are perfectly shaped for a gizzard squeezes picking up food but they can’t chew it! the food and stones together to break it down, ready to be digested. As she’s looking for food the hen also swallows tiny stones and pieces of grit.
How does a human eat? Humans are omnivores : we eat vegetables, fruit, meat, and grains. We have different kinds We just have of teeth to eat a a single variety of foods. stomach to digest our food! Molars for Incisors for Canines for holding chewing and grinding biting and tearing
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