how do earmarked funds change the geographical allocation

How do earmarked funds change the geographical allocation of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

How do earmarked funds change the geographical allocation of multilateral assistance? Laurent Wagner Sminaire sur les canaux dacheminement de laide: bilatral, multilatral et fonds flchs Agence Franaise de Dveloppement 24

  1. How do earmarked funds change the geographical allocation of multilateral assistance? Laurent Wagner Séminaire sur les canaux d’acheminement de l’aide: bilatéral, multilatéral et fonds fléchés Agence Française de Développement 24 Mars 2016

  2. Outline: I - Geographical allocation of trust funds: Where do we stand? II - Geographical allocation explained: how the allocation models differ? 2.1 Multi-bi aid in Multilateral Development Banks 2.2 IDA trust funds vs IDA PBA

  3. I - Geographical allocation of trust funds: Where do we stand? • The behavior of bilateral donors and international financial institutions has changed over the last 10 years. Figure 1: Multi-bi aid by multilateral donors between 2000 and 2012 12000 Multi-bi aid in milion of constant US$ 10000 8000 Others EU 6000 RDB 4000 WB UN 2000 0 Source : Author’s calculation based on Eichenauer and Reinsberg (2015) data Note: EU=European Union; RDB=Regional development Banks; WB= The World Bank Group; UN=United nations agencies • While still marginal in the early 2000s, multi-bi aid is now a major cooperation instrument for many donors.

  4. I - Geographical allocation of trust funds: Where do we stand? • Disbursements in Sub-saharan Africa (48%) and South Asia (24%) represents almost three quarters of total disbursements between 2008 and 2012. Figure 2: Geographic allocation of multi-bi aid over 2008-2012 3% 7% East Asia & Pacific 6% Europe & Central Asia 48% Latin America & Carribean 12% Middle East & Central Asia South Asia 24% Sub-Saharan Africa Figure 3: Geographic allocation of multi-bi aid over 2008-2012 Multi-bi Aid in million constant US$ Sum over 2008-2012 • 12 countries combined receive more than 60% of total multi-bi aid. (Afghanistan, Sudan, Ethiopia, West Bank and Gaza, Pakistan, Congo Republic, Somalia, Kenya, Bangladesh, Iraq, Haiti, Zimbabwe).

  5. I - Geographical allocation of trust funds: Where do we stand? • Emergency response accounted for 40% of total multi-bi aid over the period 2008-2012. Figure 5: Multi-bi aid by sector between 2008 and 2012 (in millions of constant US$) 6000 18939,5 US$ millions 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Note: The figure has been cropped for clarity.

  6. I - Geographical allocation of trust funds: Where do we stand? • Significant correlations between the amounts of multi-bi aid disbursed over the period 2008-2012 and either the number of casualties due to internal conflicts or the number of people affected by natural disasters. Figure 4: Correlates of the geographical allocation of multi-bi aid over 2008-2012 Internal conflict casualties Number of affected by natural disasters Positive values only - Sum over 2008-2012 Positive values only - Sum over 2008-2012 8000 8000 AFG AFG 6000 6000 Bi-multi Aid per capita in US$ Bi-multi Aid per capita in US$ 4000 4000 SDN SDN ETH ETH PAK PAK 2000 2000 SOM SOM KEN HTI ZWE BGD IRQ IRQ TCD TCD NGA NGA MMR IDN UGA MMR LBR UGA NER NER LKA CMR LKA YEM SYR YEM UKR SYR NPL MOZ TZA VNM COL PHL COL PHL BDI BDI KHM MLI MLI SLE MWI CIV EGY CIV GUY BIH CAF CAF RWA GEO LAO ZMB SEN RWA IND GHA NIC SEN MDG BFA GTM IND AGO LBY PRK HND KGZ AGO TJK MRT CHN PER MDA SLB DZA PNG ALB ERI LSO MRT BOL BEN PER BRA THA CHN ZAR THA ZAF DZA TUN UZB SWZ GNB IRN KAZ TGO GIN DJI CRICUB MAR SLV ECU MNG ZAF MEX 0 IRN TUR 0 KIR DMA MHL BLR MDV TON BRB HRV VCT SUR ATG BWA URY BLZ WSM BTN CPV COM VUT MYS GAB LCA PAN FJI VEN TUR AZE JAM GMB ARG DOM NAM PRY CHL 10 12 14 16 18 10 15 20 25 30 Conflict casualties (in logarithm) Total affected (in logarithm) Notes: West Bank Gaza and Republic of Congo were dropped for clarity sakes Source : Author’s calculation based on Eichenauer and Reinsberg (2015) data, Prio and EM-DAT

  7. I - Geographical allocation of trust funds: Where do we stand? • While allocations rules for non-sector allocable multi-bi aid in many organization is certainly dominated by emergency response mostly disregarding classic aid allocation criteria, the same shouldn’t apply to sector allocable multi-bi aid. Figure 7: Evolution of Multi-bi sector allocable aid between 2000 and 2012 6000 Multi-bi sector allocable aid in 5000 constant US$ millions 4000 Others EU 3000 RDB 2000 WB 1000 UN 0 • Since 2000 sector allocable multi-bi aid has grown very fast and it represents today more than 5 times what it was 10 years ago. This growth has been particularly impressive for the World Bank.

  8. I - Geographical allocation of trust funds: Where do we stand? • What is troubling is the apparent lack of correlation between sector allocable multi-bi aid and two traditional measures of performance, the Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) and the Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI). • This could indicate that performance isn’t the main factor or at least a factor explaining multi-bi aid allocation but we need more precise estimates. Figure 10: Correlates of the geographical allocation of multi-bi sector allocable aid over 2008-2012 Bi-multi Aid and WGI Bi-multi Aid and CPIA Bi-multi Aid per capita adjusted for GDP per capita in US$ Bi-multi Aid per capita adjusted for GDP per capita in US$ Sum over 2008-2012 Sum over 2008-2012 100 200 300 100 200 300 KIR KIR GUY GUY AFG AFG SLB SLB TON TON WSM WSM BIH BIH PLW LBR LBR MDV MDV LBN SLE SYC CYP SLE HTI KNA HTI NIC MHL VUT MHL VUT NIC ATG SDN ISR SDN SVN ALB BRB ALB 0 FJI OMN 0 ZWE LAO ZWE LAO MDA MNG HRV CPV MNG MDA CPV GNQ SWZ GEO LSO BLZ TTO NAM LSO GEO KHM GTM BOL DMA KHM BOL DMA LBY GRD BWA GRD GNB MEX FSM VCT GNB FSM VCT IRQ HND GAB MOZ STP TUR CRI LCA CHL STP MOZ HND LCA AGO ERI KGZ RWA ARG JAM PAN ZAF URY ERI AGO KGZ RWA VEN TJK PNG DJI ZMB LKA ARM SLV SUR BTN MYS DJI PNG TJK ZMB LKA BTN ARM BLR ECU CUB KAZ COL MWI SEN BRA MUS MWI SEN CAF BDI ETH NER UGA UKR MLI DOM PER TUN JOR CAF CIV BDI NER ETH MLI UGA YEM COM BGD NPL DZA AZE KEN GMB TZA BFA COM YEM GMB NPL BGD AZE KEN BFA TZA TKM TCD CIV IRN TGO MRT IDN VNM MDG PHL MAR BEN THA GHA TCD TGO MRT MDG BEN IDN IND VNM GHA GIN NGA PAK SYR CMR PRY EGY CHN GIN CMR PAK NGA UZB IND UZB ZAR ZAR -100 -100 0 1 2 3 4 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 WGI CPIA

  9. 2.1 Multi-bi aid in Multilateral Development Banks • For the main Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) the principles determining the allocation of aid among eligible countries are governed by a formula, called “Performance Based Allocation” (PBA). • This formula which has been used since 1977 by the World Bank for the International Development Association (IDA) has been modified several times. • It is also used by the main Multilateral Development Banks, namely African Development Bank (AfDF), Asian Development Bank (AsDB), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), with minor differences in application between the institutions. • The PBA formula is intended to determine the amount of aid to be received by a country according to two main indicators, income per capita and performance and where roughly the amount of aid allocated to a country i is: Ai = f (Performance, income per capita, population) • Performance has an overwhelming weight.

  10. 2.1 Multi-bi aid in Multilateral Development Banks • Multi-bi aid doesn’t have the same weight in every MDBs. • The World Bank Group as a whole represent more than 80% of total multi-bi aid transiting through MDBs over the period 2006-2012. Figure 11: Multi-bi aid in major MDBs, 2006-2012. 0% 3% 2% 8% The World Bank Group African Development Bank Asian Development Bank Caribbean Development Bank Inter-American Development Bank 87%

  11. 2.1 Multi-bi aid in Multilateral Development Banks • Using the most disaggregated data at the project level, we estimate the following equation: ln �� ����� � ln ��� �� � ln ����� �� � ln ����������� �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ����� • With TF the total multi-bi aid disbursed in recipient country i (in millions of constant US$), from bilateral donor j , transiting through the multilateral institution d , in sector k , in year t . Population is the total population of recipient country i in year t and GDPpc is the GDP per capita of recipient country i in year t . • Performance is approximated by alternatively by the CPIA and the WGI. • All variables are expressed in logarithm. The remaining variables are a set of dummy variables controlling respectively for specific characteristics of recipients countries, bilateral donors, multilateral institutions, sectors and years.


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