housing partnership

Housing Partnership We build strength , stability and independence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Housing Partnership We build strength , stability and independence through affordable homeownership . Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation Occupy Neyaashiinigmiing Aboriginal Reserve No.27 on the east shore of the Saugeen (BRUCE)

  1. Housing Partnership We build strength , stability and independence through affordable homeownership .

  2. Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation Occupy Neyaashiinigmiing Aboriginal Reserve No.27 on the east shore of the Saugeen (BRUCE) Peninsula on Georgian Bay. The present land base is 63.81 km 2 . The community of about 820 is 26 km from Wiarton, 64 km from Owen Sound and 250 km from Toronto. We build strength , stability and independence through affordable homeownership .

  3. Habitat for Humanity Grey Bruce Has built 50 houses and served 51 families (91 adults & 135 children) since its beginning in 1987. Head Office is located in Springmount (west of Owen Sound). We build strength , stability and independence through affordable homeownership .

  4. Our Partnership • Started with a conversation in July 2015 • Led to a MOU between Chief & Council and Habitat Grey Bruce in 2016 • Commitment to build one house using the Habitat Model (completed in January 2018); success of this Build led to extending our partnership to build 4 houses in 2018 & 6 last year We build strength , stability and independence through affordable homeownership .

  5. Our Partnership Key Objectives: 1. Instil pride of homeownership in the community 2. Build a bridge between communities 3. Provide safe, healthy & affordable homes for families We build strength , stability and independence through affordable homeownership .

  6. Housing Pathways on Reserve 1. Band managed rental unit 2. Market-based housing: family with a Certificate of Possession (CP) builds a house financed by bank mortgage (FN) 3. Family with a CP; HFH builds & holds a mortgage 4. New Housing Development: Band designates lots; and contracts HFH for construction of the homes. We build strength , stability and independence through affordable homeownership .

  7. Family Selection • Use 3 Key Criteria: Need, Ability to Pay & Willingness to Partner (sweat equity) • Housing Partnership Manager assists families completing application • CNUFN Housing Team scores applicants • CNUFN Housing Committee makes anonymous family selection • Chief & Council approve anonymous family selection We build strength , stability and independence through affordable homeownership .

  8. Construction • CNUFN responsible for Site Development and required infrastructure • House design using HFH guidelines approved by CNUFN; family-centric approach • Homes are built to National Building Code standards • Inspections completed by Ontario First Nation Technical Services Corporation Inspector We build strength , stability and independence through affordable homeownership .

  9. Construction Energy-efficiencies: - Insulation above Code - Energy Star rated windows & doors Habitat organizes: - Volunteers / contractors - Skills training - Builder’s Risk & Liability Insurance - Home Warranty We build strength , stability and independence through affordable homeownership .

  10. Construction Families Select: • Vinyl siding colour & Stone (exterior front) • Shingle colour We build strength , stability and independence through affordable homeownership .

  11. Construction Families Select: • Cabinetry • Flooring • Paint colour (one) 4 Appliances included We build strength , stability and independence through affordable homeownership .

  12. Financing Under Contract • CNUFN acquires financing (CMHC Section 95 or ISC) • HFH prepares quote (cost of construction including salaries, “soft costs” and contingency) • Contract signed between the Chief/Council & HFH • 4 scheduled payments (HFH invoices CNUFN) • CNUFN uses Rent-to-Own model We build strength , stability and independence through affordable homeownership .

  13. Celebration! Ground Breaking & House Dedication Ceremonies We build strength , stability and independence through affordable homeownership .

  14. Homeownership Education Sessions: 1. Personal finances / budgets 2. Wills, Power of Attorney & Insurance 3. Home Maintenance (manual) We build strength , stability and independence through affordable homeownership .

  15. Transformed Lives We build strength , stability and independence through affordable homeownership .

  16. Questions? We build strength , stability and independence through affordable homeownership .

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