hospital department


HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION USING THE PROMETHEE MULTICRITERIA METHODOLOGY Prof. Bertrand Mareschal Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management, ULB Jim Ilunga, MD Europe Hospitals (St-Michel),

  1. HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION USING THE PROMETHEE MULTICRITERIA METHODOLOGY Prof. Bertrand Mareschal Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management, ULB Jim Ilunga, MD Europe Hospitals (St-Michel), Brussels Prof. Sarah Ben Amor Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 1

  2. Summary 1. The problem. 2. A multicriteria approach with the PROMETHEE & GAIA methods. 3. Descriptive analysis. 4. Performance ratios analysis. 5. Global performance measurement. 6. Conclusions & Developments. June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 2

  3. Objective • Compare different hospital departments based on activity and resources usage (data availability): – Administrative staff, paramedics, equipment, surface. – Turnover, net result, fees. • Evaluate the relative performance level of the departments. June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 3

  4. Data • Annual data (2008) for two Brussels hospitals: (Europe Hospitals group, 716 beds) – St-Michel hospital – Ste-Elisabeth hospital • 31 departments. June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 4

  5. A multicriteria approach • Why? – Several evaluation criteria to aggregate. • Multicriteria Decision Aid (MCDA): – Compare and assess several actions that are evaluated on several criteria. • Multicriteria model: – Actions: departments. – Criteria: activities, resources, ratios. June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 5

  6. PROMETHEE & GAIA methods • Outranking methods. • Pairwise comparison of actions. • Closer to the decision problem. • Simple preference modeling: – Preference functions (scales), – Weights (priorities). • Prescriptive and descriptive: – PROMETHEE: ranking, net flow score, – GAIA: visual representation of actions and criteria. June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 6

  7. GAIA descriptive analysis • 7 criteria: – 4 input criteria (resources) – 3 output criteria (activities) • 2 dimensional representation with as much information as possible on what differentiates the departments. • Departments: points – Similarities • Criteria: axes – Conflicts June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 7

  8. June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 8

  9. Performance analysis • 6 criteria: performance ratios (output/input): – Turnover/m2 – Turnover/staff – Turnover/equipment – Result/m2 – Result/staff – Result/equipment June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 9

  10. Performance analysis June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 10

  11. Focus on 7 “med - tech” departments • Nuclear and molecular imaging (SE – SM) • Anatomopathology • Laboratory • Radiology (SE – SM) • Physiotherapy June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 11

  12. June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 12

  13. Nuclear and molecular Imaging Ste Elisabeth hospital St Michel hospital June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 13

  14. Surgery Ste Elisabeth hospital St Michel hospital June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 14

  15. Internal Medicine Ste Elisabeth hospital St Michel hospital June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 15

  16. Global Performance Measurement • Based on PROMETHEE net flow score for two groups of criteria: – “Input” criteria (resources): f IN – “Output” criteria (activities): f OUT • Multicriteria performance index:   f  OUT 1 a 1     MPI a    f IN MPI 1 a max June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 16

  17. Multicriteria Performance index 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 17

  18. “Input - Output” analysis • 2 dimensional graphical representation of the departments. • “Efficient” departments and “efficient” frontier. • Determination of “reference” departments for improving the performance of non- ”efficient” deparments: goals. June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 18

  19. X: resources - Y: output 1,00 0,80 0,60 Med N SE Chir SE 0,40 Chir SM Med N SM 0,20 0,00 -0,20 -0,40 -0,60 -0,80 -1,00 June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 19 -1,000 -0,800 -0,600 -0,400 -0,200 0,000 0,200 0,400 0,600 0,800 1,000

  20. Conclusion and Future • Multicriteria approach to performance evaluation: – Preference modeling: priorities (weights), sensitivity analysis (how to improve performance), – Visual representations (decision aid). • Future developments: – Other evaluation criteria. – Other fields of application. – Software development. June 2011 INFORMS Healthcare 20

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