Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation STAFF SUMMARY TITLE: STAFF CONTACT: DATE: Vector Control Installation Contract In-Tae Lee, Deputy Director May 16, 2019 of Design & Engineering Type: Goal Focus Area Reference Notes Livability/Land Use Action/Approval Project Delivery Information Service Delivery Partnerships Follow-up Resource Stewardship Agency Admin. 1. Purpose: To seek Board of Directors approval to fund the design and installation of the Vector Control System for the guideway including all stations. Provide a safe working environment; p rotect HART’s facilities, and HART’s Safety Hazard Analysis resulting in dense accumulation of Guano, exposing workers to a potential health hazard. 2. Background/Justification In May 2011, recommendations were made to control bird/ rodent access to the guideway inner cavities and at stations to prevent birds from perching over areas frequently used by passengers. However, no budget was set aside. In January 2019, HART ’s Safety performed a Hazard Analysis for birds entering and roosting in the guideway cavity resulting in dense accumulation of Guano, exposing worker to a potential health hazard. An Executive Decision Document was written and approved in March 2019, requesting approval to the vector measures on HRTP. 3. Board Authority HART Board is required to approve all new contracts over $1M. The total value of the proposed new CPP is $1,390,500.00. 4. Procurement Background These actions will create a new CPP. 5. Financial/Budget Impact The budget for the new CPP will be funded from allocated Westside contingency. 6. Policy Impact Not Applicable 7. Public Involvement Not Applicable 8. Alternatives Do not install vector intrusion and harm workers. 9. Exhibits PowerPoint Presentation
Vector Control Installation Contract Board of Directors Meeting May 16, 2019 Honolulu, Hawaiʻi
Purpose To seek Board approval to fund the design and installation of the Vector Control System for the guideway including all stations. Provide safe working environment. Protect HART’s facilities. HART’s Safety Hazard Analysis resulting in dense accumulation of Guano, exposing workers to a potential health hazard. 2
Background In May 2011, recommendations were made to control bird/rodent access to the guideway inner cavities and at stations to prevent birds from perching over areas frequently used by passengers. However, no budget was set aside. In January 2019, HART’s Safety performed a Hazard Analysis for birds entering and roosting in the guideway cavity resulting in dense accumulation of Guano, exposing workers to a potential health hazard. An Executive Decision Document was prepared and approved in March 2019, requesting approval to implement the vector control measures on HRTP. 3
ROC KHG WOFH Airport City Center Project Map 20 Miles – 21 Stations 4
Nesting in Guideway Box Girder 5
Guano in WOFH Box Girder 6
Cost Overview Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) costs as follows: $ 698,000 Westside Guideway and Stations (WOFH & KHG) $ 290,400 Airport Guideway and Stations $ 402,100 P3 City Center Guideways $ 1,390,500 Total Contract Value Note: Funding will be allocated from Westside contingency for the total contract value. 7
Recommendation Approve the funding to design and install the Vector Control System for the guideway including all stations for a total of $1,390,500.00. 8
Questions? 9
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