geary corridor bus rapid transit sfmta citizens advisory

Geary Corridor Bus Rapid Transit SFMTA Citizens Advisory Committee - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Geary Corridor Bus Rapid Transit SFMTA Citizens Advisory Committee Project Update SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION AGENCY Aug ugus ust 6, 6, 20 2015 15 Project Overview and Goals 6.5

  1. Geary Corridor Bus Rapid Transit SFMTA Citizens Advisory Committee Project Update SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION AGENCY Aug ugus ust 6, 6, 20 2015 15

  2. Project Overview and Goals  6.5 .5 mi mile eas ast-we west corridor or  Home ome t to o maj major or SF SFMTA t trunk l line (38 Gear ary) wi with mor more than an 5 55,0 ,000 t tran ansit trips pe per da day  Characte cterized by slow, unreliable and crowd owded t tran ansit Geary y BRT’s s project ct goals s include:  Improving t transit t reliability a y and effi fici ciency cy  Creating a a comp omplete street f for or al all users  Improving ng the p pedestrian e n env nvironmen ent 2

  3. Project Benefits  Strong b g bus b benef efits wher ere e BRT treatm tments ts applied:  Travel l tim ime: 2 25% s savings gs  Relia liabili lity: 2 20% r reduction in in travel t tim ime variabil ilit ity  Ridersh ship: 10%+ g gains f s forecast asted – strong c cost st e effectiveness ss  Lower t travel t tim imes = = more s service, more rid iders a at lo lower o operating c g cost  Pedestr strian cro rossing ng i improvem ement nts  Streetsca tscape enhance cements ts 3

  4. BRT Recommended Alternative ► Sel elec ected t d the e best best c con onfiguration f for or ea each seg segment No bus Center Lanes Side Lanes Side Lanes (existing) lanes Palm/Jordan-to-27th Masonic Fillmore/ Japantown 4

  5. Environmental Document Status Key Key envi viron onmental p process ss m milest eston ones: es: Summer – Fall 2014 Admin. Draft EIR/S local agency reviews December 2014 Submitted Administrative Draft EIR/S to FTA Discussion of preliminary FTA comments on January – April 2015 project definition and Small Starts Packages May 2015 Submitted Admin. Draft EIR/S Round #2 to FTA June 2015 Received FTA Comments on Round #2 August 2015 Submitting Admin. Draft EIR/S Round #3 5

  6. FTA Review: Potential Funding Sources POTENTIA IAL POTENTIA IAL F FUNDIN ING S SOURCE AMOUNT ( T ($M) FEDERAL FUNDS Active Transportation Program $1-5 Highway Safety Improvement Program $1-5 Lifeline Transportation Program $5-15 FTA Small Starts $75 OneBayArea Grant Program $5-20 Transit Performance Initiative Incentives $5-15 Transit Performance Initiative Investments $5-15 STATE FUNDS Cap and Trade $10-30 LOCAL FUNDS Prop K Transportation Sales Tax $44-55 Cost sharing opportunities (e.g. SFPUC, Public Works, others for utilities, paving, etc.) $20-50 2014 General Obligation Bond $5-10 Prop AA Vehicle Registration Fee $1-5 SFMTA Revenue Bond $1-10 Transportation Sustainability Fee $5-10 Vehicle License Fee $10-30 AB 644 Bridge Tolls $5-10 TOTA TAL $198 to $360 6 Project cost: $320

  7. Environmental Process Schedule Schedule Environmental Process Public Draft EIR/S release, Fall 2015 outreach & comment period Winter, Spring Develop FEIR/S, including 2016 responses to comments Summer, Fall Locally Preferred Alternative 2016 and FEIR/S approvals 7

  8. Environmental Public Outreach Plan  Notific icatio ions ( (mult ltilin ilingua ual) l)  Stakehol older er grou oup pr presen esentation ons  Ou Outrea each a at com ommunity even events  OW OWL vi L view ewer depl deploy oyment  Host osted pu publ blic h hea earing  DEIR/S doc document on online a and d at pu publ blic l loc ocation ons  Com Comments a accept epted vi via  Ema Email  Mail il  Commen ent c t cards  Cou Court r t rep eporter a at t hea earing 8

  9. Other Work  SF SFMT MTA Prop K K fu fund r requests ( (Jul 2015) 2015):  Nea Near-te term/Initi tial al C Constr tructi tion P Phase implementati ation  Full ll-project engineering d design ( (Conceptual al E Engineering Repo port)  Transit itio ion Pla lan  Commun munit ity inpu put on on desi design  Webste ter S Street B et Bridge  Palm m Ave Avenu nue 9

  10. Near-Term Improvements: Phasing Packages  Pha hase 1 1 Nea Near-te term: Delivers s project ct benefi fits ts prior t to completi tion of full project* t*  Sid ide-running t transi sit-onl only l y lanes  Transit s signa nal p priority y (TSP) and nd qu queue-jump s p signals  New ew and ex exten ended ed t transit b bulbs  Walk lkFir irst/Vision Z Zer ero p ped edes estrian safet ety t trea eatments  Muni F i Forward im improvements  Japantow ntown trans nspor orta tati tion i n improv ovements nts  Rig ight-turn p pockets ( (pending a analysi sis) s)  Phase se 2 Full Build-out: t: Comple leti tion of the remaining project ct elements ts including constr tructi ction of cente ter-running l lanes and utility w ty work *Note: Near-term improvement design will be at-risk pending selection of Locally Preferred Alternative and FEIR/S approvals. 10

  11. Near-term Improvements: Red Transit-only Lanes  Complet eted ed: Marke ket t to o Gou ough Streets, Summe mmer 2014  Ph Phase 1:  Stanyan – Wood Street eets  Ba Bake ker – Gough S Street ets w wher ere e feasible le (Timing to b be e det deter ermined ed p pen endi ding repaving) g) 11

  12. Near-term Improvements: TSP and Queue-jump Signals  Complete ted: Transi sit t signal priority: ty: e exte tends s green phas ase for or buses  33rd Ave t to Marke ket/3 /3rd rd Street  Phase e 1: Qu Queu eue-jumps: s: dedica cate ted b bus p s phase se to give bus s priority ty through the interse secti ction Queue-jump 19 th Ave and Lincoln Way  Powell ll/O’Farrell a l and Geary/Maso Masonic A Ave 12

  13. Near-Term Muni Forward Service Improvements  Comp ompleted: Se Service Imp mprov ovements  Incr creased f frequency (38 & (38 & 38R 38R)  Sun unday service (38R (38R)  Phase se 1: Bus s Stop M Modifi fica cati tions  Stop op o optimizati tion on (mov ove nearsid ide t to far arsi side at at si signals)  Consolid idatio ion o of clo losely ly-spa pace ced s d stops ps  Conversio ion o of two o Rapid/l /loca cal s stops ps t to local o onl nly 13

  14. Near-Term Vision Zero/ WalkFirst Safety Improvements  Comb ombinat ation on of of par arallel effor orts an and Phase e 1 elem ement ents:  Pedestrian bulb lbs, s sin ingle and w wrap- around  Pedestrian s sig ignals  New s sig ignalize zed c crossin ings gs  New countdown s signal als s  Leading p g pedestria ian in interval  Hig igh-vis isib ibil ilit ity c crosswalk lks  Da Day-li ligh ghtin ing Sidewalk bulbs  ADA u upgrades 14

  15. Near-Term Improvements: New and Extended Transit Bulbs  Transit bu bulbs bs pr provi ovide a a sm smoot other, m mor ore r e rel eliable r ride de  11 n 11 new t tran ansit bulbs  4 ex exten ended bu bulbs bs Geary and Leavenworth 15

  16. Near-Term Improvements: Japantown/ Fillmore  Road Roadwa way r redesign  Lane r reductio ion to calm lm traffic ic a and priorit itiz ize transi sit  Op Openi ening g of of Webste ster surfa face ce-level l west-si side crossw swalk  New p pedestria ian r refuge ges a and c corner b bulb lbs  Sig ignal t l tim iming g change ges  Pedestrian b brid idge ge r removal  New New mi mid-bloc ock cros ossing at at Bu Buchan anan an/Peac ace P Plaz aza  Dedic icated p pedestria ian s sig ignal l wit ith u upgraded median  Remov oval al of pedestr strian overcr crossi ssings s at Webste ter a and Steiner  Opening of of surfa face-level e l east-sid ide c crosswalk lks 16

  17. Project Schedule Schedule Environmental Process Near-Term Improvements Public Draft EIR/S release, Fall 2015 outreach & comment period Begin conceptual design Begin utility construction Winter, Spring Develop FEIR/S, including Detailed design for contract 2016 responses to comments elements* Summer, Fall Locally Preferred Alternative Red lane installation 2016 and FEIR/S approvals Begin construction contracting Winter 2016 for remaining near-term improvements *Note: Near-term improvement design will be at-risk pending selection of Locally Preferred Alternative and FEIR/S approvals. 17 17



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