BUS RAPID TRANSIT In stitute of Tra n sp orta tion En g in e e rs Octob e r 17, 2013
BUS RAPID TRANSIT Wh y is VTA d oin g BRT? Building a transit network for today and future • Fast, frequent core network • Focus improvements in growing corridors Pursuing complete street improvements • Better accommodation for all modes • Improve safety • Implement City Policies Creating sustainable, auto-competitive transportation options 2
BUS RAPID TRANSIT Pla n n in g Efforts Sup p ortin g BRT Grand Boulevard Initiative – Multi-agency effort to make El Camino Real a more accommodating street to transit, pedestrians and bicyclists. City General Plans- Identify BRT projects & corridors as areas for growth State Legislation – AB 32 & SB 375 – Reduce greenhouse gas emissions Voter Direction – Measure A (2000) Transit Improvement Program VTA Board Direction – Improve transit in major corridors 3
BUS RAPID TRANSIT First S t Ste tep to to BRT- 522 522 Rapi apid • Service began July 2005 • 15 % increase in corridor ridership due to Rapid 522 • 25 % travel time savings on 522 over local service (22) • Success of 522 led to Santa Clara-Alum Rock BRT Project 4
BUS RAPID TRANSIT Com p re h e n sive Op e ra tion s An a lysis (2008)- Tra n sit Com p e titive Fa ctor & Core Ne twork Are a Core Service Area- includes BRT Corridors 5
BUS RAPID TRANSIT VTA Bus Ra p id Tra n sit Prog ra m Santa Clara-Alum Rock Plan/Eng: 2008-2013 Construction: 2013-2015 Begin Service: 2015 El Camino Real Plan/Eng: 2010-2014 Construction: 2015-2018 Begin Service: 2018 Stevens Creek VTA Light Rail Plan/Eng: 2011-2014 Caltrain 6
BUS RAPID TRANSIT Recent Developments in Santa Clara County Commercial R&D/Office Mixed Use Multi Family Single Family VTA Light Rail Caltrain Priority Development Areas 7
BUS RAPID TRANSIT BRT Corrid ors a n d An ticip a te d Exp e n d iture s Santa Clara/Alum Rock El Camino Real Stevens Creek Total Miles 7.2 17.3 8.5 Dedicated Lane Miles 1.4 3.0 (?) TBD BRT Strategic Plan Forecast 34,764 32,938 15,840 Ridership (2030) Full Build Construction Cost $145.2m $114m $125m Estimate (Strategic Plan) Current Authorized Budget $114m $19.4m $5.0m Projected Funding Source: Federal $62.5m $72.6m State $90m (Prop 1B) Local $24m $62.5m $72.6m 8
BUS RAPID TRANSIT Sa n ta Cla ra -Alum Rock BRT Proje ct • Construction contract out to bid • Utility relocations have begun • ROW in progress • Revenue service begins 2015 9
BUS RAPID TRANSIT Sa n ta Cla ra Stre e t- City Ha ll Tod a y 10
BUS RAPID TRANSIT Sa n ta Cla ra Stre e t- City Ha ll with BRT - Bulb out/Median stations - Unique branding - Enhanced station amenities - Ticket Vending Machines/Clipper - Real time transit information - CCTV/security same as light rail Mixe d Flow Sta tion 11
BUS RAPID TRANSIT BRT Ve h icle Procure m e n t- In Prog re ss • 29, New Flyer 60’ articulated vehicles • Pilot vehicles arrive in early 2014 • Diesel-electric hybrid technology • Interior and exterior bicycle storage • 50 seats for passengers • WiFi on-board vehicle Example of BRT interior rack- Swift BRT
BUS RAPID TRANSIT Alum Rock & Kin g (Sa n Jose )- Tod a y 13
BUS RAPID TRANSIT Alum Rock & Kin g (Sa n Jose )- with BRT De d ica te d La n e / Me d ia n Sta tion 14
BUS RAPID TRANSIT Alum Rock & Kin g (Sa n Jose )- De d ica te d La n e
BUS RAPID TRANSIT El Ca m in o Re a l BRT Proje ct • Seven alternatives being analyzed in EIR/EA • Draft EIR/EA in Summer 2014 • FTA approved ECR for Project Development(PD) under Small Starts program • VTA meets regularly with Caltrans, FTA & City Staff
BUS RAPID TRANSIT El Ca m in o & Scott (Sa n ta Cla ra )- Tod a y
BUS RAPID TRANSIT El Ca m in o & Scott (Sa n ta Cla ra )- with BRT De d ica te d La n e / Me d ia n Sta tion
BUS RAPID TRANSIT El Ca m in o & Ca liforn ia (Pa lo Alto)-Tod a y
BUS RAPID TRANSIT El Ca m in o & Ca liforn ia (Pa lo Alto)- with BRT Mixe d Flow/ Bulb - Out Sta tion
BUS RAPID TRANSIT Ste ve n s Cre e k BRT Proje ct • Planning began in May 2012, still early in process • Traffic Analysis, conceptual designs in progress • Begin environmental early 2014 • VTA staff providing project updates to three cities Mixe d Flow Con fig ura tion
BUS RAPID TRANSIT Con ta ct Jody Littlehales jody.littlehales@vta.org 408.321-5769 More In form a tion BRT Program Website: www.vta.org/brt 22
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