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home me Tim Bailey ley Head d of Energy gy Innovat ovation, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Smart art energy rgy and the connec nected ted home me Tim Bailey ley Head d of Energy gy Innovat ovation, ion, Samsung sung Research arch UK UK November 2017 1 Sm Smar art t Ap Appl plia iance nce Co Cont ntro rol l

  1. Smart art energy rgy and the connec nected ted home me Tim Bailey ley Head d of Energy gy Innovat ovation, ion, Samsung sung Research arch UK UK November 2017 1

  2. Sm Smar art t Ap Appl plia iance nce Co Cont ntro rol l – St Step eps s to to Comm Co mmer ercial cialisation isation 2 3 1 4 Value to energy co?; Reduce wholesale, transmission, 10 sec distribution and balancing data charges 30 min New DSR revenue Ability to control? data Able to model available load? Passed to consumers? Ability to measure impact of W control? Is data acceptable to the time Single dryer people paying? kW Monthly savings Other benefits time All controllable dryers

  3. Co Conn nnected ected ho home me ov over erview view

  4. Sa Sams msung ung Io IoT T ec ecos osystem ystem – un unif ification ication One cloud API set that will cover all SmartThings-compatible products.

  5. Sa Sams msung ung Io IoT T ec ecos osystem ystem – cu curr rrent ent po posi sition tion

  6. Sa Sams msung ung Io IoT T ec ecos osystem ystem – sm smar art t se serv rvice ices

  7. Ap Appl plication ication Pr Prog ogramming ramming In Inte terfaces rfaces

  8. Wh What at is is an an AP API? I?

  9. Sams Sa msung ung Ap Appl pliance iance AP APIs Is API steps Devices already accessible via Smart Home API Authentication: Ask user permission to use the APIs Discovery: Find all users’ smart devices Sensing: Query info about device status Subscription: Subscribe to device “updates” Resources available for dryer Notification: Receive notifications Control: Control the Device Examples of what a partner can do via the APIs Send a command to pause the tumble dryer; Request and receive the fridge temperature; Receive notification when drying cycle is finished; Send a command to set the desired temperature for air con.

  10. Th The e po powe wer r of of AP APIs Is fo for r en ener ergy gy ma mana nagement gement

  11. Po Powe wer( r(ed ed) ) by by AP APIs Is – wh what at is is po poss ssible ible to toda day? y? Washing finishes Energy Co. Command to turn off air conditioner Lights flash OFF Real-time power usage “Alexa pause the washer I’ve forgotten to above 2.5kW add a sock” “Bixby, restart the washer” Pause Dryer

  12. Mo More re po powe werful rful APIs APIs – un unde der r de deve velopmen lopment W User started drying cycle, Exp. pattern of usage (W) time Control Energy Co. Real time usage, kWh TOU decisions tariff + kW max demand tariff Reduce wholesale, transmission, Dry by distribution and balancing charges Smart Meters 8pm New DSR revenue

  13. Sm Smar art t Ap Appl plia iance nce Co Cont ntro rol l – St Step eps s to to Comm Co mmer ercial cialisation isation 2 3 1 4 Value to energy co?; Reduce wholesale, transmission, 10 sec distribution and balancing data charges 30 min New DSR revenue Ability to control? data Able to model available load? Passed to consumers? Ability to measure impact of W control? Is data acceptable to the time Single dryer people paying? kW Monthly savings Other benefits time All controllable dryers

  14. Ne New w se serv rvice ice id idea eas

  15. Ma Maxi ximum mum de dema mand nd ta tari riffs ffs (e (e.g .g. . 2. 2.5k 5kW W 4-8p 8pm) m)

  16. Mo More re po powe wer( r(ful ful) ) AP APIs Is – th the e ul ulti timate mate go goal al “Bixby, I want to get my electric bill down to £30 a month” Security/peace of Energy Efficiency Smart Control Switching tariff mind “Iron is on and no “Switching you to a 3 “Pausing dryer for “No motion detected, motion detected” rate TOU tariff with 10 mins” so turning off electric 3kW max demand 4- heating” 7pm” “Reducing EV “Elderly relative’s charge during “Detected abnormal pattern of usage drying cycle energy use from suggests health Freezer” deterioration”

  17. Ba Barr rriers iers to to ad adop option tion

  18. Barr Ba rriers iers to to ad adop option tion Smart Appliance Smart Meter Data APIs APIs Half-Hourly Settlements NG acceptance of data Time of use max from appliances for demand DSR Time of use kWh tariffs

  19. ACTivating InnoVative IoT smart living environments for AGEing well

  20. ACTivating InnoVative IoT smart living environments for AGEing well

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