HOARDING Presented To: Presented To: Neighborhood Leaders Group Neighborhood Leaders Group April 25, 2012 April 25, 2012 By: By: Paula K Johnson Paula K Johnson CZA, CBMO CZA, CBMO Neighborhood Services, Prince William County Neighborhood Services, Prince William County
HOARDING HOARDING What is “ “hoarding hoarding” ” and why is it a problem? and why is it a problem? What is How should neighbors respond to hoarding How should neighbors respond to hoarding complaints? complaints? What is the Hoarding Support Team and how What is the Hoarding Support Team and how did it come about? did it come about? What are the challenges faced by the What are the challenges faced by the individual agencies working hoarding cases? individual agencies working hoarding cases? What are the processes involved in case work? What are the processes involved in case work?
HOARDING HOARDING What is “ “hoarding hoarding” ” and why is it a problem? and why is it a problem? What is
HOARDING— —What is it? What is it? HOARDING Hoarding, also known as “ “disposaphobia disposaphobia, ,” ” is usually is usually Hoarding, also known as described as the excessive collection and retention of things described as the excessive collection and retention of things or animals until they interfere with day- -to to- -day functions such day functions such or animals until they interfere with day as home, family, work and social life, and health and safety. as home, family, work and social life, and health and safety. Hoarding is a multi- -faceted problem that has psychological, faceted problem that has psychological, Hoarding is a multi physical welfare, and public safety implications. physical welfare, and public safety implications.
HOARDING-- --What is it? What is it? HOARDING The Famous Collyer Collyer Brothers Case Brothers Case The Famous Hoarding is sometimes referred Hoarding is sometimes referred to as “ “Collyer Collyer’ ’s s Disease. Disease.” ” The The to as Collyer brothers were both brothers were both Collyer found dead in their Manhattan found dead in their Manhattan mansion in 1947. One was mansion in 1947. One was crushed to death under a pile of crushed to death under a pile of rubbish and the other, unable to rubbish and the other, unable to move on his own, slowly move on his own, slowly starved to death. starved to death. After their deaths, in 1947, After their deaths, in 1947, investigators had to break an investigators had to break an upstairs window to gain upstairs window to gain entrance. More than 100 tons of entrance. More than 100 tons of items and refuse were removed items and refuse were removed from the building, including a from the building, including a Model T Ford, 5 grand pianos, Model T Ford, 5 grand pianos, and a two headed fetus and a two headed fetus preserved in brine. preserved in brine.
HOARDING— —What is it? What is it? HOARDING It is estimated that there are 6 to 15 million hoarders in the It is estimated that there are 6 to 15 million hoarders in the US, or between 2 – – 5% of the US population. 5% of the US population. US, or between 2 Hoarding occurs on every continent in the world except Hoarding occurs on every continent in the world except Antarctica. Antarctica. Historic accounts show hoarding behavior has been in Historic accounts show hoarding behavior has been in existence for centuries. existence for centuries. Hoarding behavior can co- -exist with a wide range of exist with a wide range of Hoarding behavior can co mental health problems, or on its own. mental health problems, or on its own.
HOARDING— —What is it? What is it? HOARDING Hoarding as a clinical symptom is found in many different as a clinical symptom is found in many different Hoarding psychiatric disorders. psychiatric disorders. It features in dementia, learning disability, schizophrenia, It features in dementia, learning disability, schizophrenia, eating disorders, depression and personality disorders. eating disorders, depression and personality disorders. 84% of hoarders have a first degree family member with 84% of hoarders have a first degree family member with hoarding behaviour. hoarding behaviour. It is most commonly associated with Diogenes Syndrome It is most commonly associated with Diogenes Syndrome and Obsessive- -Compulsive disorder (OCD). Compulsive disorder (OCD). and Obsessive
HOARDING— —What is it? What is it? HOARDING There has been some difficulty classifying hoarding as a There has been some difficulty classifying hoarding as a separate and distinct mental illness but hoarding is separate and distinct mental illness but hoarding is expected to be included in the next edition of the DSM expected to be included in the next edition of the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Illness). (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Illness). For now, hoarding is used as general descriptive term, For now, hoarding is used as general descriptive term, not a psychiatric diagnosis. a psychiatric diagnosis. not At Neighborhood Neighborhood Services, our concern is with Services, our concern is with At challenges to the health and safety of residential living challenges to the health and safety of residential living conditions and of neighborhoods neighborhoods caused by hoarding. caused by hoarding. conditions and of
HOARDING— —What is it? What is it? HOARDING Hoarders may differ in why why they collect they collect Hoarders may differ in Instrumental vs. Sentimental Instrumental vs. Sentimental And in what what they collect they collect And in Generalist vs. Specialist Generalist vs. Specialist Hoarders have recognized cognitive problems with: Hoarders have recognized cognitive problems with: Decision- -making making Decision Emotional attachment Emotional attachment Erroneous beliefs about possessions Erroneous beliefs about possessions
HOARDING— —What is it? What is it? HOARDING Hoarding occurs among males and females Hoarding occurs among males and females equally, except for animal hoarding which appears to be equally, except for animal hoarding which appears to be predominantly female. predominantly female. Hoarding is thought to begin in childhood in some Hoarding is thought to begin in childhood in some cases— —the result of a the result of a “ “traumatic life traumatic life” ”-- --but can also be but can also be cases the result of a “ “traumatic event traumatic event” ” that escalates hoarding that escalates hoarding the result of a behavior. behavior. The ability to accumulate a vast amount of The ability to accumulate a vast amount of personal possessions over a lifetime tends to make personal possessions over a lifetime tends to make hoarding conditions more severe as a person ages. hoarding conditions more severe as a person ages.
HOARDING-- --Why is it a problem? Why is it a problem? HOARDING Hoarding creates a danger not only for the occupants of Hoarding creates a danger not only for the occupants of the structure, but for neighboring residents and for fire the structure, but for neighboring residents and for fire and rescue, police, health, social services, code and rescue, police, health, social services, code enforcement, and other safety personnel. enforcement, and other safety personnel. Fire Danger/Lack of Egress Fire Danger/Lack of Egress Structural Collapse/Suffocation Structural Collapse/Suffocation Health and Sanitation (rotten food, human or Health and Sanitation (rotten food, human or animal waste, rodent/insect infestation, lack of working animal waste, rodent/insect infestation, lack of working utilities or appliances, etc.) utilities or appliances, etc.)
HOARDING-- --Why is it a problem? Why is it a problem? HOARDING Deaths from Fire/Lack of Egress Deaths from Fire/Lack of Egress It is estimated that It is estimated that hoarding conditions hoarding conditions account for only account for only 1% of fires, but 1% of fires, but 25% of fire- -related related 25% of fire deaths. deaths. In this fire that occurred in Montgomery County, MD, last year, hoarding conditions hoarding conditions In this fire that occurred in Montgomery County, MD, last year, were so severe that by the time firefighters removed the occupant of an upstairs bedroom t of an upstairs bedroom were so severe that by the time firefighters removed the occupan it was too late to save her. The other occupant and two firefighters were injured. it was too late to save her. The other occupant and two firefig hters were injured.
HOARDING— —Why is it a problem? Why is it a problem? HOARDING Deaths from Collapse/Suffocation Deaths from Collapse/Suffocation The corpse of a 67- -year year- - The corpse of a 67 old woman was found by old woman was found by her husband in their her husband in their clutter- -filled home in Las filled home in Las clutter Vegas, above, four months Vegas, above, four months after she went missing. after she went missing. Her husband had been Her husband had been living with her corpse all living with her corpse all that time. Not even corpse that time. Not even corpse sniffing dogs were able to sniffing dogs were able to locate her body. locate her body.
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