HO HOW W TO GET O GET PUBLISHED PUBLISHED ? I will stop my role of editor in chief of EUROPEAN GERIATRIC MEDICINE published by Elsevier on 2017, December 31st
HO HOW W TO GET O GET PUBLISHED PUBLISHED ? Authors ‘challenges How to write a scientific paper ? Take Home Messages
Before writing any paper, what do you need doing? ?
Before starting to write (1) • Ensure the originality of your research HYPOTHESIS !!! • Use a software program for o Proceeding to an extensive literature review o Managing all the references (from the 1st day to the publication of your paper) o Reading all abstracts you collected on the topic & related topics • Select and analyze the most important manuscripts • Take notes of important points or phrases, with the relevant references ECARNOT F et al European Geriatric Medicine 2015, in press
Before starting to write (2) • Identify the target journal in which you intend to submit your research; this will have consequences for the : formatting orientation of your writing style adaptation to the editorial policy of the target journal • The choice of the target journal depends on a range of factors (…) However, at the very least, you should check that your paper falls within the scope of the journal you have chosen And, if possible quote in your references list, a few papers already published in the chosen journal ECARNOT F et al European Geriatric Medicine 2015, in press
How structuring your research paper ? ?
Structure of your research paper AUTHORS Title Abstract Keywords Main text (IMRAD) Conclusion Introduction Acknowledgements Methods References Results Supporting Materials And Tables / Figures Discussion
How structuring your research paper ? AUTHORS Title Abstract Keywords Main text (IMRAD) Conclusion Introduction Acknowledgements Methods References Results Supporting Materials And Tables /figures Discussions
The Pr he Process ocess of of Writing Writing Building t Building the Ar he Artic ticle le Don’t forget your main hypothesis Title & Abstract Conclusion Introduction Discussion Methods Results Figures/Tables (your data) This process of building the article is EASIER, MORE LOGICAL and MORE EFFECTIVE that trying to write an article in the sequence it is read
Before launching your manuscript on a journal website 1. Is your manuscript ready? 2. Is the format you choose the correct one? 3. Considering your results, is the targeted journal the APPROPRIATE one ? (eventually write to the journal Editor) 4. Check again carefully the authors guide
Thank you for supporting the new editorial board by sending to EGM your first class research papers
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