
Histopathology Luis Beltran Royal London Hospital Barts Health - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Histopathology Luis Beltran Royal London Hospital Barts Health Histopathology What do Histopathologists do? Why are we important? TNM and grading Histopathology Histopathology Histopathology Histopathology Histopathology

  1. Histopathology Luis Beltran Royal London Hospital Barts Health

  2. Histopathology • What do Histopathologists do? • Why are we important? • TNM and grading

  3. Histopathology

  4. Histopathology

  5. Histopathology

  6. Histopathology

  7. Histopathology

  8. Histopathology

  9. Histopathology

  10. Histopathology

  11. Histopathology • Haematoxylin and eosin (H&E): gold standard • Subjective interpretation • Grey areas • Inter and intrapersonal variations

  12. Histopathology • Diagnosis • Prognosis • Response to targeted therapies • Immunohistochemistry • FISH • PCR

  13. Histopathology. TNM. • Staging system for all solid tumours was devised by Pierre Denoix between 1943 and 1952 • Developed and maintained by the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) to achieve consensus on one globally recognised standard for classifying the extent of spread of cancer. • Also used by the American Joint Committee On Cancer (AJCC) and the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO). • In 1987, the UICC and AJCC staging systems were unified into a single staging system.

  14. Histopathology. TNM. Cancer staging system that describes the extent of cancer in a patient’s body. T describes the size of the tumour and whether it has invaded  nearby tissue, N describes status of regional lymph nodes ,  M describes distant metastases .  Prefix modifiers c : stage given by clinical examination of a patient. The c-prefix is  implicit in absence of the p-prefix p : stage given by pathologic examination of a surgical specimen  y : stage assessed after treatment i.e. chemotherapy and/or  radiation therap y ; in other words, the individual had neoadjuvant therapy r : stage for a recurrent tumor in an individual that had some  period of time free from the disease. a : stage determined at autopsy. 

  15. Histopathology. TNM. • G (1 – 4): the grade: grade of differentiation • R (0/1/2): the completeness of the resection/ residual tumour • L (0/1): invasion of lymphatic vessels • V (0/1/2): invasion into vein • C (1 – 5): a modifier of the certainty (quality) of the last mentioned parameter

  16. Histopathology. TNM.

  17. Histopathology. TNM.

  18. Histopathology. TNM.

  19. Histopathology. TNM.

  20. Histopathology. TNM.

  21. Histopathology. TNM.

  22. Histopathology. TNM.

  23. Histopathology. TNM.

  24. Histopathology. TNM.

  25. Histopathology

  26. Histopathology

  27. Histopathology

  28. Histopathology. Immunohistochemistry.

  29. Histopathology. Immunohistochemistry.

  30. Histopathology. Grade.

  31. Histopathology. Grade.

  32. Histopathology. Grade.

  33. Histopathology. Grade.

  34. Histopathology. Grade.

  35. Histopathology Any questions?


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