Highway R Restric ictio ion N n Notic ice Train aining ing f for C Contract ctors ODOT Statewide Traffic Mobility Program Bill Gross Mobility Training Coordinator william.p.gross@odot.state.or.us 503-934-1624
Agenda 1. 1.Why N Notifica cation is Essential 2. 2.Roles & & Respo ponsibilities 3. 3.Notif ific icat atio ion R n Req equir irement ents & Bes est Pract ctice ces 4. 4.Restrict ction C Conside derations 5.Restrict 5. ction N Notice ce Form W Walk-Thr hru 6. 6.Q&A 2
1. Why Notification is Essential 3
Highway Restriction Notice Coordination Keeps p people & f freight ht Protects the the moving ng s safely ly work zo zone. & e efficient ntly ly. 4
BIG S STUFF Highway Restriction Coordination helps prevent from m showing up up when & en & wher ere t e they s should ldn’t
Exam ample le Why Notification is Essential Manufact ctured hom home s stuck ck in in a wor ork zon k zone 6
Ano nother exam xample in in Tenn nnessee… Why Notification is Essential 7
And nd in K in Kansas as… Why Notification is Essential 8
Highway Restriction Coordination is vital to OREGON’S ECONOMY 6, 240 40 milli llion on t ton ons of of f freight move In n 2016, ved wit ithin in, t to, & from O Ore regon v n via truck ruck, , ra rail, , air, p pipe peli line, , Restri ricti tion and nd ma mari rine mo modes. Notifications h help ODOT p provi vide de a (Source: ODOT 2018 State of the System report) reliable sys system for moving g goods s In n 2019, O 9, ODOT I Issued: and nd p people. • 61,022 ,022 Annua nnual over-di dimens mension p n permi ermits • 67,358 67,358 Si Single le-Tri rip p over-dimension pe permits ts 9
2. Roles & Responsibilities Contract ctor ODOT ODOT Residen dent t Mobil ilit ity Engine neer Te Team (PM) M) 10
Coordinat nate Traf affic Cont ontrol C Chang hanges BEFOR ORE Restr strict ction No Noti tice ces A Are Subm bmitt tted ed Review the Mobility Considerations • Checklist & ODOT TMP included in the ODOT eBIDS Documents. Resid sident RE is responsible for engaging the Region Cont ntract ctor • Engine Eng neer er & Mobility Team be befor ore accepting proposed changes that differ from the overall mobility impacts & industry commitments in these documents. 11
Restr strict ction No Noti tice ces: Cont ontractor R Respon sponsibility ty Standar ard Specif ificatio tion 0 00220.03 ( (a) When the Project restricts the width, length, height, or weight of vehicles through a work zone or detours trucks around a work zone, fill out and submit a completed copy of the "Highway Restriction Notice-Size and/or Weight" form (Form No. 734-2357), available Contrac actor from the ODOT Motor Carrier Transportation website, at l at leas east t 35 C Calendar Days ys before t the r rest striction or or det etour r takes e es effec ect. 12
Restr strict ction No Noti tice ces: Resi sident E t Enginee eer Responsi nsibility ty Reviews notices submitted by contractor to • ensure information is complete and consistent with Mobility Considerations Checklist. Resident Forwards Restriction Notice to Mobility Team Engineer En • at at leas east 1 t 14 or 28 d days prior to restriction taking effect (depending on restriction). Updates and lifts restrictions as appropriate. • 13
Why hy 14 d 4 days ys? Singl ngle-Trip O p Over er-Dim imension sion Permits ( its (STPs) s) • Valid for one or more trips in a 10-day timeframe, and are issued up to 4 days in advance. • They are route-specific, and carriers are not allowed to deviate. 14 vs 28 Day • ODOT Over-Dimension Permit Analysts process a queue of STPs. 14 days are needed to “clear” the queue of permits affected by Notification a restriction. Why hy 28 d 28 days ys? Annual O l Over er-dim imensio sion P Permit H it Holder N Notif tific icatio ation • Annual permit holders are allowed unlimited trips. We generally do not know exactly when or where those trips will take place. • ODOT needs enough time (28 days) to review the restriction and issue trucking advisories and notification letters. 14
Restr strict ction No Noti tice ces: Mobility ty T Team Responsi sibility ty Reviews & approves restriction notices forwarded • ODOT ODO T by Resident Engineer. Mobilit ity y Publishes restrictions and planned detours (e.g. • Te Team TripCheck.com, Oregon.gov, Trucking Advisories, etc.) 15
3. Notification Requirements & Best Practices 16
No Notif ific ication is r required for or a any of of th these tempor porary c con onditi tions: When Any time horizontal clearance is reduced to less than • o 28 feet for two lanes of one-way traffic, o 28 feet for two lanes of 2-way traffic (single lane each way) Notification o 22 feet for one lane of one-way traffic. Any time a state facility is fully closed or traffic is Is Required • detoured for any period of time (regardless of whether or not a detour is available) . (Construction Any time a ramp is closed for any period of time • Projects) (regardless of whether or not a detour is available) . Any time vertical clearance is reduced. • Any time weight or length restrictions are imposed. • *Contractors m may s still b be r e req equired to complete the e Hwy R Res estriction N Notice Form per m per c contract spec pecs, reg egardles ess o of w whether t these c conditions exist. 17
Notification on may not be n nece cessary i if al all of of the he f fol ollo lowi wing ca can b be m met : Notification 1. Able to wave through unannounced wide loads & provide at least 22-feet of clear distance by moving cones/equipment out of the way with a slight delay. Exceptions 2. No vertical clearance restrictions, including no lane (Construction shifts/lane closures beneath structures. 3. No ramp closures. Projects) 4. No weight restrictions. 5. No length restrictions. *Contractors m may s still b be r e req equired to complete the e Hwy R Res estriction N Notice Form per m per c contract spec pecs, reg egardles ess o of w whether t these c conditions are m e met. *Check w wit ith t the M Mobil ility T Team f for accommodat atin ing o on main inlin ine in interstat ate hwys ys. 18
Best Pr t Practi tices • Be a e as s speci ecific c as p possibl ble e when en entering d g dates & & durat ations. . Avoid Managing submitting “blanket” restrictions that will restrict routes when work isn’t Restriction actually taking place. Notices • For r ramps: : indicate as many that can reasonably be completed within a reasonable amount of time ( work with the Mobility Team to determine ). • For m mult lti-lan ane h highw hways, w , when work is no not co concur ncurren ent: send separate notifications for each direction of travel, and stages/phases with different size restrictions or hours. 19
Best Pr t Practi tices Managing • Co Coordi dinate wit with R RE to keep r p rest stric ictio ion Restriction notices u updated. . Notices If work is delayed and the restriction is not updated, the he ro route wil will st still appe appear t to the public ic a as rest stric icted o d or close sed. d. 20
Best Pr t Practi tices • Co Coordi dinate wit with Managing the he R RE t to o li lift restrictions as as Restriction soon as so as the wo work Notices asso associated wit with them is is comple lete. . A r rest stric ictio ion wil will remain main p publish ished d until it it is is lif ifted. 21
4. Restriction Considerations 22
Horizontal clearance refers to the paved unobstructed Width width between barriers (soft or Restrictions hard barrier, or equipment) including any usable shoulder. 23
Hori rizontal C l Cle learance nce & & Lo Load Restri rict ctions The Mobility Team applies a buffer to the available horizontal width to determine the load restriction Width through the work zone: Restrictions The buffer space depends on if the work zone is on a tangent and/or curve. 24
Any ny temporary reduction in VC requires notification/coordination with the Mobility Team. Height Restrictions Examples include temporary bridge falsework, temporary traffic signals, & diverting traffic into lanes with less VC. 25
Temporar ary W y Weigh ight R t Restr trictio ictions Examp mple: Some bridges require heavy loads to straddle the center line. If bridge work requires a lane closure and heavy loads cannot Temporary straddle the center, a temporary weight restriction may be needed until the lane is reopened. Weight Restrictions 26
Ful ull r road ad closures es and and ram amp closures es req equir ire notifica cation a and d coordi dination w with the Mobility T ty Team. Full Closures Closures impact the full spectrum of vehicles that use the route. 27
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