highly capable performance study update highly capable

Highly Capable Performance Study Update Highly Capable - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Highly Capable Performance Study Update Highly Capable Recommendation Action Recommendation 1: Develop program elements such as a Highly capable advisory team will facilitate process to articulate mission statement and program goals with

  1. Highly Capable Performance Study Update

  2. Highly Capable Recommendation Action Recommendation 1: Develop program elements such as a Highly capable advisory team will facilitate process to articulate mission statement and program goals with measurable mission statement and review current program goals and objectives. success indicators currently articulated in policy and the annual program review (19-20). Recommendation 2: Create a highly capable handbook that Highly capable advisory team will utilize current policy and includes all elements regarding program structures. procedures as well as performance study recommendations to draft highly capable handbook (19-20). Recommendation 3: Evaluate grade offerings for the Odyssey Highly capable advisory team will collect stakeholder input to program to align with screening timelines and evaluate interest and programmatic aspects of grade level programmatic needs. expansion. In addition, Teaching & Learning Services and Capital & Facility Services will partner to evaluate programmatic options relative to the facility capacity of the Libby Center and projected enrollment (20-21).

  3. Highly Capable Recommendation Action Recommendation 4: Evaluate Tessera schedules to ensure Highly capable advisory team will collect stakeholder input to efficiencies and equity of service levels. evaluate feedback on the Tessera schedule as well as partner with School Support Services to study potential transportation ptions (20-21). Recommendation 5: Establish minimum expectations for Highly capable advisory team will outline recommended building based services and identify strategies for restricting minimum expectations for building-based services and the role ability levels within student groupings. of general education teachers. These recommendations will be integrated into curriculum guides and professional development offerings. In addition, professional development will be provided to building administrators regarding strategies for master schedule development, programmatic design, and instructional strategies (19-20). Recommendation 6: Middle school advanced courses should Project Based Learning modules are in development be accelerated and offer more opportunities for that will overlay on top of core courses. development of conceptual understanding and higher level The focus of the modules is to allow for choice, thinking to better prepare students for the creativity and critical thinking. In addition, program rigorous coursework in high school. guides that include expectations and articulated scope and sequence will be formulated for accelerated and honors courses (20-21).

  4. Highly Capable Recommendation Action Recommendation 7: Establish a district-wide identification District-wide identification committee will be established for the committee with representation from multiple buildings and 2019-2020 identification period. Multiple criteria will be outlined levels and establish clear selection procedures for use of for identification as well as standardized protocols for multiple criteria resulting in multiple pathways for students to communicating with families (19-20). be identified. Recommendation 8: Consider switching from online The Assessment Department will facilitate piloting paper-pencil administration of the CogAT back to a paper-pencil test at 4 sites that have historical underrepresentation. Pilot data administration and follow up with families who have not will be used to analyze trend data and recommendations for returned their permission to test forms after their children have future assessment options (19-20). become eligible to take the full CogAT. Recommendation 9: Consider the use of an algebra prognosis The Assessment Department will facilitate piloting of an algebra test in 6th grade to aid in guidance given for math course screener for middle school placement. Pilot data will be used to selection at the middle school level and consider using the analyze trend data and recommendations for future assessment results of the PSAT 8-10 to assist in highly capable identification options (20-21). for high school.

  5. Highly Capable Recommendation Action Recommendation 10: Clearly articulate what core elements Highly capable advisory team will incorporate core elements of of gifted education are emphasized in each service option for each service option in the Highly Capable Handbook. This highly capable learners. information will be distributed to highly capable families as well as made available on the district website (19-20). Recommendation 11: For the Tessera and Odyssey Programs, The Libby Center Principal will facilitate a collaborative process develop a written mission statement and corresponding goals with staff to evaluate current mission statement as well as the and objectives for each program. In addition, a written goals and objectives outlined in the district’s highly capable curriculum needs to be developed that indicates how handbook. This will involve articulating the progression and each core element of gifted education will be addressed integration of IB programming components (19-20). through the program. This curriculum should be vertically articulated to show development of content and skills over time. Recommendation 12: Consider publishing a guide to Highly Information and resources outlined in the district’s highly Capable programming options for families that would include capable handbook will be used to develop parent-friendly the specific services offered (Odyssey, Tessera, and informational materials and content available on the district's Building-based services) as well as specialty programs website (19-20). within the district that may also appeal to highly capable learners.

  6. Highly Capable Recommendation Action Recommendation 13: Provide opportunities for program Libby Center is currently implementing secondary social faculty and counselors to receive training in the social and emotional learning curriculum and preparing for the adoption of emotional characteristics and potential issues common elementary curriculum. Professional development focused on among highly capable students. highly capable students will be integrated into districtwide professional learning improvement days and other professional development structures. Characteristics and potential issues relative to highly capable students will be integrated into district-wide professional development on social emotional learning (20-21). Recommendation 14: Allow time for the Odyssey faculty, high Collaboration opportunities for staff on topics relative to highly school faculty, and counselor(s) to meet and discuss ways to capable students will be provided on professional learning reduce the stress levels students are experiencing. improvement days. This will include an emphasis for counselors (20-21). Recommendation 15: Work together to determine concrete Libby Center staff will utilize Panorama Surveys and forums to ways to change the culture of the program to promote a collect stakeholder input on strategies for creating a positive sense of community and collaboration rather than culture, sense of community, and collaborative academic competitiveness and stress. environment. This information will be used to inform development of the school improvement plan (19-20).

  7. Highly Capable Recommendation Action Recommendation 16: Create a common calendar for grade Teaching & Learning Services will partner with the Libby Center level teachers to indicate due dates of major projects and staff to utilize collaboration structures to articulate curriculum tests to spread them out more evenly across the week and guides that outline aspects of pacing, scope and sequence, encourage faculty to re-evaluate their assigned homework to major assignments, assessments, and role of homework. find ways to reduce the volume and increase the relevance. Recommendation 17: Provide parent education in the form of Teaching and Learning Services and the Libby Center staff will information nights or shared resources on social and collaborate to develop a calendar of annual events and emotional topics such as perfectionism, stress, anxiety, and timelines for distributing resources and information to families. achievement motivation. Post any handouts or information on The calendar of events and timelines will be utilized to begin these topics on the district’s gifted webpage. offering consistent experiences for families and an ongoing stream of information (19-20). Recommendation 18: Provide opportunities for gifted high The Student Services Department will partner with school students to have small group discussions or book studies high school counselors to identify content and with counselors over affective topics germane to gifted high structures to facilitate targeted support for highly school students. capable high school students (20-21).


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