HIGHLIGHTS Kurt Shafer is a serial inventor USPS paid him over $100,000 for webcams Los Angeles is buying 8 of his hybrid rooftops for a total of $23,000 for Studio City Tractor Supply will carry his rooftop in 2021 Calidad in Australia will sell his rooftop in 2021. He has signed reps with more coming. His first rooftop sale was in 2016. His patent application is pending.
INTRODUCTION TO INVISCO LLC Founded by Kurt Shafer in 1978 to bring pioneering new technology to the world with his unique inventions. One of the first was the INVIsible SCreen. Then came SnapNSend, the first commercially available web cam software used by the USPS for their new construction sites and by Surfline for surf pictures worldwide. In 2015 Kurt learned about Edmonds ECOpower hybrid rooftop ventilators made in Australia and he improved their design for the US market.
THE PROBLEM American rooftop ventilation design has been the same since the first rooftop was invented by Loren Cook in 1942. Every rooftop uses a crude box on top for rain protection. Cook added a radius to help air flow.
THE SOLUTION Kurt saw the Edmonds hybrid as a perfect new American rooftop ventilation design because it replaced the rain hat with a perfect vertical bladed turbine top. This not only gives the best free gravity air flow but ALSO the best motor powered air flow. Hence the term HYBRID.
THE MARKET Commercial and industrial buildings CBECS data shows 77,000 buildings every year 2003-2012 Residential rooftop mounted whole house fans 677,971 homes in New Mexico in 2000. Most have no attics. Almost 1,000,000 Mid Century Modern homes all over the U.S. Austin Denver Houston Palo Alto Portland Las Vegas Chicago Cincinnati Columbus Boise Palm Springs Hudson Santa Fe Pittsburgh Savannah Charleston Los Angeles Orange San Diego
THE MARKET IN DOLLARS Commercial and industrial buildings 77,000 buildings / year 10% share 1 per roof at $4000 7700 x $4000 = $338,800,000 Sanity check – there are dozens of companies serving this market now. Greenheck and LorenCook are over $300,000,000 in sales each. Residential rooftop mounted whole house fans Approx 1.7 million homes with no attic 10% 170,000 homes at $2000 = 340,000,000 Sanity check. QuietCool does $50,000,000 with no rooftops.
MARKET GO TO STRATEGY Commercial and industrial buildings Sales representative firms are in every state. Invisco has already signed reps in several states. ASHRAE is the top association for building professionals. ACEC is the top association for building engineers. Invisco has joined ACEC California as an affiliate. Email is the easiest way to reach engineers. Invisco has 1000s of emails being used regularly. Yearly ASHRAE trade show is the first and foremost venue. Monthly meetings are in every major city.
MARKET GO TO STRATEGY Residential rooftop mounted whole house fans Dealers/Installers are in every major city. Big box stores offer them online and in stores. Tractor Supply has agreed to start carrying Invisco in 2021. Mid century modern homes have Atomic-Ranch magazine. New Mexico homes are easily identified on Zillow.
COMPETITION One must look at the state of the art up to now. There are several large companies in the rooftop vent business. Greenheck, LorenCook, PennBarry, TwinCityFan, Dayton None have a hybrid. They have only gravity vents and motorized vents. Their performance with gravity is very poor. Their motorized vents take 400% of the power of a hybrid for the same air flow.
WHAT MAKES INVISCO UNIQUE? First hybrid rooftop ventilator to ever be made in America. Excellent case studies showing performance others lack. See https://inviscoindustrial.com/case-studies/ Patent applied for and a search for like designs shows none. First high flow residential rooftop in history.
THE TEAM President and Founder Kurt Shafer, BSEE and ventilation expert. Board of Directors James Shwe, Registered Mechanical Engineer, California # M 26903, Certified LEED Accredited Professional, Healthcare Facility Design Professional, ASHRAE VP Human Resources Kimberley Plancich Reiki Master VP Marketing Cindy Davis, Social Media Expert
BUSINESS PLAN 3 YEARS TO $1MILLION Investment 500,000 SALES Los Angeles Studio City 8 fans 23,453 PROFIT OR LOSS FOR YEAR 1 -252,964 CASH 270,489 SALES 60 fans at $3000 180,000 PROFIT OR LOSS FOR YEAR 2 -75,000 CASH 375,489 SALES 120 fans at $3000 360,000 PROFIT OR LOSS FOR YEAR 3 51,000 CASH 786,489 COMPANY VALUE AT 3X SALES $1,080,000.00
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