High-Speed VLSI Simulator Q I CH E N P A N ZH A N G S U P E R V I S O R : P R O F . S O U R A J E E T R O Y
Background Interconnects transmission lines, copper wires, and Carbon nano-tubes Board to board, chip to chip, PCB, on chip level High-speed High frequency clock rates Short signal rise-time Current Challenges Interconnect can be responsible for logic glitches, and signal delay which can render the circuit inoperable Distributed element, tradeoffs between CPU cost and accuracy
Objective Fall Semester Design and develop a general purpose circuit simulator capable of CAD of high-speed interconnect Frequency domain and time domain Single conductor and multi conductor Spring Semester Reduce computation time and cost by investigating Model Order Reduction(MOR) method Parallel simulation, wave form relaxation Reduces the number of unknowns to significantly decrease computation time
Engineering Methods Tools Programs written in C++ and operates on CSU’s CRAY supercomputer Usage of an industry standard, HSPICE, as a result reference Mathematical Models Modified Nodal Analysis Partial, ODE circuit representation and solution Lumped model representation Matrix operations Technical Performance Measurements Accuracy, CPU time, and stability of the simulation results
Current Work Budget $0, purely software design Responsibilities Joint From layout to mathematical representation (MNA) Qi Implement the code to simulate circuit in the time domain Pan Implement code to simulate circuit in the frequency domain
Interconnect Model Telegrapher’s partial differential equation Lumped Model
Interconnect Model Single conductor Lumped Model Multi- conductor Lumped Model
Frequency Domain Analysis Mathematical representation Layout to “Stamp”(MNA/ ODE model) Laplace domain LU decomposition & complexity
Frequency Domain Analysis Simulation single line interconnect, comparison to HSPICE
Frequency Domain Analysis First Trial CPU time: 92 s Second Trial CPU time: 61 s
Frequency Domain Analysis First Trial CPU time: 92 s Second Trial CPU time: 61 s
Time Domain Analysis Mathematical representation Using existing models from frequency domain analysis Using implicit numerical integration methods to approximate time domain solution C C + = + n n G x b x + + − − n x 1 x 1 x Backwards Euler method t t t t + + 1 1 x x x x Trapezoidal method + C G b b C G + = + + − n n x 1 x n n x x + − − x 1 x Coupled HSI 2 2 2 t t t t + + 1 1 x x x x
Time Domain Analysis V1 for d=0.5cm Time vs Length V2 for d=0.5cm
Conclusion Expected delivery but need improvement Good feedback for future optimization Next step CPU time complexity extraction Complete accuracy evaluation by L2 error norm MOR Parallel simulation
Special Thanks Professor Sourajeet Roy Vibhanshu Katiyar
Sources [1] E. Lelarasmee, A. E. Ruehli, and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, “The waveform relaxation method for time-domain analysis of large-scale integrated circuits,” IEEE Trans. CAD Integr. Circuits Syst., vol. 1, no. 3,pp. 131–145, Jul. 1982. [2] J. White and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Relaxation Techniques for the Simulation of VLSI Circuits. Norwell, MA: Kluwer, 1987. [3] Roy, Sourajeet. “Chapter 1: Formulation of Network Equations.” 2014 [4] Roy, Sourajeet. “Chapter 3: Numerical Integration Techniques of Differential Equations.” 2014 [5] Roy, Sourajeet. “Chapter 5 High Speed Interconnects.” 2014
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