high performance hardware high performance hardware

High Performance Hardware, High Performance Hardware, Memory & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

High Performance Hardware, High Performance Hardware, Memory & CPU Memory & CPU Step Back, Look Inside, Many Dont Insight, not numbers! Face real world 6 GB/s CPU B K 2 3 cache 2 GB Rubin H. Landau Rubin H. Landau RAM 2

  1. High Performance Hardware, High Performance Hardware, Memory & CPU Memory & CPU Step Back, Look Inside, Many Don’t Insight, not numbers! Face real world 6 GB/s CPU B K 2 3 cache 2 GB Rubin H. Landau Rubin H. Landau RAM 2 MB With With cache 3 2 TB @ Sally Haerer and Scott Clark Sally Haerer and Scott Clark s / b M 1 1 Main Store 1 Computational Physics for Undergraduates Computational Physics for Undergraduates BS Degree Program: Oregon State University BS Degree Program: Oregon State University “ Engaging People in Cyber Infrastructure Engaging People in Cyber Infrastructure ” Suppor Support by EPICS/NSF & OSU by EPICS/NSF & OSU Introductory Computational Science 1 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006 Introductory Computational Science 1 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006

  2. Problem: Optimize for Speedup Speedup Problem: Optimize for Problem: Optimize for Speedup • Faster by smarter (algorithm), not bigger Fe • Yet @limit: tune program to architecture  1 st locate hot spots  speed up? ������ � �� � ��� θ ��������� ����� • Negative side  hard work & (your) time intensive ��������������  local hard/software:  portable, readable ���������� � � � ���������� ���������� ������� � � ������ ���� ��������������� ���������� • CS: “compiler's job not yours” ��� • CSE: large, complex, frequent programs: 3-5X • “CSE : tomorrow’s problems, yesterday’s HdWr CS  ” (Press) Introductory Computational Science 2 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006 Introductory Computational Science 2 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006

  3. Theory: Rules of Optimization Theory: Rules of Optimization Theory: Rules of Optimization 1. “More computing sins are committed in the name of efficiency (without necessarily achieving it) than for any other single reason - including blind stupidity.” - W.A. Wulf 2. “We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil.” - D. Knuth 3. “The best is the enemy of the good.” - Voltaire 4. Do not do it. 5. (for experts only): “Do not do it yet.” - M.A. Jackson Jonathan Hardwich 6. “Do not optimize as you go.” www.cs.cmu.edu/ ~ jch 7. Remember the 80/20 rule: 80% results  20% effort (also 90/10) 8. Always run “before” and “after” benchmarks - fast wrong answers not compatible with search for truth/bridges 9. Use the right algorithms and data structures! Introductory Computational Science 3 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006 Introductory Computational Science 3 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006

  4. Theory: HPC Components Theory: HPC Components Theory: HPC Components • Supercomputers = fastest, most powerful • Now: parallel machines, PC (WS) based System (64 cabinets) • Linux/Unix ($$ if MS) Cabinet (32 boards) • HPC = good balance major components: Board (16 cards) Card  multistaged (pipelined) units (2 chips) 360 Tflops Chip 32TB (2 processors)  multiple CPU (parallel) 5.7 Tflops 80 Gflops 512 GB 16 GB DDR  fast CPU, but compatible 11.2 Gflops 2.8/5.6 Gflops 1 GB DDR 4 MB  very large, very fast memories  very fast communications  vector, array processors (?)  software: integrates all Introductory Computational Science 4 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006 Introductory Computational Science 4 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006

  5. Memory Hierarchy vs vs Arrays Arrays Memory Hierarchy Memory Hierarchy vs Arrays Ideal world array storage Real world matrices ≠ blocks = broken lines A(1) A(2) A(1) A(3) RAM A(2) A(3) Page 1 Data Cache A(N) A(1),..., A(16) A(2032),..., A(2048) M(1,1) A(N) Page 2 M(2,1) M(1,1) M(3,1) M(2,1) CPU M(3,1) Page 3 CPU M(N,1) M(N,1) M(1,2) Swap Space M(1,2) M(2,2) Registers Page N M(2,2) M(3,2) M(3,2) M(N,N) M(N,N) Row major: C, Java; Column major: F90 • C, J: m(0,0) m(0,1) m(0,2) m(1,0) m(1,1) m(1,2) m(2,0) m(2,1) m(2,20) • F: m(1,1) m(2,1) m(3,1) m(1,2) m(2,2) m(3,2) m(1,3) m(2,3) m(3,3) Introductory Computational Science 5 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006 Introductory Computational Science 5 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006

  6. Memory Hierarchy: Cost vs vs Speed Speed Memory Hierarchy: Cost Memory Hierarchy: Cost vs Speed • CPU : registers, instructions, FPA, 8 GB/s 6 GB/s • Cache : high-speed buffer, 5.5 GB/s CPU 32 KB • Cache lines : latency issues cache 2 GB • RAM : random access memory RAM 2 MB • Via RISC : reduced instruction set computer cache 3 2 TB @ s / b M • Hard disk: cheap and slow, 111 Mb/s 1 1 Main Store 1 • Pages : length = 4K (386), 8-16K (Unix) • Virtual memory ≈  RAM (32b ≈ 4GB) B A little effort,  $$ (t) = page faults C e.g. multitasking/windows D Introductory Computational Science 6 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006 Introductory Computational Science 6 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006

  7. High Performance Hardware, High Performance Hardware, Memory & CPU (part II) Memory & CPU (part II) (examples) 6 GB/s CPU B K 2 3 cache 2 GB Rubin H. Landau Rubin H. Landau RAM 2 MB cache With With 3 2 TB @ s / b Sally Haerer and Scott Clark Sally Haerer and Scott Clark M 1 1 Main Store 1 Computational Physics for Undergraduates Computational Physics for Undergraduates BS Degree Program: Oregon State University BS Degree Program: Oregon State University “ Engaging People in Cyber Infrastructure Engaging People in Cyber Infrastructure ” Support by EPICS/NSF & OSU Suppor by EPICS/NSF & OSU Introductory Computational Science 7 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006 Introductory Computational Science 7 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006

  8. Central Processing Unit Central Processing Unit Central Processing Unit • Interacting Memories A(1) RAM A(2) A(3) Page 1 Data Cache • Pipelines: speed A(1),..., A(16) A(2032),..., A(2048) Page 2 A(N) M(1,1) M(2,1) M(3,1) Page 3  Prepare next step CPU during previous M(N,1) Swap Space M(1,2) Registers Page N M(2,2) M(3,2)  Bucket brigade M(N,N) e.g: c = (a + b) / (d * f) Unit Step1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 A1 Fetch a Fetch b Add A2 Fetch d Fetch f Multiply A3 Divide Introductory Computational Science 8 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006 Introductory Computational Science 8 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006

  9. CPU Design: RISC CPU Design: RISC CPU Design: RISC • RISC = R educed I nstruction S et C omputer (HPC) M(N,N) M(3,2) M(2,2) M(1,2) M(N,1) M(3,1) M(2,1) M(1,1) A(N) A(3) A(2) A(1) •  CISC = C omplex I SC (previous)  high-level microcode on chip (1000’s instructions) Swap Space Page N Page 3 Page 2 Page 1 RAM  complex instructions  slow (10  / instruct) A(1),..., A(16) • RISC: smaller (simpler) instruction set on chip  F90, C compiler translate for RISC architecture  simpler (fewer cycles/i), cheaper, possibly faster Registers Data Cache CPU  saved instruction space  more CPU registers A(2032),..., A(2048)   pipelines,  memory conflict, some parallel • Theory CPU T = # instructs  cycles/ instruct  cycle t CISC: fewer instructs executed RISC: fewer cycles/ instruct Introductory Computational Science 9 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006 Introductory Computational Science 9 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006

  10. Latest & Greatest: IBM IBM Blue Gene Latest & Greatest: IBM Blue Gene Blue Gene Latest & Greatest: System • A. Gara et al ., IBM J (64 cabinets) • Specific genes  general SC Cabinet • Linux ($$ if MS) (32 boards) • By committee Board (16 cards) Card (2 chips) 360 Tflops Chip 32TB (2 processors) 5.7 Tflops 80 Gflops 512 GB 16 GB DDR 11.2 Gflops 2.8/5.6 Gflops (double data rate) 1 GB DDR 4 MB • Extreme scale  65,536 (2 16 ) nodes • Balance  cost/performance •  Peak = 360 teraflops (10 12 );   performance/watt • Medium speed 5.6 Gflop (cool) • On, off chip distributed memories • 512 chips/card, 16 cards/Board • 2 cores: 1 compute, 1 communicate • Control: distributed memory MPI Introductory Computational Science 10 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006 Introductory Computational Science 10 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006

  11. BG's 3 Communication Networks 's 3 Communication Networks BG BG's 3 Communication Networks • Fig (a)  : 64 x 32 x 32 3-D torus (2 x 2 x 2 shown) links = chips that also compute both: nearest-neighbor & cut through all ≈ effective bandwidth all nodes node  node: 1.4 Gb/s  1 ns ��� • Program speed: local communication 100 ns < Latency < 6.4  s (64 hops) ��� ���������������� �������� • Fig (b) Global collective network ������������� broadcast to all processors ���� ����� • Fig (c) Control network + Gb-Ethernet ������������� ��� for I/O, switch, devices > Tb/s Introductory Computational Science 11 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006 Introductory Computational Science 11 Rubin Landau, EPIC/OSU 2006

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