high br bridge e re re dec eck k pr project ct

High Br Bridge e Re Re-Dec eck k Pr Project ct MnDOT DOT - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

High Br Bridge e Re Re-Dec eck k Pr Project ct MnDOT DOT Contra ract ct No. 1000532 Prese sente nted d to: o: Minneso esota ta Departme rtment nt of Transportatio nsportation Bridge dge Repai air Recom ommend endations

  1. High Br Bridge e Re Re-Dec eck k Pr Project ct MnDOT DOT Contra ract ct No. 1000532 Prese sente nted d to: o: Minneso esota ta Departme rtment nt of Transportatio nsportation Bridge dge Repai air Recom ommend endations ations - Septem tember ber 22, 2016

  2. Brid idge ge Overv erview iew 11 Total Spans, 2755’ - 0” Long • 3- Span Continuous Steel Arch (282’ - 520’ - 242’) – Spans 3-5 • South Approach: 2-Span Continuous Multi-Girder Steel – Spans 1 & 2 • North Approach: 6-Span Continuous Multi-Girder Steel – Spans 6-11 • H i g h B r i d g e R e - D e c k P r o j e c t ( B r i d g e 6 2 0 9 0 )

  3. Brid idge ge Overv erview iew – Arch ch Spa pans ns Floor System – Deck, Stringers and Floorbeams Lateral Bracing Tie Spandrel Column Arch Rib Open Spandrel Tied Deck Arch • Key Components: Arch Rib, Spandrel Columns, Tie • Unique Aspects: Tie - W33X118 & 4 - Post-Tensioned (PT) Tendons • PT Tendons Consist of 19 - 0.6” diam. Strands – H i g h B r i d g e R e - D e c k P r o j e c t ( B r i d g e 6 2 0 9 0 )

  4. Brid idge ge Overv erview iew – Arch ch Spa pans ns Arch ch Spans ans – Spans ans 3-5 • Vari riab able le Width th in Span n 3 & ½ o of S Span an 4 • Width Varies from 54’ - 4” to 68’ - 10” • H i g h B r i d g e R e - D e c k P r o j e c t ( B r i d g e 6 2 0 9 0 )

  5. Existing isting Brid idge ge Dec eck k / / Cros oss s Sec ectio tion Out-to- Out Width Varies from 54’ - 4” to 79’ - 1” H i g h B r i d g e R e - D e c k P r o j e c t ( B r i d g e 6 2 0 9 0 )

  6. Prop opos osed ed Cross oss Sec ection tion H i g h B r i d g e R e - D e c k P r o j e c t ( B r i d g e 6 2 0 9 0 )

  7. Brid idge ge Overv erview iew – Nor orth th App pproa oach ch Spa pans ns 6-Span Continuous Steel Multi- Girder (225’ Spans & 160’ N. End Span) • 8’ Deep Constant Web Depth and Variable Depth Sections • Unique Aspects: • Horizontally-curved for northern end span – Variable-Width Flared and Kinked Framing – 11’ - 3” to ~14’ Variable Width Girder Spacing – Girder 3 is Partial Length with Sub-Stringer Added in Span 9 to support Deck – H i g h B r i d g e R e - D e c k P r o j e c t ( B r i d g e 6 2 0 9 0 )

  8. Brid idge ge Overv erview iew – Sou outh th App pproach oach Spa pans ns 2-Span Continuous Steel Multi- Girder (~ 213’ - 213’) • Approx. 13’ Girder Spacing, 12’ - 0” Web Depth • Unique Aspects: • Horizontally-curved – Variable-Width Flared and Kinked Framing – H i g h B r i d g e R e - D e c k P r o j e c t ( B r i d g e 6 2 0 9 0 )

  9. Lo Load ad R Rat atin ing g Res esults ults (In Inve ventory ntory Le Level el) Bridge Re- Bridge BOC with Deck with Originally Condition & Unit Component Condition & Constructed System System (BOC) Factors Factors Arch Rib 1.33 1.02 Final Report Spandrel Cols 1.74 1.28 Final Report Main Arch Stringers 0.00 0.00 1.39 Spans Floorbeams 0.39 0.03 Final Report Arch Tie 10.83 8.51 Final Report South Girders 1.09 0.96 Final Report Approach Cross-frames 1.41 1.30 Final Report North Girders 0.86 0.76 Final Report Approach Cross-frames 1.59 1.49 Final Report Low ratings ngs largely rgely a funct ction on of code e changes ges and/or or a resul ult of sidew dewal alk k loadi dings ngs not • consi sidere dered d in origi ginal nal design gn Arch ch Rib b Strengt ngthenin hening g Not Requi quired • Arch ch Span Stringer ngers: s: • – Origi ginal nal design gn assumed umed braci cing g at DL contraf raflexure exure points s and partial al comp mposi osite behavi avior, or, neither her permi mitted ed by modern ern code – Bridge dge rehab ab will incl clude ude new diaphragm phragm braci cing ng and full comp mposi osite design gn with new deck deck Approach roach Span n Gird rders ers: • – Ratings ngs driven ven by Lateral ral Torsi sional onal Buckl kling: g: Antici cipat ated d that addition on of select ect new cross ss-fram rames es will improve prove invent ventory ory ratings ngs above ve 1.0 as part of re-decki decking ng H i g h B r i d g e R e - D e c k P r o j e c t ( B r i d g e 6 2 0 9 0 )

  10. Ma Majo jor It Items ems of of Wor ork Deck Remova val l & Replacement cement • Arch h Spans ans: Dec eck Demolitio molition n and nd Replac placem ement ent to be Seque quenc nced ed with h PT Tie e De- – Tens nsionin ioning/ g/Rep Repla lacemen ment Replaceme cement nt of Arch h Tie PT Tendon ons • Deck Constructio truction • Arch h Spans ans – 9” (Includes 2” Wearing Course) – Appro proac ach h Spans ans – 10 10 ” (Includes 2” Wearing Course) – Compo mposit ite Cons nstruc uction ion – Exis istin ing g Shear ear Stud ud Remov oval l and d Ins nstall all New – Stainle ainless Steel eel Rebar bar in Arch h Spans ans – 6 Deck Join ints, inc ncludin luding g 2 Modula dular r Joint ints – Constructio truction of Barri riers ers • Constr nstructabilit bility of Slip-Form orming ing of Barrier rriers – Aesthe hetic ic Treat eatmen ment to Barrier rriers – Bridge idge Light ghtin ing – Decorative rative Pedestria strian n • Railing ng at Fascia cia H i g h B r i d g e R e - D e c k P r o j e c t ( B r i d g e 6 2 0 9 0 )

  11. Re Re-Deckin Decking g of of Arch ch Spa pans ns Stress Relief Joint Stress Relief Joint Span Confi figura rati tion = 282 ’ - 520’ -242 ’ ; Out -to to- Out Width Varies 54’ - 4” to 68’ - 10” • 9’ - 8” Typical Stringer Spacing within Constant -Width Width Secti tion on • 10’ - 6” Max Stringer Spacing in Flared Section • Interi erior r Stringe ingers rs – Simple ple-Made Made Conti tinu nuous us Betwe ween n Relief ef Joints nts • Fascia cia Stringe ingers rs – Fully ly Contin inuous s Betwee ween Relief f Joints ts • H i g h B r i d g e R e - D e c k P r o j e c t ( B r i d g e 6 2 0 9 0 )

  12. Re-Deckin Re Decking g of of Arch ch Spa pans ns Stress Relief Joint 3 5 1 6 1 11 FB Spacing = 40’ Stress Relief Joint 19 23 27 5 2 4 Exist & Proposed Deck in Arch Spans = 9” Deck (Includes 2” Wearing Surface) • Original Deck k Constructi truction Sequence ce: • Part rtia ial l Tie Post-Ten ensionin ioning g (PT) – 1. Plac ace e Deck Between een PP 6-11 11; 2. PP19 19-23 23; 3. PP1-6; 6; 4: PP 23-27 7 (Nort orth End) d) – Part rtia ial l Tie PT; 5. Plac ace e Deck Betwee een n PP 11 – 19. 9. Then hen Part rtial ial PT – Cons nstru ruct Sidew ewalk lks, Barrie rriers rs, and nd Wearin aring g Surf rface; The hen n Finaliz nalize PT. – H i g h B r i d g e R e - D e c k P r o j e c t ( B r i d g e 6 2 0 9 0 )

  13. Re Re-Deckin Decking g Ana naly lysis sis Seque uent ntial ial Cons nstruction truction Analysis lysis • • Deck Removal / PT De-Tensioning Sequence – Design team will assess two options for CMGC to consider: • Option 1: Reverse of Original Deck Construction • Option 2: Removal in Longitudinal Strips Sequenced with PT De-Tensioning Tie (WF & 4-PT Tendons) Steel Arch Sequential Construction Analysis Model H i g h B r i d g e R e - D e c k P r o j e c t ( B r i d g e 6 2 0 9 0 )

  14. Rep epla lace cement ment of of Arch ch Tie ie Ten endo dons ns H i g h B r i d g e R e - D e c k P r o j e c t ( B r i d g e 6 2 0 9 0 )

  15. Rep epla lace cement ment of of Arch ch Tie ie Ten endo dons ns H i g h B r i d g e R e - D e c k P r o j e c t ( B r i d g e 6 2 0 9 0 )

  16. Rep epla lace cement ment of of Arch ch Tie ie Ten endo dons ns H i g h B r i d g e R e - D e c k P r o j e c t ( B r i d g e 6 2 0 9 0 )

  17. Re Re-Deckin Decking g of of Sou outh th App pproach oach Spa pans ns Span Confi figu gurati ration on = 212- 9” – 212 212- 9” • Out-to to- Out Width Varies 74’ - 9” to 68’ - 10” • Girder Spacing Varies: 13’ - 2” max • Exist st & Proposed osed Deck k = 10” Deck (Includes 2” Wearing Surface ) • H i g h B r i d g e R e - D e c k P r o j e c t ( B r i d g e 6 2 0 9 0 )

  18. Re Re-Deckin Decking g of of Nor orth th App pproa oach ch Spa pans ns Spans ns 6-11: 11: • – 6-Span an Contin inuou ous: s: – 225’ - 225’ - 225’ - 225’ - 225’ - 160’ – 11 Deck Pours rs Anticipate icipated in Sequen ence ce Curved rved End 2 Sp Spans ans • Flar ared ed Fram aming ng • – Out-to to- Out Width Varies 54’ - 4” to 79’ - 1” Girder Spacing Varies: 14’ -0 ” max • Additio itional nal Girder der Line ne (and nd Sub-String tringer) er) • added ded in Span n 9 Existing Slab Varies from 9¼” to 10½” • (Including 2” Wearing Surface) Proposed oposed Slab Thick ickness ess = Cons nstan ant • Thickness of 10” (To Be Confirmed) Partial-Length Girder w/ Sub-Stringer H i g h B r i d g e R e - D e c k P r o j e c t ( B r i d g e 6 2 0 9 0 )


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