HERON GATE MASTER PLAN OTTAWA Public Open H ouse February 11, 2019 The Stirling Group Development Initiatives
PRESENTATION OVERVIEW Process Update What We Heard - Social Framework What We Heard – Planning Framework Master Plan Update Next Steps Workshop Overview
Heron Gate Master Plan Process: PRE- APPLICATION PHASE POST APPLICATION PHASE Early Late Jan-Mar 2016-2017 2019 2018 2018 2019 Heron Gate 7 Master Plan Concept Plan Secondary Concept Plan Municipal Development Start up and & Technical Plan/OPA/ZBA Development Approval Community Studies Municipal & Study Process Visioning Application Review Initiation Sessions Submitted Public Open House – Jan 23, 2018 On-going Public Open House Public Open House Planning Committee Public Visioning Session – Feb 24, 2018 Community Feb 11, 2019 Sep 27, 2016 City Council Public Visioning Session – Apr 7, 2018 HG Residents Meeting Consultation Carleton Studio Reviews – Oct-Dec 2018 Feb 12, 2019 HG Residents Meeting - Dec 6, 2018 We are here Work program
Public Engagement: Sept 27 th , 2016 - Heron Gate 7 Community Meeting
Public Engagement: January 23 rd , 2018 - Public Open House
Public Engagement: February 24 th , 2018 - Visioning Session
Public Engagement: April 7 th , 2018 - Visioning Session
Engagement: Fall 2018 - Carleton University Studio
Social Framework Commitments: No further demolitions for occupied units will occur until affected 1 tenants are able to transfer their leases and relocate within Housing Security the community to newly constructed units at the same rents . Continue to work through the planning process with the City of 2 Ottawa with the goal of building up to 20% of the total units as Affordability affordable Provide a diverse mix of housing types and sizes that will include: • 3 and 4 bedroom family style units 3 Housing Diversity • Ground floor accessible units to accommodate wheelchairs and seniors’ needs Continue to work with the City of Ottawa and others to create 4 training and employment opportunities for Heron Gate Social Enterprise community members. Provide new amenities and green space and work with the 5 Green Space City to enhance and improve Sandalwood Park – an important community asset.
Community Meeting Input:
Support systems Systèmes de soutien do people have access to Les gens ont-ils accès à des support facilities and services installations et à des services de on a day to day basis, and soutien au jour le jour et during moments of need? pendant les périodes de besoin? Socialization Socialisation do people have les gens ont-ils des espaces spaces (intérieur/extérieur) pour (indoors/outdoors) s'engager socialement to engage socially (formellement/informellement (formally/informally) ) Welcoming Accueillant do people feel Les gens se sentent-ils welcomed, safe, bien accueillis, en sécurité and engaged, 24/7 et engagés, 24 heures sur regardless of 24, peu importe leurs background or antécédents ou leurs physical ability capacités physiques?
Delight and Joie et Plaisir enjoyment Est-ce que les gens peuvent profiter de la Can people enjoy high qualité, de beaux quality, beautiful espaces avec abandon? spaces with abandon Mobility Mobilité Does the project Est-ce que le projet increase the uptake for augmente le recours au active transportation transport actif et réduit and reduce single-car- le nombre de occupancy miles kilomètres parcourus traveled par un seul véhicule? Natural Systems Systèmes naturels Does the project have Le projet a-t-il un Résistance Le projet Resilience a positive impact on impact positif sur le met- il en œuvre un plan Does the project implement the functioning of fonctionnement des de continuité a plan for operational natural systems systèmes naturels opérationnelle et de continuity and to manage (local/global) and the (local/global) et gestion et d'adaptation and adapt to identified ecology l'écologie aux dangers identifiés hazards
Affordability and Abordabilité et quality of life qualité de vie can people of Les personnes de different income- différents niveaux de levels afford a high revenu peuvent-elles quality of life se permettre une grande qualité de vie? Life-cycle costing Coût du cycle de vie and future- et pérennité Le projet tient-il compte proofing des coûts du cycle de vie does the project complet et des coûts pour account for full-life-cycle l'environnement et la costing and the costs to communauté? the environment and Local Economy L'économie locale community does the project Le projet soutient-il support a healthy une économie locale local economy and in saine et en particulier Complete Des communautés particular a une économie du Communities completes knowledge economy savoir? can people realize the les gens peuvent-ils réaliser les activities of everyday life activités de la vie quotidienne within walking distance à distance de marche
Play Jouer Learning Apprentissage do people les gens ont-ils do people of all les gens de tous have quality des espaces de ages have âges ont-ils des spaces to qualité pour se opportunities to occasions relax and détendre et learn and develop d'apprendre et de engage s'engager de développer creatively manière créative Sense of belonging Sentiment d'appurtenance do people feel included in their Est-ce que les gens se sentent inclus communities, connected to their dans leurs communautés, connectés à social networks, and engaged in leurs réseaux sociaux et engagés dans civic and community life, regardless la vie civique et communautaire, peu of their background importe leur origine? Cultural and Vitalité culturelle et recreational vitality recreative do people have access to les gens ont-ils accès à des cultural, recreational, and installations culturelles, art facilities récréatives et artistiques?
Guiding Principles A vibrant community Safe, healthy and Focal points & places of identity diverse gathering 5 4 6 Flexibility to meet the Sustainability and Prioritize pedestrians and diverse needs. social responsibility. multi-modal transportation 9 8 Quality open spaces. Harmonize with Engage stakeholders community setting. meaningfully.
April 7, 2018 – Draft Land Use Framework
April 7, 2018 – Draft Built Form Framework
April 7, 2018 – Draft Open Space Framework
April 7, 2018 – Draft Transportation Framework
Concept Plan Development – Draft Vehicular & Pedestrian Routes Heron Road Sandalw ood Park Heron -Walkley Park Property line Arterial Roadw ay Local Roadw ay Lanew ay / Restricted Route Pedestrian Path
Concept Plan Development – Draft Transit Routes and Stops Heron Road Sandalw ood Park Heron -Walkley Park Property line Bus Stop Bus Route Local Roadw ay Lanew ay / Restricted Route
Concept Plan Development – Draft Cycling Routes Heron Road Sandalw ood Park Heron -Walkley Park Property line Separated Cycling Lane On-Road Cycling Route Proposed Cycling Path
Concept Plan Development – Draft Building Frontages / At Grade Land Uses Heron Rd Sandalw ood Park Heron -Walkley Park RETAIL / COMMERCIAL COMMUNITY SPACE LIVE-WORK
Density and Building Heights - Draft Approach height transition stepback Sandalw ood Park sunlight on the park Heron -Walkley Park sunlight on the 12.5 m park 25 m tower separation for views and skyline
Density and Building Heights – Dispersed Density Concept
Draft Density and Building Heights – Edge Density Concept
Density and Building Heights – Centralized Density Concept
Concept Plan Development – Open Space Big Moves
Open Spaces & Green Connections – Draft Concept #1
Open Spaces & Green Connections – Draft Concept #1 1 1 2 4 3 1. Multi-use trails 2. Play areas 4. Open green 3. Seating & shelter
Open Spaces & Green Connections – Draft Concept #2
Open Spaces & Green Connections – Draft Concept #2 3 2 3 2 4 1 1. Pond boardwalk 2. Nature trails 4. Trellis pavilion 3. Green connections
Open Spaces & Green Connections – Draft Concept #3
Open Spaces & Green Connections – Draft Concept #3 3 2 1 4 1. Entry Plaza 2. Formal Soccer Field 3. Greenway gardens 4. Playground
NEXT STEPS • Heron Gate Residents Meeting (February 12, 2019) • Public Open House (March, 2019) • Concept Plan & Technical Study Refinement • Secondary Plan/OPA/ZBA Submission & Municipal Review – Urban Design Review Panel pre- consultation – Public Consultation opportunities
TODAY'S WORKSHOP 6:30 – 7:15pm Table Discussions in 3 rooms to review concepts 7:15 – 7:50pm Report back in Auditorium 7:50 – 8:00pm Closing Remarks
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