Helping you get the most out of life
What makes Foresters Financial ™ a different kind of financial services provider? Foresters Financial, Foresters, and Helping Is Who We Are are trade names and trademarks of The Independent Order of Foresters (a fraternal benefit society, 789 Don Mills Road, Toronto, Canada M3C 1T9) and its subsidiaries. NC210 504573 CAN 03/20
In 2018 alone, Foresters paid over $811 million ( CAD ) in insurance claims and benefits
“ There are a million insurance companies out there but Foresters is very special because they do so much for the community.” — John, Foresters member
Member benefits Foresters membership provides a whole range of 1 , many of which are complimentary member benefjts This is in addition to the value provided by the insurance product 1 Descriptions of member benefjts that you may receive assume that you are a Foresters Financial member. Foresters Financial member benefjts are non-contractual, subject to benefjt specifjc eligibility requirements, defjnitions and limitations and may be changed or cancelled without notice.
Foresters Competitive Tuition Scholarships Each year ofgers 250 renewable tuition scholarships 2 worth up to $8,000 each, $2,000 per year for up to 4 years Scholarships are available to eligible members and their spouse, dependent children, children under legal guardianship and grandchildren 2 Available to eligible members. Please visit for eligibility criteria.
Foresters Competitive Tuition Scholarships Available for many kinds of post-secondary education such as vocation and trade schools, community colleges and universities Canada, US or UK schools Overall Weighting: - Grades: 35% - Community service, reference letter and essay: 65%
“ I have this financial stability that will help me carry forward and pursue all the dreams I have down the road.” — Santhiya R, Scholarship winner
Orphan Scholarships 3 Provides children of a deceased member with a renewable scholarship to cover tuition and maintenance expenses Renewable for up to 4 years 3 Available to eligible members with an in force certifjcate having a minimum face value of $10,000 or if an annuity, either a minimum cash value of $10,000 or a minimum contribution of $1,000 paid in the previous twelve months.
Orphan Scholarships On the death of Maximum per year One parent (two parent home) $1,500 Single parent $3,000 Both parents $6,000
Everyday Money Toll free and confjdential phone-based fjnancial helpline Complimentary access to accredited counsellors who can help members with questions about a variety of needs including: - Budgeting - Dealing with credit card debt - Saving for a home - Tips to prevent identity theft
LawAssure 4 Easy-to-use digital document preparation service Ofgers members online access to create customizable: - Wills - Powers of attorney - Healthcare directives Provides a secure online account where members can create, store and print their documents 4 LawAssure is provided by Epoq, Inc. Epoq is an independent service provider and is not affjliated with Foresters. LawAssure is not a legal service or legal advice and is not a substitute for legal advice or services of a licensed lawyer. Foresters Financial, their employees and life insurance representatives, do not provide, on Foresters behalf, legal, estate or tax advice. LawAssure is not available in Quebec and the Canadian territories.
Terminal Illness Loan Members may be eligible to borrow up to 75% of the net face amount of the Member’s Foresters life insurance certifjcate to a maximum of $250,000 if they become terminally ill No interest, set-up fees or rider charges Member can use money any way they wish: - Help pay expenses - Participate in an important event
Orphan Benefit 3 $900 per month per child paid to the legal guardian of the orphaned children of a Foresters Member, up to age 18 Benefjt payment starts approximately one month after payment of the death benefjt proceeds Paid in addition to any death benefjts 3 Available to eligible members with an in force certifjcate having a minimum face value of $10,000 or if an annuity, either a minimum cash value of $10,000 or a minimum contribution of $1,000 paid in the previous twelve months.
Foresters Community Grants Provides members the opportunity to apply for fjnancial grants to organize local activities on their own Members can plan activities that will have a positive impact on their families and communities
“ I appreciated the amount of support available throughout the process. It’s great to be able to have a fun family activity with so many like-minded Foresters families, new and old.” — Mark, Foresters member
Community partnerships Since 2006, Foresters has built 169 beautiful playspaces across North America with KaBOOM!, the national non-profjt dedicated to saving play
In 2019 alone, $5.65 million $2.5 million was granted through Foresters Community in funding for Foresters Competitive Scholarships Grants to help members organize volunteer activities and fun family events $724,859 93,836 in Emergency Assistance went members and their guests attended to Foresters members 2,130 fun family and volunteer activities All fjgures shown in Canadian dollars
“ Foresters has given me an avenue to be able to give more to my community and to my family and friends. It’s more than just insurance by far.” — Cheri, Foresters member
Thank you
Speaker’s notes Helping you get the most out of life Today I would like to talk to you about what makes For esters Financial a difgerent kind of fjnancial services provider. What makes Foresters Financial ™ a different kind of financial services provider? Foresters Financial, Foresters, and Helping Is Who We Are are trade names and trademarks of The Independent Order of Foresters (a fraternal benefjt society, 789 Don Mills Road, Toronto, Canada M3C 1T9) and its subsidiaries. NC210 504573 CAN 03/20 Foresters was founded in 1874 to provide life insurance for average, working families. But they’re so much more than just another fjnancial services provider.
Their purpose - enriching family and community well- being. Foresters has over two million members in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Foresters provides members with access to valuable member benefjts and an opportunity to give back through volunteering opportunities that directly a fgect local communities. In 2018 alone, Foresters paid over $811 million in insurance claims and benefjts. In 2018 alone, Foresters paid over $811 million ( CAD ) in insurance claims and benefits
“ There are a million insurance companies out there but Foresters is very special because they do so much for the community.” — John, Foresters member Foresters membership provides a whole range of member benefjts, many of which are complimentary. This is in Member benefits addition to the value provided by the insurance product. Foresters membership provides a whole range of 1 , many of which are complimentary member benefjts This is in addition to the value provided by the insurance product 1 Descriptions of member benefjts that you may receive assume that you are a Foresters Financial member. Foresters Financial member benefjts are non-contractual, subject to benefjt specifjc eligibility requirements, defjnitions and limitations and may be changed or cancelled without notice. Foresters is proud to contribute to the opportunities that education can bring to individuals, families and Foresters Competitive Tuition Scholarships communities. Each year, they provide up to 250 tuition Each year ofgers 250 renewable tuition scholarships 2 scholarships worth up to $8,000 each, $2,000 per year worth up to $8,000 each, $2,000 per year for up to 4 years for up to 4 years. Scholarships are available to eligible members and The scholarship is renewable – that means individuals their spouse, dependent children, children under legal guardianship and grandchildren don’t have to apply each year. The Foresters Competitive Scholarship program is open to the member, their spouse, dependent children, children under legal guardianship and grandchildren. 2 Available to eligible members. Please visit for eligibility criteria. Tuition scholarships are available for many kinds of post- secondary education such as vocation and trade schools, Foresters Competitive Tuition Scholarships community colleges and universities. The scholarships Available for many kinds of post-secondary education can be used for schools in Canada, US or UK. such as vocation and trade schools, community colleges and universities Applicants must have at least a 70% average in the last year of studies and at least 40 hours of community Canada, US or UK schools service in the past two years. The student’s marks are only Overall Weighting: worth 35% or the total weighting and their community - Grades: 35% service hours, reference letter and essay are worth 65%. - Community service, reference letter and essay: 65%
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