helping support a vibrant economy and exceptional quality

Helping Support A Vibrant Economy and Exceptional Quality of Life - PDF document

M I C H I G A N S E A G R A N T Helping Support A Vibrant Economy and Exceptional Quality of Life Michigan Sea Grant: n Encourages Great Lakes stewardship n Builds resource partnerships n Enhances habitat and native species

  1. M I C H I G A N S E A G R A N T Helping Support A Vibrant Economy and Exceptional Quality of Life Michigan Sea Grant: n Encourages Great Lakes stewardship n Builds resource partnerships n Enhances habitat and native species Michigan Sea Grant envisions healthy and sustainable coastal resources that n Supports business best practices support a vibrant economy and exceptional quality of life in Michigan. n Develops Great Lakes education materials Research, education and outreach are three interdependent but equal n Funds Great Lakes research components of Michigan Sea Grant. The synergistic relationship among the n Connects researchers, citizens three program components and our commitment to Michigan’s coastal/Great and the National Oceanic and Lakes communities provides the foundation from which Sea Grant operates. Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) A common thread throughout Michigan Sea Grant is the focus on understand- ing, distilling and communicating science-based information to support informed Current Research Projects: decision-making. n Alternative storm water manage- identify these key issues. Research projects ment practices to address run-ofg, are funded through a competitive, peer- pollutants and other issues. reviewed process, with a biennial call n Fish consumption guidelines for proposals. for at-risk populations along the Detroit River. Solutions to most environmental problems n Brownfjeld redevelopment using require an understanding of biology, GIS tools to assist policy makers, physical science and social science. Tius, managers and stakeholders. our research projects involve interdisci- plinary teams of investigators. Project Sea Grant Program Facts: investigators have followed an Integrated Assessment framework since 2005. Tiis n Established in 1969 research framework expands the capacity of RESEARCHING CURRENT n Funded $34 million in research researchers to study complex environmental COASTAL ISSUES since 1969. problems by providing opportunities to n Funded $32 million in outreach Tie Sea Grant method of doing business collaborate directly with stakeholders, such and education since 1969. brings together natural sciences, social as state agencies, government offjcials, and sciences, decision-makers, and stakeholders community leaders. Tirough meetings to address Michigan’s challenging coastal with stakeholders, investigators can focus research program are to provide a compre- issues. Tie most pressing coastal resource their efgorts on the most policy relevant hensive analysis of the causes, and provide issues defjne our research agenda. Outreach questions, access additional data sources, an analysis of policy options to both inform professionals and partners in local, state, and better incorporate human dimensions decision-making and advance our knowl- federal and tribal governments help to edge of complex environmental systems. of environmental problems. Tie goals of the

  2. GETTING THE WORD OUT Many scientists have an interest in mak- ing their work understood by citizens. Sea Grant specialists develop stakeholder surveys, workshops, web-based materi- als, and news releases that support and expand the scope and impact of each research project. Sea Grant is in an ideal position to maintain relationships with decision-makers and community members long afuer a research project has ended, providing continuity and lasting ENGAGING DECISION-MAKERS impacts. IN SCIENCE Sea Grant extension educators, with Sea Grant supports each research project by offjces in six coastal areas, are supported connecting researchers with stakeholders, by the Michigan State University (MSU) including policy-makers and citizens. Tiese Extension statewide network. Com- partnerships support the researchers by en- munication and education specialists are suring that data and feedback are gathered supported by MSU and the University directly from relevant stakeholders. of Michigan (UM) with offjces on both campuses. Sea Grant education and Tie process of engaging decision makers, outreach specialists work to strengthen community members, and the media existing partnerships and develop new requires time and specialized skills. Sea collaborative efgorts with federal and state Grant outreach professionals, with estab- government, industries, non-government lished community connections, facilitate organizations, businesses, foundations collaborative, mutually benefjcial relation- and Michigan citizens. ships between researchers and stakeholders. Specialists also help ensure that project Sea Grant’s presence in coastal com- information is framed and communicated munities around the state helps facilitate in a way that best informs decision-making. connections to experts from the leading universities in Michigan. Our quarterly newsletter, upwellings , provides accurate Research Program Facts: information about funded projects and a variety of Great Lakes issues of n All accredited university researchers concern, such as beach closings, boating in the state of Michigan are encour- safety, wetlands, invasive species, fjsheries aged to apply. management and more. Sea Grant n Tie funding cycle is two-years. supports access to high-quality print n Average amount of award is publications, online resources, as well as $140,000 with a 50 percent non- educational exhibits at libraries, airports, federal match requirement. parks, museums and other venues. n All research projects address policy- relevant environmental challenges. Science-based Information n Upwellings newsletter has been supported by Michigan Sea Grant since 1976. n Educators, resource managers and others give Sea Grant high marks for delivering high-quality science-based information online since 1996. M I C H I G A N S E A G R A N T


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