The Problem Site Managers don’t always describe problems adequately Responsive theme bugs may change at different widths Screenshots are sometimes resized for email Sometimes reproducing an issue requires knowing what the previous step was before an error Sometimes device width is mistakenly interchanged with window width Sometimes client screen color depth causes visibility issues When using geotargeting, bugs may be particular to a particular location/ region Sometimes things appear different depending on OS/version Sometimes a bug is only present with a particular version of a plugin Sometimes something doesn’t work as expected because the browser used simply doesn’t support the expectation but it’s not obvious based on Browser/ version 2
feedback.js 3
html2canvas 4
feedback.js 5
Live Feedback Module 6
Live Feedback Module 7
Live Feedback Module 8
Feedback Collect Module 9
Feedback Collect Module 10
Feedback Collect Module 11
Feedback Collect Module 12
Feedback Reloaded Module 13
Feedback Reloaded Module 14
Feedback Module 15
Multiple Options feedback.js library - uses html2canvas; sends description and screenshot via POST. Live Feedback module - Nearly straight implementation of feedback.js with some user agent info thrown in. No official release. Feedback Collect module - More control over button placement, ability to attach files, creates a node record, adds browser/OS info but that’s it. Very promising but didn’t exist when HelpDesk was started. Feedback Reloaded module - Creates an entity record, and provides “sticky notes” for screenshots, but provides no technical info. Over 10 times more users than previous 2 module options. Feedback module - Doesn’t incorporate screenshot (Feature Request > 3 years old [#1820492]) and no technical info but is used by over 100 times more users than the other options (Feedback Reloaded excepted). 16
HelpDeskr Module 17
Dependencies Feedback Reloaded ( feedback_reloaded) - Provides fieldable feedback entities and annotated screenshots (via html2canvas or java applet). Web Service Clients ( - Provides a REST method for creating issue reports on Open Atrium 1.x sites. Rules ( - Provides a user configurable method of controlling how the systems interact. Drupal Core's Help module - Provides a logical and consistent menu location for initiating reports (recommended to be used with Administration Menu, admin_menu). 18
For Site Managers Allows managers to create a screenshot of the page where an issue occurred at the very time of occurrence. Allows managers to highlight issues on the page. Allows managers to black out anything they do not want to appear in a report/screenshot for this issue. Allows managers to add "sticky notes" to annotate their screenshot for further issue clarification. Provides a descriptive title of the issue being reported. Provides a description field to add more detailed information about the error/issue in question. Upon submission, provides a confirmation message that the issue was reported to developer(s). 19
For Developers Sends report via email or Open Atrium 1.x. Links to the screenshot created by the client (stored on the originating site). Links to the user that submitted the report. Links to the page on the site where the issue occurred. Links to the page just PRIOR to the page on which the issue was observed (Referrer info so developer has a hint of any preceding steps that occurred). Supplies contextual technical information from the incident: Browser/OS info (including version, via WhichBrowser) Screen Dimensions Window Dimensions Screen Density Screen Color Depth Cookies support Plugins installed and running (including version) Latitude - Longitude Supported Browser Features (via Modernizr) Allows Developer to configure which Group and Project a report should be posted under in Open Atrium. 20
Services-d6 Sandbox Module 21
HelpDeskr configuration 22
Clients configuration 23
Clients configuration (cont.) 24
Rules configuration 25
Rules configuration (cont.) 26
Site Manager Documentation 27
Atrium Case Posting 28
Atrium Case Posting (cont.) 29
Results We’ve been able to solve problems faster with less hassling of the client for additional details Clients have reported liking the system and do not see the reporting of issues to be a daunting task or chore 30
Issues/Questions Add reported page’s HTML as attachment (with absolute URL substitution) Open Atrium 2.x support Chosen module dependencies appear to not have much of a maintenance future. To support/update for use on Drupal 8 sites, it will require multiple module upgrades. Possible security issue Too many (4) similar feedback modules is causing confusion, duplication of effort, and a real need for merging Change project machine name in code 31
Thank you to our clients who partnered with us to originally pioneer this system to make our relationship even better: 32
Stephen Barker, President 33
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