helicopter routing in the norwegian offshore oil industry

Helicopter Routing in the Norwegian Offshore Oil Industry: Including - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion Helicopter Routing in the Norwegian Offshore Oil Industry: Including Safety Concerns for

  1. Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion Helicopter Routing in the Norwegian Offshore Oil Industry: Including Safety Concerns for Passenger Transport Fubin Qian, Irina Gribkovskaia and Øyvind Halskau Molde University College, Postboks 2110, N-6402 Molde

  2. Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion Introduction Helicopters have been used as a major mode of transporting personnel to and from offshore installations in offshore oil industry for decades. Humble Oil and Refining (today’s ExxonMobil) and Kerr-McGee began to use helicopters to transport workers to offshore facilities in 1948.( Kaiser M J 2007. World offshore energy loss statistics. Energy Policy 35: 3496-3525. )

  3. Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion Introduction Helicopters have been used as a major mode of transporting personnel to and from offshore installations in offshore oil industry for decades. Humble Oil and Refining (today’s ExxonMobil) and Kerr-McGee began to use helicopters to transport workers to offshore facilities in 1948.( Kaiser M J 2007. World offshore energy loss statistics. Energy Policy 35: 3496-3525. )

  4. Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion In the North Sea, about 15 million passengers flew with helicopters, which resulted in over one million flight hours and nearly two million flight stages from 1999 to 2008. In the Gulf of Mexico region, close to 3 million passengers on 600 helicopters traveled in 2008 ( data from about 15 operators in the Gulf of Mexico region ) .

  5. Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion In the North Sea, about 15 million passengers flew with helicopters, which resulted in over one million flight hours and nearly two million flight stages from 1999 to 2008. In the Gulf of Mexico region, close to 3 million passengers on 600 helicopters traveled in 2008 ( data from about 15 operators in the Gulf of Mexico region ) .

  6. Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion In the North Sea, about 15 million passengers flew with helicopters, which resulted in over one million flight hours and nearly two million flight stages from 1999 to 2008. In the Gulf of Mexico region, close to 3 million passengers on 600 helicopters traveled in 2008 ( data from about 15 operators in the Gulf of Mexico region ) .

  7. Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion Helicopter transportation represents one of the major risks for offshore employees. ( Vinnem et al. 2006. Major hazard risk indicators for monitoring of trends in the Norwegian offshore petroleum sector. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 91:778-791. )

  8. Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion In UK offshore oil industry, 8 fatal accidents happened in passenger transportation from 1976 to 2006, which resulted in 95 fatalities. ( UK Offshore Public Transport Helicopter Safety Record 1976-2002, 1977-2006. ) 5 of them in the take-off/landing phases Registered data on OGP(The International Association of Oil & Gas producers) offshore accidents relevant for the study show that 28 offshore accidents happened from 2000 to 2005. 22 accidents are take-off/landing accidents

  9. Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion In UK offshore oil industry, 8 fatal accidents happened in passenger transportation from 1976 to 2006, which resulted in 95 fatalities. ( UK Offshore Public Transport Helicopter Safety Record 1976-2002, 1977-2006. ) 5 of them in the take-off/landing phases Registered data on OGP(The International Association of Oil & Gas producers) offshore accidents relevant for the study show that 28 offshore accidents happened from 2000 to 2005. 22 accidents are take-off/landing accidents

  10. Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion In UK offshore oil industry, 8 fatal accidents happened in passenger transportation from 1976 to 2006, which resulted in 95 fatalities. ( UK Offshore Public Transport Helicopter Safety Record 1976-2002, 1977-2006. ) 5 of them in the take-off/landing phases Registered data on OGP(The International Association of Oil & Gas producers) offshore accidents relevant for the study show that 28 offshore accidents happened from 2000 to 2005. 22 accidents are take-off/landing accidents

  11. Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion In UK offshore oil industry, 8 fatal accidents happened in passenger transportation from 1976 to 2006, which resulted in 95 fatalities. ( UK Offshore Public Transport Helicopter Safety Record 1976-2002, 1977-2006. ) 5 of them in the take-off/landing phases Registered data on OGP(The International Association of Oil & Gas producers) offshore accidents relevant for the study show that 28 offshore accidents happened from 2000 to 2005. 22 accidents are take-off/landing accidents

  12. Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter For the purpose of this study, accidents were divided into three categories, i.e. take-off/landing accident, cruise accident, and others. Based on the accident categorization stated above, we suggested to look at the safety of helicopter transportation in terms of expected number of fatalities on operational planning level.

  13. Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter For the purpose of this study, accidents were divided into three categories, i.e. take-off/landing accident, cruise accident, and others. Based on the accident categorization stated above, we suggested to look at the safety of helicopter transportation in terms of expected number of fatalities on operational planning level.

  14. Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion The expected number fatalities ( NF 1 ) due to take-off/landing accidents NF 1 = PTL × f 1 × ( Pr ) 1 . (1) ( PTL=person take-off/landings, f 1 is the take-off/landing accident frequency, ( Pr ) 1 is the probability of death of an individual passenger involved in an accident ) The expected number fatalities ( NF 2 ) from such cruise accidents NF 2 = PFH × f 2 × ( Pr ) 2 . (2) ( PFH=person flight hours, f 2 is the cruise accident frequency, ( Pr ) 2 is the probability of death of an individual passenger involved in an accident )

  15. Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion The expected number fatalities ( NF 1 ) due to take-off/landing accidents NF 1 = PTL × f 1 × ( Pr ) 1 . (1) ( PTL=person take-off/landings, f 1 is the take-off/landing accident frequency, ( Pr ) 1 is the probability of death of an individual passenger involved in an accident ) The expected number fatalities ( NF 2 ) from such cruise accidents NF 2 = PFH × f 2 × ( Pr ) 2 . (2) ( PFH=person flight hours, f 2 is the cruise accident frequency, ( Pr ) 2 is the probability of death of an individual passenger involved in an accident )

  16. Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion The total expected number of fatalities ( TENF ) is the sum of fatalities from these two types of accidents TENF = NF 1 + NF 2 = PTL × f 1 × ( Pr ) 1 + PFH × f 2 × ( Pr ) 2 . (3)

  17. Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion F IGURE 1: Illustrative example for PTL and PFH calculation The PTL from this flight stage is 10, since 10 passengers are involved in the take-off/landing process. The corresponding PFH is 5.0( = 10 × 0 . 5).

  18. Title Introduction Optimizing Safety of Passenger Transportation with Helicopter Mathematical model Computational Experiments Conclusion and Discussion PTL=0+3+5=8 PTL=0+2+5=7 PTL=(0+3)+(0+2)=5 PFH=0*0.2+3*0.2+5*0.2=1.6 PFH=0*0.2+2*0.2+5*0.2=1.4 PFH=(0*0.2+3*0.2)+(0*0.2+2*0.2)=1.0 Flying hours=0.2+0.2+0.2=0.6 Flying hours=0.2+0.2+0.2=0.6 Flying hours=(0.2+0.2)+(0.2+0.2)=0.8


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