Defining and updating HELCOM CAT I & II shipping routes in the Baltic Sea HELCOM MARITIME SAFE NAV 10, agenda item 6-1 Anders Åkerberg (BSHC MWG / SMA)
Background • The HELCOM Ministerial Declarations in 2001 and 2010 requested the Baltic Sea countries jointly to develop a scheme for systematic re-surveying of the areas used by shipping in order "to ensure that safety of navigation is not endangered by inadequate source information". The Baltic Sea countries are to present their national re- survey plans by 2013 including time schedule estimations and plans for sufficient funding for re-surveys, target year being 2020 and first full coverage on 2030. • 2013 Copenhagen Ministerial Declaration WE ADOPT: – HELCOM-BSHC Harmonised Re-survey Scheme 2013, with time schedule estimations and funding arrangements, bearing in mind that these are likely to be modified when new national needs or priorities arise Shipping and activities at sea - Safety of navigation:
Baltic Sea Action Plan • HELCOM-BSHC Re-survey Scheme with time schedule estimations for completing re-surveys for CAT I and II from 2013 • The document “BSHC -HELCOM Revised Baltic Sea Harmonised Hydrographic Re-Survey Scheme ”, part of the 2013 HELCOM Ministerial Declaration and was adopted by the 2013 HELCOM Ministerial Meeting Action from MARITIME 15-2015, 2-4 Follow-up of HELCOM agreements on Maritime Follow-up from MARITIME 19-2019, 3-1 Concretization of existing HELCOM actions
BSHC Re-survey Monitoring Working Group • Work is coordinated by the Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission (BSHC) of the International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO). • Re-survey progress is Survey standard S-44 monitored and reported annually by BSHC Re-survey Monitoring Working Group (MWG). • EUSBSR – PA Safe flagship project (Speed up re- surveying of major shipping routes and ports)
HELCOM Hydrographic Resurvey Plan Cat I Cat II
Current status of the Re-survey • August 2019: Surveyed about 86% of the commercial shipping navigable sea areas in the Baltic Sea, defined as HELCOM routes cat I and Cat II in Re-Survey Scheme. • Still extensive areas to be resurveyed. • Updated summary of time schedules of national Re- survey plans, some delays. • The BSHC Members have a clear goal to complete the re-surveys of areas for safety of navigation (CAT I and II) by 2030. • 95% of the areas significant for commercial shipping defined within Cat I and II, are estimated to be covered at the end of 2020. • Periodic re-surveys planned by some MS (due to environmental and sea bottom changes). • Over the years, significant amount of CAT III areas have been re-classed to CAT II. Table & chart from MARITIME 19-2019, 10-4 Update of the Report of HELCOM-BSHC Baltic Re-survey Scheme
Assessment of Re-surveys • Since 2001 the progress of full-coverage / full seafloor search re-surveys to IHO S-44 hydrographic survey standard has been outstanding, totaling at the end of August 2019 about 86% of the commercial shipping navigable sea areas in the Baltic Sea, defined as HELCOM routes cat I and Cat II in Re- Survey Scheme. – The ordinary Baltic Sea Member States surveys have covered about 55.000 km²; – EU Grants have speeded up the surveys so far with extra 51.000 km² completed (EE, FI, LV, LT, SE) • This work has contributed significantly to other HELCOM actions (e.g. in commercial shipping safety, efficient route planing, maritime spatial information) • In return the Re-Survey Scheme being part of the BS Action Plan has given the good political support to be successful at EU grant programs. • Statistics from The HELCOM Re-Survey Assessment Report to be Presented to HELCOM MARITIME 19
New Baltic Sea Action Plan 2021 MARITIME 19-2019: • HELCOM MARITIME 18 stated, that Re-Survey • 10-3 Report of HELCOM-BSHC Baltic Re-survey Scheme Scheme is coming to it’s completition (in 2020 and • 10-4 Update of the Report of HELCOM-BSHC Baltic Re-survey Scheme therefore removed from BS Action Plan). • BSHC24 has tasked MWG to prepare an update to the Re-Survey Scheme – To cover the Cat III areas, which are typically the near coast shallow areas or deep open water areas, used for some shipping, pleasure boating, Search and Rescue, public authorities GIS data for flood prevention as well as for oil recovery contingency. – Estimate a timetable for the work • Present the updated Re-Survey Scheme to HELCOM MARITIME 20 for approval. • BSHC24 proposes, that HELCOM MARITIME 19 considers this updated Re-Survey Scheme to be included as part of the new BSAP 2021. • BSHC 24 th Meeting 10-12 Sep 2019
HELCOM Hydrographic Resurvey Plan Continuous work to perform re-surveys and update Re-survey plan. • Harmonize Re-survey plan • Study current AIS-information • Review existing and analyse potentially new Cat II areas • Re-class Cat II / III areas where appropriate • Special attention to areas where AIS- records show commercial shipping taking place and which areas are not nationally categorized as HELCOM Cat I or Cat II areas >> Encourage member states to study and define Cat I & II areas in their waters based on the existing AIS-information on commercial shipping, especially for the South-Eastern Baltic Sea >> 14 (M): Ensuring that safety of navigation is nor endangered by inadequate soure information.
Summary • The Meeting is invited to take note of the information. • The Meeting is also invited to note the coming HELCOM MARITIME 19 item 10-3 on updating the Re-Survey Scheme to conclude also the Cat III areas, with timetable, to be presented at HELCOM Maritime 20. • The Meeting is further invited to review on each Contracting Party’s report in progress of revising the Cat I & II areas in their waters based on up-to-date hydrographic surveys and current commercial shipping AIS info to ensure safe navigation in their waters. • The Contracting Parties are invited to report the revised situation and measures taken at the HELCOM SAFE NAV 11 meeting.
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