health and wellbeing workshop for junior doctors at esht

Health and Wellbeing Workshop for Junior Doctors at ESHT Dr Grace - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Health and Wellbeing Workshop for Junior Doctors at ESHT Dr Grace Castronovo GPST2 Aims Stress, fatigue and poor physical health have been demonstrated to negatively affect junior doctors ability to provide safe care to patients.

  1. Health and Wellbeing Workshop for Junior Doctors at ESHT Dr Grace Castronovo GPST2

  2. Aims • Stress, fatigue and poor physical health have been demonstrated to negatively affect junior doctors’ ability to provide safe care to patients. • Junior doctors in the trust have completed a questionnaire exploring working condition, health and lifestyle factors.

  3. The results

  4. Demographics Age of Participants Grade of Participants 22-25 years 26-29 years 30-35 years FY1-FY2 CT1-2/ST1-3 35-40 years > 40 years

  5. Working conditions I find work stressful I feel well supported by senior members 60% 50% Nearly everyday/Always 40% Often/Most days 30% 20% Rarely 10% Not at all 0% Not at all Rarely Often/Most days Nearly 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% everyday/Always

  6. I take all my designated I leave work on time breaks at work 50% Nearly everyday/Always 45% 40% 35% Often/Most days 30% 25% 20% Rarely 15% 10% 5% Not at all 0% Not at all Rarely Often/Most days Nearly everyday/Always 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

  7. Health I feel tired or have little energy I am easily irritated or annoyed 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Not at all Rarely Often/Most days Nearly Not at all Rarely Often/Most days Nearly everyday/Always everyday/Always

  8. I have difficulty concentrating I feel anxious about work on tasks Nearly everyday/Always Often/Most days Rarely Not at all Not at all Rarely 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Often/Most days Nearly everyday/Always

  9. Lifestyle I exercise regularly (30 mins fives I eat a well balanced diet times/week or 150 minutes/week) 60% Nearly everyday/Always 50% Often/Most days 40% 30% Rarely 20% 10% Not at all 0% Not at all Rarely Often/Most days Nearly 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% everyday/Always

  10. I sleep well and feel rested on I drink caffeinated drinks waking Nearly everyday/Always Often/Most days Rarely Not at all Not at all Rarely 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Often/Most days Nearly everyday/Always

  11. Workshop Would you find a wellbeing If yes, how frequently? workshop helpful? Monthly Fortnightly 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Yes No Fortnightly Monthly

  12. Summary – what have we learnt? • Over 75% of junior doctors rarely feel anxious about work • Nearly 80% of junior doctors report only rarely having difficulty concentrating at work • Approximately 90% of junior doctors report feeling supported by senior colleagues

  13. Summary – what have we learnt? • More than 50% of junior doctors find work stressful • More than 50% of junior doctors feel tired or have little energy • More than 50% of junior doctors rarely/do not exercise at all • 70% of junior doctors drink caffeinated drinks often/nearly everyday

  14. Proposal • A series of targeted workshops focussing on key elements of wellbeing for junior doctors. • Aiming to increase awareness of trainee’s own physical and mental health.


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