healing with essential oils yogafaith

Healing with Essential Oils & YogaFaith When Jesus saw him - PDF document

8/3/2019 Healing with Essential Oils & YogaFaith When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him, Do you want to be healed? (John 5:6 ESV) RELEASE | RECEIVE | RESTORE: We must

  1. 8/3/2019 Healing with Essential Oils & YogaFaith When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be healed?” (John 5:6 ESV) RELEASE | RECEIVE | RESTORE: We must release anything old and negative before God will allow anything new and positive. We must then work on restoring the empty spaces and create a healthy and whole atmosphere. MEDITATION: Make space. Clear out any blockages or negative emotions. Close your eyes. Imagine all the energy and light from God surrounding you. These sources cannot enter you until you create space for them. Notice how your blockages make you feel. Allow The Lord to help you let them go. Notice your breathing. Allow Him “in” by releasing your heavy burdens to Him. Notice your breath and spirit. Do you feel lighter? Don't open your eyes until you feel light from releasing your burdens to the Lord. 1

  2. 8/3/2019 Isaiah 61:3 ...to provide for those who mourn...to give them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, festive oil instead of mourning, and splendid clothes instead of despair. And they will be called righteous trees, planted by the Lord glorify Him. Holman Christian Bible Healing doesn't have to be complicated Essential oils foster an environment for healing but will not do the work for you. They have amazing emotional properties. Essential oils support us in healing but nothing can replace the healing power of God. Essential oils can help to remedy dis-ease in the energy body, possibly before the physical manifestation. Essential oils can support other energy healing modalities, such as prayer, yoga, reiki, cranial sacral therapy, reflexology. Oils can accelerate energy healing. Provides physical support for emotional processes. Oils are a support for emotional work, they will not fix themselves. Healing is a process. As you seek inner healing you will find it! HEALING FIVE STAGES: Task: Oils you gravitate to. Physical body. Why? Benefits? The heart. Task: Oils you are averted to. Releasing limiting beliefs. Why? Oil is related to what ailments, emotions, physicality, etc Develop and increase spiritual awareness and connection. Develop fulfilling and life purpose, finding our true authentic self. 2

  3. 8/3/2019 LOCATIONS: Task: Free writing. Physical. Write until you cannot write anymore. Emotional Release. Practice daily. It can connect you with Emotions. (The heart doesn't like to be rushed the deep aspect of yourself. Write everything through it's healing) Don't rush or you will delay and anything. Powerful tool for releasing what is emotional healing. trapped inside. Spiritual. You can also free write on a specific subject. Relations. Working through pain. Essential Oil Application APPLICATIONS • Inhalation • Topical • Supplement 3

  4. 8/3/2019 Application Methods INHALATION: TOPICAL (mixed with carrier oil): Place a couple drops in hands, Massage over are of concern. rub together, place over nose 3 drops on each foot, then rubbed in, center out. (Use reflexology chart area, avoid eyes. for specific hand and foot application.) Diffuse in diffuser. Roller ball Steam from hot water in a bowl Spray (tented with a towel). On chakras, center out. Drop onto pillow or eye mask. In a warm, not hot, bath, 4 to 6 drops. SUPPLEMENT: Dropped onto warm or cold compress. Orally by dropping on tongue, by capsule, or tincture. Along meridians from base of skull to sacrum on the back. (DoTerra Aroma Touch Therapy) Scent & Memories Scent is connected to memories. The "smell" receptors in your nose communicate with parts of your brain (the amygdala and hippocampus) that serve as storehouses for emotions and memories. [Source: University of Maryland Medical Center] Why is this important? 4

  5. 8/3/2019 Emotional Healing Oils Cypress oil - opens the gates to emotional Rose - Divine love, place over heart chakra release, place on bottom of feet Orange - uplifting for mood and energy, place on Geranium- emotional healer for love and trust, stomach place over heart chakra Bergamot - self acceptance, use on solar plexus Chamomile - calming, purpose, place on chakra stomach, forehead, behind ears Lemon - stay focused, place on forehead Lavender - calms fears and hyper activity (builds Frankincense - for truth, letting go of deception, courage and strength to voice and speak what place on forehead you need to say), place on throat, heart, or solar plexus chakra Using Essential Oils in Yoga Class This can be a sensitive topic, be sure you get permission before using oils and/or touching your students. Diffusing Oils are a great way to set the mood of a class, for example citrus oils for power/fast paced classes, lavender for restorative. During final Savasana you can rub oils into your palms and hover over student’s nose for several breaths, or allow them to do this themselves after passing around oil. During warm months or for hot yoga, you can chill damp towels in the refrigerator that have refreshing oils such as peppermint or lemon. Place drops of oil onto eye pillows for final Savasana. Because scent is associated with memory, essential oils are not recommended in Trauma Sensitive Yoga. (TSY) 5

  6. 8/3/2019 Essential Oils for Anxiety Tension releasing essential oils can help with the cause of anxious feelings. Review the symptoms of your anxiety when choosing oils and application methods. Consider application on a warm or cool compress placed on forehead or back of neck. Massage oils on scalp, forehead, and neck for symptoms such as headache, restlessness, and fear. Massage on abdomen for stomach discomfort. Massage over chest for hyperventilation and shortness of breath. Do not use oils you are averse to as this may negate any benefits if you have negative feelings about an oil. If using before bedtime, be sure to avoid stimulating oils similar to insomnia applications. Essential Oils for Anxiety Tension Relieving Essential Oils Lavender Peppermint Grapefruit Chamomile Orange 6

  7. 8/3/2019 Essential Oils for Insomnia Avoid stimulating oils before bed like cypress, rosemary, grapefruit, lemon, peppermint. Create a bedtime routine that includes oils. Good sleep hygiene includes the same sleep and wake time each day. Avoiding electronics, having dim lighting at night. Use calming/relaxing essential oils in a diffuser near your bed, on bottom of feet, dropped onto pillow or eye mask. Have a warm (not hot) bath as part of your bedtime routine with oils dropped into the water. Essential Oils for Insomnia Relaxing Essential Oils: Chamomile Lavender Geranium Frankincense 7

  8. 8/3/2019 Lavender for Sleep and Insomnia A study on college students found that using lavender oil improved the overall quality of sleep by 60%. This included length of sleep, time it took to fall asleep, restfulness and reduced symptoms of insomnia. Another study published in the Journal of Alternative Complementary Medicine found that lavender oil showed immediate improvements on 5 men and 5 women who struggled with insomnia. If you are trying to improve your quality of sleep diffusing lavender before or during sleep can help. Also, you can rub it directly on your neck, chest and temples which is also effective. If you do struggle with sleep I have found that making a mixture of lavender oil, roman chamomile oil and magnesium oil is the best overall combination in improving sleep. And finally, taking a healing bath by adding 15 drops of lavender oil and 1 cup of epsom salts to the bathtub is another effective way to use lavender oil to improve sleep and relax the body. Why Lavender? Lavender Essential Oil Today, lavender is the most used essential oil in the world. Ancient texts tell us that lavender essential oil has been used for medicinal and religious purposes for over 2,500 years. The Egyptians used it for mummification and as a perfume. The Romans used it for bathing, cooking and for scenting the air. And, quite possibly the most famous usage of all, Mary used it to anoint Jesus with her hair and some believe spikenard was made from lavender essential oil. “Mary then took a pound of very costly perfume of pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.” (John 12:3) 8


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