healing people and the planet

Healing People and the Planet Restoration Finance: Funding a New - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Healing People and the Planet Restoration Finance: Funding a New Agricultural Paradigm 1 C O -F OUNDERS David Miller Co-Founder and CEO Loyola University Chicago 75 Co-Chair, Advisory Board for the Institute for Environmental

  1. Healing People and the Planet Restoration Finance: Funding a New Agricultural Paradigm 1

  2. C O -F OUNDERS • David Miller Co-Founder and CEO Loyola University Chicago ’75 Co-Chair, Advisory Board for the Institute for Environmental Sustainability • Dr. Stephen Rivard Co-Founder and Board Chair Loyola University Chicago ’75 Stritch School of Medicine‘79 www.iroquoisvalleyfarms.com 2

  3. I ROQUOIS V ALLEY F ARMLAND REIT Iroquois Valley is a farmland finance company connecting investors and organic farmers to farmland www.iroquoisvalleyfarms.com 3

  4. B USINESS S TRATEGY We built our business to support the business of our farmers. • The farmer sources the farmland opportunity Company buys the land - leases to the farmer • Long-term leases, mortgages, and purchase options create land security • • Each farmer manages their own business and shares some of their upside revenues. www.iroquoisvalleyfarms.com 4

  5. I MPACTING O RGANIC A GRICULTURE S INCE 2007 ImpactAsset 50 Manager 2012 - 2016 Certified B Corporation Since 2012 Selected Best for Community 2014 and Best for the World in 2016 Over 2,800 acres Over $18 million in farmland www.iroquoisvalleyfarms.com 5

  6. T HE S OIL R ESTORATION O PPORTUNITY Roughly 1% of US farmland is certified organic www.iroquoisvalleyfarms.com 6

  7. P REVALENCE OF G LYPHOSATE IN US A GRICULTURE – D EAD S OIL ZONE www.iroquoisvalleyfarms.com 7

  8. A REAS AT R ISK OF N ITRATE C ONTAMINATION – D EAD W ATER ZONE www.iroquoisvalleyfarms.com 8

  9. D EAD S OILS L EAD TO D EAD W ATERS Hypoxic Zone in Gulf of Mexico reached 6,600 square miles in 2006 www.iroquoisvalleyfarms.com 9

  10. S CALING THE S OLUTION WITH L IVING S OILS www.iroquoisvalleyfarms.com 10

  11. A N ATIONAL S OLUTION THROUGH O RGANIC F AMILY F ARMERS States where Iroquois Valley currently owns and finances land States where purchases/mortgages are pending www.iroquoisvalleyfarms.com 11

  12. I ROQUOIS V ALLEY F ARMS - R ESTORED A CRES www.iroquoisvalleyfarms.com 12

  13. N EXT G ENERATION F OCUS www.iroquoisvalleyfarms.com 13

  14. G ROWING I NVESTOR P ARTICIPATION www.iroquoisvalleyfarms.com 14

  15. C APITALIZING S OLUTIONS • Investing your short-term funds for long-term impact (current offering – Soil Restoration Notes) • Enabling all investors to buy our securities (4 th Quarter – 2017) • Scaling the change as Iroquois Valley Farmland REIT (new Equity Offering – 2 nd Quarter 2017) www.iroquoisvalleyfarms.com 15

  16. S OIL R ESTORATION N OTES www.iroquoisvalleyfarms.com 16

  17. I NVEST IN R ESTORATION A GRICULTURE I ROQUOIS V ALLEY F ARMLAND REIT, FORMED J ANUARY 2017 info@iroquoisvalleyfarms.com www.iroquoisvalleyfarms.com 17


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