Tables along the Campus Mall o ff er sea tj ng but are uncovered, o ff ering no shelter from sun and rain. Building 2 in background. A view of the campus’ current K ō kea Street entry which allows both pedestrian and vehicular access The mauka edge of the campus abuts the residen tj al/commercial area between the campus and North King Street The exis tj ng Building 5 courtyard serves as a gath- ering space for students but provides li tu le ameni tj es and landscaping A view of the Dillingham Boulevard The park near the Administra tj on frontage adjacent to the exis tj ng Building is o fu en commented as being Science Building the most beau tj ful area of campus HCC MAIN CAMPUS-EXISTING CONDITIONS HONOLULU COMMUNITY COLLEGE | LONG RANGE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 13
IMPLEMENTING THE PLAN: Phasing Incremental development of the HCC vision The Ul tj mate Plan provides the facility and The retained por tj on of Lot 2 will be accessed infrastructure requirements for HCC’s growth to from Dillingham Boulevard. In prepara tj on for a campus with 5,000 FTE students. It serves as a reuse of Building 5 when the Science programs primary tool in guiding the orderly development relocate to the completed ATTC, the Building of the future campus. Because the Ul tj mate Plan 5 courtyard improvements (per the College’s is so extensive and far-reaching, improvements design compe tj tj on) could also be implemented will take place gradually, as determined by in Phase 1. numerous factors including availability of tj me Phase 1 projects include roadway and landscape and funds, educa tj onal program requirements, improvements along K ō kea Street, as part of and community demands. Incremental develop- the ATTC project as well as improvements to ment provides the greatest degree of fl exibility parking lot 1C. Prior to construc tj on of the ATTC, and allows the campus to respond to changing select mahogany trees within the ATTC site will external situa tj ons that in fl uence programming be relocated mauka along K ō kea Street adjacent and opera tj ons. to Lot 1C as an extension of the row of exis tj ng Programma tj c and campus quality of life priori- mahogany trees. Speci fi c street improvements tj es expressed by the HCC Administra tj on and within the City’s right-of-way will be determined campus community, together with careful in consulta tj on with the City, but will likely analysis of exis tj ng buildings to remain and op- include repaving, the addi tj on of center turn tj ons for building re-use, determine the most lanes, curbs, gu tu ers, sidewalk and street trees. appropriate phasing schedule for construc tj on Lot 1C will be paved, striped, and landscaped, and renova tj on. Five development phases are providing about 200 addi tj onal parking stalls to presented here. Phase 1 projects are an tj cipated help compensate for the stalls lost due to ATTC to be completed within about fi ve to ten years. construc tj on and greening of parking lot 2. Phases 2 to 5 represent a general sequencing of Changes on the K ō kea Street Campus during development; however no speci fi c tj meframes Phase 1 would include the construc tj on of a new are a tu ributed to these later phases. Auto Body and Pain tj ng facility near Buildings 43 and 44, as well as parking lot and landscape PHASE 1: ATTC and the K ō kea Gateway improvements to be tu er serve the HCC automo- Revitaliza tj on of the campus is jump-started tj ve complex. with several near-term (approximately 5 to 10-year tj meframe) development priori tj es and an tj cipated changes at the western edge of Main Campus. Collec tj vely, these projects along the K ō kea Street frontage create a new “front door” for the campus – the K ō kea Gateway. Leading the way is construc tj on of the state-of-the- art Advanced Technology and Training Center (ATTC), prominently sited along the redeveloped PHASE 1-MAIN CAMPUS PHASE 1-K Ō KEA STREET CAMPUS Campus Mall entrance on K ō kea Street. Follow- ing removal of the exis tj ng, malposi tj oned Auto Body Building, the K ō kea Gateway plaza will be integrated with the City’s Kap ā lama Transit Sta tj on and transit plaza to provide seamless pe- destrian movement between the sta tj on and the Campus Mall. Phase 1 improvements to the mall between K ō kea Street and Building 2 will cre- ate a more a tu rac tj ve, invi tj ng, pedestrian-only environment. Mall improvements will be further enhanced by the conversion of the mauka por- tj on of exis tj ng Lot 2 to an open grassy, gathering area, shaded by exis tj ng monkeypod trees. HONOLULU COMMUNITY COLLEGE | LONG RANGE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 57
City and County of Honolulu Kalihi Neighborhood Transit-Oriented Development Plan 1-12 FIGURE 1-3: Kalihi Corridor H2 0 1 H2 0 1 m 1 1 / / a 2 2 e Fig. M M TOD Plan Concept H1 H1 K K K TOD PLAN CONCEPT r I I I t I I L L L L L I I I S H H H E E A A A A A a Fort Shafter R R R R U U U U U u A A S l T a D D n I U I U Generalized Land Use a o S S M Residential Mixed Use (Medium Intensity) Mixed Use (High Intensity) 1 / 4 M Industrial I L E R Industrial Mixed Use A D I U Public/Quasi-Public S S S S T T T L L L E E E D D D D D D M M M I I I Public Park Overlook Point Keehi Multi-modal Activity Node Lagoon Transit Center MI DDLE ST Park Proposed Promenade Proposed Street Ke’ehi Lagoon Freeway Major Street Road Bridge KAMEHAMEHA HWY UMI ST Proposed Rail Line/Station Rail Transit Line/Station AM AM AM AM M m r e a K a l i h i S t A HW HW L HOONEE PL A H Redevelopment of me n A GULICK AVE O Oahu Community ni ity y P L Correctional Center D D D R R R I I I U U U N N N U U U O O O H H H A A A P P P Puuhale D D D D R R R R S S S S E E E E S S S S C C C C Elementary C C C C A A A A D D D D KAILI ST N N N N A A A A L L L L S S S S I I I I D D D D N N N N A A A A S S S S KALI HI KAHANU ST PUUHALE RD PUUHALE RD PUUHALE RD ELUWENE ST N. KING ST KALIHI ST K Kalakaua Farrington Farrington H1 H1 A L HOME RULE ST A MOKAUEA ST MOKAUEA ST MOKAUEA ST N N Middle High High . I N S I T M School School School I T Z H W KALIHI ST Y Kalihi-Kai MCNEILL ST WINANT ST Elementary COLBURN ST KAUMUALII ST T S Y B B I L D R O L I M A K A A I W MOOKAULA ST MOOWAA ST KOHOU ST C a n a l K a p a l a m a KOKEA ST KAPALAMA Honolulu Community DILLINGHAM BLVD College New District Kaiulani a n Elementary m en ALAKAWA ST N N . . V V I I N N E E Y Y A A R R D D PUA LN B B L L V V D D IWILEI RD Dole 0 500 1,000 2,000 Cannery S S S T T T H H H A A A L L L I I I L L L I I I FEET
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