harper chalice group limited

HARPER CHALICE GROUP LIMITED 8 Binns Close Coventry CV4 9TB United - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HARPER CHALICE GROUP LIMITED 8 Binns Close Coventry CV4 9TB United Kingdom Telephone 02476 421300 Fax 02476 421 309 Email: sales@ harperchalice.co.uk www.harperchalice.co.uk HARPER CHALICE GROUP LIMITED We are the UKs leading manufacturer

  1. HARPER CHALICE GROUP LIMITED 8 Binns Close Coventry CV4 9TB United Kingdom Telephone 02476 421300 Fax 02476 421 309 Email: sales@ harperchalice.co.uk www.harperchalice.co.uk

  2. HARPER CHALICE GROUP LIMITED We are the UK’s leading manufacturer and supplier of specialist Electrified and Electronic Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems. Our Brand names include: - PulseSecure™ FenceSecure™ WallSecure™ We supply our products and systems worldwide with total manufacturers support at every stage from system surveys, design, installation training and commissioning.

  3. Perim eter Defence

  4. Perim eter Defence FenceSecure™ & W allSecure™ Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems Product overview presentation

  5. FenceSecure™ & W allSecure™ Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems

  6. FenceSecure™ Fence Intrusion Detection System  Suitable for use on most types of perimeter fences  Can be used in conjunction with fence or wall topping  Provides complete perimeter fence detection

  7. FenceSecure™ Fence Intrusion Detection System • Vibewire ™ Piezoelectric sensor cable system • Single or Dual zone • Modular design • IP67 housing • Separate sensitivity settings for fence cut and climb • Alarm relay outputs • Optional monitoring & multiplex control systems • Up to 300 m zone lengths • Remote test and listen in facility

  8. How FenceSecure™ works Vibewire piezoelectric sensor cable is acoustically coupled to the fence or fabric to be monitored against intrusion attempts. The Vibewire sensor cable picks up noises and vibrations that occur when a Would-be intruder attempts to cut ,climb, jack up or penetrate the protected barrier. The Vibewire and SA100 analysers are designed and installed to create detection zones for alarm monitoring and response. Each zone of Vibewire is connected to the SA100 analyser which analyses the signals received from the monitored fabric and discriminates between normal ambient noise and attack signals SA100 analyser features: - 15 sensitivity settings for detection 15 sensitivity settings for cut detection Operates from 12 or 24V DC Low current draw (less than 50mA per dual zones). Independent alarm relays for each zone and tamper Complete monitoring of the sensor cable. The analyser sensitivity is set up to match the fabric being protected for optimum detection and security. Vibewire can be used with zone lengths of up to 300m which is normally optimised at 100m for use with CCTV systems and alarm verification purposes There is an optional remote listen in facility for set up and alarm verification

  9. FenceSecure™ Fence Intrusion Detection System How FenceSecure™ works: FenceSecure™ Vibewire  sensor cable mounted on Chain link fence Vibewire ™ sensor cable is applied to the fence or fabric to be protected. If an intruder attempts to cut climb or jack the protected fence to gain un authorised entry, the signals as detected by FenceSecure™ SA100 seismic analyser and a zone alarm is generated

  10. FenceSecure™ Fence Intrusion Detection System How FenceSecure™ works: The SA1 0 0 analyser detects various form s of attack The signal processing discrim inates betw een norm al background noises and disturbances and the vibrations and signals that occur during various m ethods of attack Quiescent background noise Screen shot

  11. FenceSecure™ Fence Intrusion Detection System How FenceSecure™ works: The SA1 0 0 analyser detects various form s of attack Bolt cropper attack Screen shot

  12. FenceSecure™ Fence Intrusion Detection System How FenceSecure™ works: The SA1 0 0 analyser detects various form s of attack Climb detection Screen shot

  13. FenceSecure™ Fence Intrusion Detection System How FenceSecure™ works: The SA1 0 0 analyser detects various form s of attack Disc cutter Screen shot

  14. FenceSecure™ Fence Intrusion Detection System How FenceSecure™ works: The SA1 0 0 analyser detects various form s of attack Hack saw Screen shot

  15. FenceSecure™ Fence Intrusion Detection System How FenceSecure™ works: The SA1 0 0 analyser detects various form s of attack Gross attack Screen shot

  16. FenceSecure™ Fence Intrusion Detection System Vibewire  Piezoelectric sensor cable • Uniform detection characteristics • High signal to noise ratio • Unobtrusive • Easy to install • Tough UV stabilised outer sheathing • Proven performance • Vibewire versions supplied in stainless steel sheath for “High Security” Or difficult installations where extra physical protection is required

  17. FenceSecure™ Fence Intrusion Detection System Vibewire™ Piezoelectric sensor cable system Model: Features/application: VW200 Standard sensor cable for use on chain link and welded mesh fences VW205 Premium sensor cable for use on Palisade, 358 weld mesh and “High Security” Fences VW210 Super sensor cable for use on special applications where maximum sensitivity and signal to noise is required Note: VW200/SS – VW205SS – VW210SS are as above but supplied in a flexible stainless steel sheath.

  18. FenceSecure™ + WallSecure™ SA100 Seismic Fabric Mounted Detection Systems A Complete range of installation components and accessories - It all fits together!

  19. FenceSecure™ Perimeter Intrusion Detection System Perimeter intrusion detection systems are zoned for interfacing with CCTV for alarm verification and response Zone 1 Perimeter Intrusion Detection Alarmed premises Zone 2 Zone 4 Zone 3

  20. FenceSecure™ Fence Intrusion Detection System

  21. FenceSecure™ Fence Intrusion Detection System FenceSecure ™ Fence Intrusion Detection System Vibewire mounted within flexible stainless steel conduit and secured with stainless steel ties to weld mesh fence

  22. FenceSecure™ Fence Intrusion Detection System

  23. FenceSecure™ Fence Intrusion Detection System Vibewire mounted within screw barrel conduit

  24. FenceSecure™ “High Security Fence Detection System” “High Security fence”

  25. FenceSecure™ Fence Intrusion Detection System

  26. FenceSecure™ Fence Intrusion Detection System gate loops.

  27. FenceSecure + PulseSecure The winning combination…………..

  28. WallSecure ™ Wall and Roof Intrusion Detection System

  29. WallSecure ™ Wall and Roof Intrusion Detection System

  30. W allSecure ™ Wall and Roof Intrusion detection System for Bonded warehouse and secure storage

  31. WallSecure ™ Wall and Roof Intrusion Detection System WallSecure™ Analyser Vibewire sensor cable mounted in conduit tube

  32. WallSecure ™ Wall and Roof Intrusion Detection System End of line monitor Vibewire sensor cable mounted in conduit tube

  33. WallSecure ™ Wall and Roof Intrusion Detection System WallSecure across boarded up doors and windows

  34. Your first line of Defence


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