hao chen university of california davis web services are

Hao Chen University of California, Davis Web services are highly - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Benjamin Davis Benjamin Davis Hao Chen University of California, Davis Web services are highly attractive targets Over 60% of attacks target Web applications Over 80% of vulnerabilities found are in Web applications (From SANS 2009

  1. Benjamin Davis Benjamin Davis Hao Chen University of California, Davis

  2.  Web services are highly attractive targets  Over 60% of attacks target Web applications  Over 80% of vulnerabilities found are in Web applications (From SANS 2009 Top Cyber Security Risks) 2

  3. <h1>Latest Comment</h1> <p> {User Content} </p> 3

  4. <h1>Latest Comment</h1> <p> This is <b>great!</b> </p> 4

  5. <h1>Latest Comment</h1> <p> <script> steal(document.cookie); </script> </p> 5

  6. ? ? Application ? ? ? 6

  7. Information Flow Tracking System   Input !! Application   7

  8. Information Flow Tracking System   Application !!   8

  9. Information Flow Tracking System   !! Application !!   9

  10. Information Flow Tracking System   Application !! !!  Output  10

  11. Information Flow Tracking System   Application X X !! !!  Output  11

  12.  Language-based “taint mode” ◦ Perl ◦ Ruby  Adding support to language structures ◦ Java [Chin, Wagner 09] ◦ PHP [Venema] 12

  13. Information Flow Tracking System Database Interface Input Database Web Application Output 13

  14. Information Flow Tracking System Database Interface !! Input   Database Web Application  Output  14

  15. Information Flow Tracking System Database Interface Input   Database Web Application !!  Output  15

  16. Information Flow Tracking System Database Interface !! Input   Database Web Application  Output  16

  17. Information Flow Tracking System !! Database Interface Input   Database Web Application  Output  17

  18. Information Flow Tracking System ? Database Interface Input   Database Web Application  Output  18

  19. Information Flow Tracking System Database Interface ? Input   Database Web Application  Output  19

  20. Information Flow Tracking System Database Interface ? Input   Database Web Application  Output  20

  21.  What if you have multiple applications?  How to treat data from the database? ◦ All tainted -> false positives ◦ All untainted -> false negatives ◦ Require manual annotation? ◦ Application-specific decisions? 21

  22.  Taint tracking through the entire system ◦ [Asbestos, 05] ◦ [HiStar, 06]  Implemented in ◦ Hardware ◦ OS ◦ VMM/emulator 22

  23. Database Interface !! Input Database Web Application Output 23

  24. Database Interface Input Database Web Application Output 24

  25. !! Database Interface Input Database Web Application Output 25

  26. Database Interface Input Database Web Application Output 26

  27.  Low level/fine granularity ◦ Hardware mechanism [Suh, Lee, Devadas 04] ◦ Minos [Crandall, Chong, 04]  Lacks high-level database semantics ◦ Aggregate functions ◦ Comparisons, SELECT DISTINCT 27

  28.  End-to-end taint tracking ◦ Across Web applications and databases  Leverage existing single-application information flow tracking engines  Compatible with existing Web services ◦ Require no changes to Web applications  Taint propagation through database functions 28

  29. DB Interface SQL Database Engine Web Application 29

  30. DBTaint DB Interface SQL Database Engine Web Application Single-application information flow 30

  31.  Store taint data in database composite types ◦ Tuple of form: (<value>, <taint_value>)  Store/retrieve taint values via SQL ◦ No additional mechanisms needed in the database ◦ No change to underlying database data structures Id Id Status Status Id Id Status Status 19 ‘closed’ (19, 0) (‘closed’, 1) 27 ‘open’ (27, 0) (‘open’, 1) 32 ‘pending’ (32, 0) (‘pending, 1) Before DBTaint With DBTaint 31

  32.  Create functions that operate on composite types ◦ Comparison operators (=, !=, <, …) ◦ Arithmetic operations (+, -, …) ◦ Text operations (upper, lower, …) ◦ Aggregate functions (MAX, MIN, SUM, …)  Functions implemented in SQL ◦ CREATE FUNCTION ◦ CREATE OPERATOR ◦ CREATE AGGREGATE 32

  33.  Arithmetic operations (4, 0) + (5, 1) = (9, ?) 33

  34.  Arithmetic operations (4, 0) + (5, 1) = (9, ?) untainted tainted 34

  35.  Arithmetic operations (4, 0) + (5, 1) = (9, 1) untainted tainted tainted 35

  36.  MAX {(2, 0), (3, 1), (5, 0)} = (5, ?) 36

  37.  MAX {(2, 0), (3, 1), (5, 0)} = (5, ?) untainted tainted untainted 37

  38.  Untainted: trusted source ◦ Web application defaults ◦ Values generated entirely by the Web application  Tainted: from untrusted source, or unknown ◦ User input  Explicit information flow  Database returns untainted value only if database has received that value untainted 38

  39.  MAX {(2, 0), (3, 1), (5, 0)} = (5, ?) untainted tainted untainted 39

  40.  MAX {(2, 0), (3, 1), (5, 0)} = (5, 0) untainted tainted untainted untainted 40

  41.  Equality ? (3, 0) = (3, 1) untainted tainted 41

  42.  Equality 3 == 3 42

  43.  Equality (3, 0) == (3, 1) untainted tainted  Adopt notion of backwards-compatibility [Chin, Wagner 09] 43

  44.  MAX {(5, 1), (5, 0)} = (5, ?) tainted untainted 44

  45.  MAX {5, 5} = 5 45

  46.  MAX {5, 5} = 5 OR 46

  47.  MAX {(5, 1), (5, 0)} = (5, ?) OR 47

  48.  MAX {(5, 1), (5, 0)} = (5, 0) tainted untainted untainted  When possible, prefer to return untainted values 48

  49. Database Table DB Interface Id Id Status Status 19 ‘closed’ 27 ‘open’ 32 ‘pending’ WebApp 49

  50. Database Table DB Interface Id Id Status Status x = DB.get(id=27) 19 ‘closed’ 27 ‘open’ 32 ‘pending’ WebApp 50

  51. Database Table DB Interface Id Id Status Status x = DB.get(id=27) 19 ‘closed’ 27 ‘open’ 32 ‘pending’ WebApp 51

  52. Database Table DB Interface Id Id Status Status x = DB.get(id=27) 19 ‘closed’ 27 ‘open’ 32 ‘pending’ WebApp 52

  53. Database Table DB Interface Id Id Status Status x = “open” 19 ‘closed’ 27 ‘open’ 32 ‘pending’ WebApp 53

  54. DBTaint Database Table DB Interface Id Id Status Status (19, 0) (‘closed’, 1) (27, 0) (‘open’, 1) (32, 0) (‘pending, 1) WebApp 54

  55. DBTaint Database Table DB Interface Id Id Status Status x = DB.get(id=27) (19, 0) (‘closed’, 1) (27, 0) (‘open’, 1) (32, 0) (‘pending, 1) WebApp 55

  56. DBTaint Database Table DB Interface Id Id Status Status Rewritten query (19, 0) (‘closed’, 1) (27, 0) (‘open’, 1) (32, 0) (‘pending, 1) WebApp 56

  57. DBTaint Database Table DB Interface Id Id Status Status Result tuples (19, 0) (‘closed’, 1) (27, 0) (‘open’, 1) (32, 0) (‘pending, 1) WebApp 57

  58. DBTaint Database Table DB Interface Id Id Status Status Collapse (19, 0) (‘closed’, 1) tuples and taint (27, 0) (‘open’, 1) appropriately (32, 0) (‘pending, 1) WebApp 58

  59. DBTaint Database Table DB Interface Id Id Status Status x = “open” (19, 0) (‘closed’, 1) // x is tainted (27, 0) (‘open’, 1) (32, 0) (‘pending, 1) WebApp 59

  60.  Account for composite types in SQL queries  Collapse and taint result tuples as needed  These changes are: ◦ Transparent to web application ◦ High-level, portable DBTaint DB Interface DB unchanged 60

  61.  Parameterized queries  Prepare: ◦ INSERT … (id, status) VALUES (?, ?) ◦ Execute ◦ (27, ‘open’) 61

  62.  Parameterized queries  Prepare: ◦ INSERT … (id, status) VALUES (?, ?) ◦ // with DBTaint: ◦ INSERT … (id, status) VALUES (ROW(?, ?), ROW(?, ?)) 62

  63.  Parameterized queries  Prepare: ◦ INSERT … (id, status) VALUES (?, ?) ◦ // with DBTaint: ◦ INSERT … (id, status) VALUES (ROW(?, ?), ROW(?, ?)) ◦ Execute ◦ (27, ‘open’) // 27 is untainted, ‘open’ is tainted ◦ // with DBTaint: ◦ (27, 0, ‘open’, 1) 63

  64.  Prepare phase: ◦ Queries are passed with placeholders for data  Execute phase: ◦ Data values are passed separately, independently  Taint tracking engine requirement: ◦ Only need to track taint values per variable  We handle non-parameterized queries too ◦ See paper for details 64

  65.  Leverage existing single-application information flow tracking systems  No changes to Web application DBTaint DB Interface Single-application information flow Web Application 65

  66.  Languages ◦ Perl ◦ Java  Database Interfaces ◦ Perl DataBase Interface (DBI) ◦ Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)  Database ◦ PostgreSQL 66

  67.  RT: Request Tracker (ticket tracking system) ◦ 60,000+ lines of Perl ◦ Perl DBI (DataBase Interface) API ◦ Perl taint mode  JForum (discussion board system) ◦ 30,000+ lines of Java ◦ Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API ◦ Character-level taint engine [Chin, Wagner ’09] 67

  68. requests/second requests/second RT Original DBTaint JForum 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 68


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