Lindsay Currie Student Services Administrator DAL.CA/FUTURES .CA/FUTURESTUD TUDENTS ENTS
OUR VISION Physical and Mental Wellness for All More on HAHP Vision, Mission, Values DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
HA HAHP HP At a gl At a glan ance ce 1966 66 Year the School was founded 4 Undergraduate programs 3 Graduate programs 781 Current students 4,83 832 2 Alumni $3,0 ,015,6 ,676 6 Research funding capture for active grants in 2019 26 26 Faculty and staff: 20 faculty members and 6 staff members within the School DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
BSc Health Promotion BSc Therapeutic Recreation HAHP Programs BSc & B.Mgmt Recreation Management BSc Kinesiology DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
What makes HAHP unique • Focus on prevention/ ‘upstream’ approach • Small programs • Internships and practicums • Impactful research • Interprofessional learning (IPHE) • Exciting and meaningful careers • Peer mentorship programs! DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
• Physical Activity and Cancer (Activating Cancer Communities through an Exercise Strategy for Survivors (ACCESS)) HAHP • Recreation and mental health, Recreation and immigration (ISANS) Research Examples • ‘PLEY’ project - Physical Literacy in the Early years • More information on research in HAHP can be found on our website DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
Policy analyst (federal government) Addictions prevention consultant (hospital) Recreational therapist (long-term care facility) HAHP Alumni and Careers Community recreation coordinator (municipal government) Certified exercise physiologist Kinesiologist DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
HAHP Career Events • Kinnections a Kinesiology career event featuring alumni guest speakers • HAHP Career Networking Evening a chance to schmooze with alumni from all programs! • Classes to Careers – Getting a Head Start on your HAHP Career 2-part IPHE credit with resume and personal branding workshop! DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
Other Career Supports at Dal • Bissett Student Success Centre Career Services • Bissett Student Success Centre Career Advisor & Counsellor • Co-Curricular Record (www.dal.ca/ccr) • Dal Connects (www.dal.ca/dalconnects) • Career Events and Workshops, such as: • Resumes that get noticed • Acing the Interview • Leveraging LinkedIn in your Job Search • Your career journey DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
• Fitness Assessment and Program Design • Mind Body Connections and Well-being • Ergonomics Kinesiology • Advanced Biomechanics Sample • Psychology of Sport Classes • Care and Prevention of Injuries • Sensory and Motor Function • Practicums and Senior Seminars DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
First Year Health Promotion At a Glance DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
• Progr gram am Plan anning ning • Drugs gs and Drug g Education ation • Huma uman n Sexu xuali ality ty HPRO sample • Health alth Promo omoti tion on Polic licy classes • Menta tal l Health alth Promo omoti tion on • Mul ultic ticult ultural ural Healt lth Promo omotion tion • Health alth Promo omoti tion on Strat trategies egies DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
First Year Therapeutic Recreaiton At A Glance DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
• Foundat dations ions of Recreati reation on • Progr gram am Plan anning ning Therapeutic • Leisure sure and nd Ind ndiv ividuals iduals with h Di Disabilit abilities ies Recreation • Leisure sure Education ation Sample • Youth th at Risk, , Addiction ction and Menta tal l Classes Illne ness, ss, Aging ng and nd Lifestyle, estyle, Physic sical al and nd Developmental lopmental Disabilit abilities es DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
First Year Recreation- Management At A Glance DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
• Leader ership hip and Small all Group up Dynami amics Recreation • Finan ancial cial Managem ement nt and Fundrais raising ing Management • Recreati reation on Entrepren trepreneu eurship ship and Sample Special ial Events nts • Intro o to Mark rketin ting Classes • Operat rations ions Managemen gement DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
First st year course selectio ion n guide e 2019/2 /2020 020 • Health Promotion • Kinesiology • Therapeutic Recreation • Recreation Management Advising and Program Info Program am of study dy forms 2019/ 9/2020 2020 • Health Promotion • Kinesiology • Therapeutic Recreation • Recreation Management DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
Visit or Website: www.dal.ca/hahp HAHP Connect with an advisor! Dedicated Lindsay Currie (Lindsay.Currie@dal.ca) Advisors OR Heidi Tracey Baillie (htb@dal.ca) DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
• Program Choice • Transitioning to Dal • Workload • Student Accessibility (Learning Advising Accommodations) Tips for • Get involved students • Student Societies at Dal (DSU) • SAHHPer in HAHP • Student Services DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
Health th Promoti otion on Kinesi siol ology ogy Therap apeu euti tic c Recrea eati tion on Recrea eati tion n Management gement Broad health program, unique in Science of human movement across Improve quality of life of individuals Business competencies and rec Canada at the undergraduate level – the spectrum (from athlete to through leisure (all types) management skills for the recreation Prevention, Education, Programming, physically disabled, with a focus on and leisure service industry: municipal Research and Policy optimum performance), draws from rec, national sport governing bodies, disciplines of psychology, neuroscience, commercial ventures, festival biomechanics, anatomy, physiology etc. management, arts and culture, leisure and sport marketing, professional sports organizations, entrepreneurship, recreation and fitness centers, tourism, sports Prevention and Population Health Sports – athletic training (individuals, Marginalized populations (youth at Sports – leisure and sport marketing, Approach (improve the health of the teams), coaching, sport administration risk, aging, physical and developmental scouting, athlete development, etc. entire population and reduce health disabilities) inequities among marginalized groups) Impact individual and community Fitness Training, Exercise Physiology, Work in clinical, group home or long- Two degrees in five years (Bachelor of health locally and globally in Ergonomics, Motor Control, Rehab, term care facilities, rec centres, non- Science, Recreation + Bachelor of government, clinical, non-profit and Health & Safety, Disability profit organizations, government, etc. Management) community settings Management, Sport Admin, Research, etc. Professional program pathways such as Registered Kinesiologist (Ontario only), Certified Therapeutic Recreation Entry to middle-management positions; Masters in Health Promotion or Public Professional program pathways: Physio, Specialist (CTRS) designation; other professional pathways such as Health, Community Health & OT, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Medicine, Professional program pathways such as MA Leisure, MBA, MPA, etc. Epidemiology, OT, Medicine, Speech etc.; Supplemental studies in Athletic Masters in Leisure Studies, Physio, OT, and Audiology, etc. Therapy, Pedorthics, Orthotics, Medicine, etc. Prosthetics, etc. DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
Looking Congratulations: Next Steps! forward to meeting you! DAL.CA/F CA/FUT UTURES URESTUDEN TUDENTS TS
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