H 375 O 132 C 88 N 6 Ca 1 P 1
H 263 O 110 C 106 N 16 P 1 http://www.smithsonianmag.com/
H 263 O 110 C 106 N 16 P 1 H 375 O 132 C 88 N 6 Ca 1 P 1
N Fixation?
Biological Nitrogen Fixation Evolved ≈3.5 billion years ago Converts N 2 into NH 3 Energetically expensive (16ATP for 1 N) Poisoned by oxygen
Photosynthesis requires nitrogen C 55 H 72 O 5 N 4 Mg
Oxygenic photosynthesis and N fixation evolve in an anoxic world, but are so important that they remain basically unchanged for 3 billion years.
Today photosynthesis and other key processes are limited by nitrogen
Nitrogen Cycle Basics Transformations mediated by microbes (auto and heterotrophic) Inputs via fixation + deposition Outputs via leaching and gas losses (denitrification) + Mineral forms used by plants - and NH 4 + ) + little DON (NO 3 Losses of nitrate discriminate against 15 N, leaving it behind. The N cycle, like life, is a redox driven process.
The N Cycle is Driven by Redox
Ecosystem Mass Balance IF Inputs > Outputs THEN N pools grow Losses grow
Ecosystem Mass Balance IF Inputs > Outputs THEN N pools grow Losses grow IF Outputs > Inputs THEN N pools shrink Losses shrink
Ecosystem Mass Balance IF Inputs > Outputs THEN N pools grow Losses grow IF Outputs > Inputs THEN N pools shrink Losses shrink IF N availability > demand THEN Available N losses high
Ecosystem Mass Balance IF Inputs > Outputs THEN N pools grow Losses grow IF Outputs > Inputs THEN N pools shrink Losses shrink IF N availability > demand THEN Available N losses high IF N availability < demand THEN Available N losses low
Ecosystem Mass Balance IF Inputs > Outputs THEN N pools grow Losses grow IF Outputs > Inputs THEN N pools shrink Losses shrink IF N availability > demand THEN Available N losses high IF N availability < demand THEN Available N losses low
Global patterns in the N cycle
Fixation highest in tropics Cleveland et al., 1999
NUE lower in tropics Vitousek 1982
- losses higher in tropics NO 3 Brookshire et al 2012
Soil δ 15 N higher in tropics -10 0 10 20 30 100 1,000 10,000 MAT ( ° C) MAP (mm/yr) Craine et al., 2015
Soil δ 15 N higher in tropics Houlton and Bai 2009
When, where and why does N matter in intact tropical ecosystems?
“The tropics” are not one place!!! Townsend et al 2008
Fertilization suggests N matters, but there aren’t enough data to suggest when, where or why. LeBauer and Tresider, 2008
Controls of tropical N availability Inputs: Fixation, Deposition Outputs: Gas losses, leaching Internal cycling: mineralization, nitrification, immobilization, DNRA, FEAMMOX…
Controls of tropical N availability Inputs: Fixation, Deposition Outputs: Gas losses, leaching Internal cycling: mineralization, immobilization…
More fixers in the tropics Hedin 2009
But are they fixing? Sullivan et al, 2014
But are they fixing? Predicted from legume abundance Predicted from nodule sampling Sullivan et al, 2014
But are they fixing? Nitrogen Fixation In Bahia, Brazil (kg N/ha/yr) 10 8 6 4 2 0 11 24 40 Mature (>80 years) Forest Age (years) Winbourne unpubl.
Counting legumes doesn’t work. Counting nodules does 140000 120000 100000 ngN fixed 80000 60000 40000 y = 21.061x + 1097.2 R² = 0.9622 20000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Nodule Biomass in a Plot (mg)
Our understanding of N inputs is poor Sullivan et al, 2014
Controls of tropical N availability Inputs: Fixation, Deposition Outputs: Gas losses, leaching Internal cycling: mineralization, immobilization…
Outputs: Gas losses Highly variable in space and time, hard to measure Highly variable in space and time, “easy”to measure Impossible to measure in the field
Tropical N gas losses: high but poorly constrained, based on N 2 O Zhuang et al. 2012
N 2 losses: Theory Pilegaard 2013, from Davidson 2000
“Direct” measurement of N 2 emissions N 2 N 2 O Slide from M. Almaraz
N 2 losses: Data From Puerto Rico Almaraz unpubl.
N 2 losses ≠ N 2 O losses Almaraz unpubl.
Our understanding of N outputs is poor Almaraz unpubl.
Controls of tropical N availability Inputs: Fixation, Deposition Outputs: Gas losses, leaching Internal cycling: mineralization, nitrification , immobilization…
“The tropics” are not one place!!! Townsend et al 2008
Heterogeneity is challenging Parent Topograph Time Climate Organisms material y N availability
Heterogeneity is challenging Parent Time Climate Topography Organisms material N availability
How do topography, rainfall, and foliar N influence N availability?
The Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
Hyperspectral-derived canopy N Lidar derived topography Digital Elevation Models Foliar Nitrogen Maps
Topography Climate
Variation in topography, climate. Drake Bay Piro North Piro South
Topography Piro North Piro South Drake Bay Broad, flat ridge Narrow ridge Narrow ridge
Topography Piro North Piro South Drake Bay Broad, flat ridge Narrow ridge Narrow ridge
Climate Piro North Piro South Drake Bay
Climate Piro North Piro South Drake Bay MAP ~3000 mm MAP ~6000 mm
Sample collection & analyses Piro North Piro South Drake Bay • 3 regions x 4 catenas x 4 transects x 2 seasons Top Shoulder Middle Bottom
N metrics measured Piro North Piro South Drake Bay - -N and NH 4 + -N NO 3 Instantaneous Net nitrification 5 days Net N mineralization δ 15 N 100s – 1000s of years
Topography (δ 15 N o/oo) Piro North Piro South Drake Bay 7 a b b 6 b δ15N was b b b b 5 elevated on 4 3 broad, flat 2 δ δ ridges. 1 0 Top Shoulder Middle Bottom Top Shoulder Middle Bottom Osborne et al, in revision xcoord xcoord
Climate ( δ 15 N o/oo) Piro North Piro South Drake Bay MAP ~3000 mm MAP ~6000 mm 7 mean = 3.46 mean = 4.34* 6 δ15N was 5 4 elevated 3 under drier 2 δ δ conditions. 1 prob > F 0.0363* 0 Top Shoulder Middle Bottom Top Shoulder Middle Bottom Osborne et al, in revision xcoord xcoord
Topography and climate summary Piro North Piro South Drake Bay Osborne et al, in revision Climate Topography effect effect ✗ ✗ - -N and NH 4 + -N NO 3 ✗ ✗ - -N and NH 4 + -N NO 3 ✔ ✔ δ 15 N
Topography Climate Organisms
Organisms High N Low N Osborne et al, in revision
Organisms Osborne et al, in revision
Organisms scale here Osborne et al, in revision
Organisms – link to soil N NO3-N (mg kg-1) NH4-N (mg kg-1) 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 High 1 1 Foliar N 0 0 Net Nitrification (mg kg-1 d-1) Net Mineralization mg kg-1 d-1 Low Foliar N 7 7 Net Nitrification (mg kg-1 d-1) 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 Osborne et al, in revision
Airborne mapping may help deal with heterogeneity at large scales Osborne et al, in revision
The role of trees in driving the N cycling may be more important than we know. Asner et al., 2014
“The tropics” are not one place!!! Osborne et al, in revision
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