Navigating the Disquisition Submission Process: From Beginning to End 1 Presentation by the NDSU Graduate School Tuesday, January 31, 2012 12:30-1:30 p.m. ~ Room of Nations Contact: Katherine Gronewold, M.S., Disquisitions Editor Old Main 201 Telephone: 231-8547 Email: Katherine.Gronewold@ndsu.ede ***** I. Welcome and Introduction a. The disquisition review process IS … i. to serve as a final checkpoint to ensure that your document is as professional as possible. This will ensure that you, your department, and NDSU are well- represented ii. to ensure that your formatting is compatible with the database/online systems (e.g., ProQuest, Institutional Repository, etc.) b. The disquisition review process is IS NOT … i. meant to be an obstacle or a barrier to students ii. an opportunity for you to have your disquisition copy-edited iii. checking for accuracy or content, interpretation of analysis, etc. II. The Review Process a. General notes and reminders i. Everything is electronic so hard copies are no longer necessary. ii. BE AWARE OF SEMESTER DEADLINES!!! 1. To attempt a May 2012 Graduation: 1 st review submitted to GS no later than April 5, 2012 2. To attempt an August 2012 Graduate: 1 st review submitted to GS no later than July 6, 2012 iii. All hard copies for yourself and your department are ordered through the ProQuest system. iv. The process for papers is a little different than process for theses and dissertations so know what you ’ re writing. v. All instructions are available under the “ Dissertations, Theses, and Papers ” link within the Graduate School ’ s webpage. You get there through by: 1. Go to the “ Graduate School ” webpage 2. Click on “ Current Students ” in the left-hand sidebar 3. Click on “ Dissertations, Theses, and Papers ” Here you will find information about deadlines, research compliance, including previously published or co-authored material in your disquisition, payment information, the format guidelines, and the link to submit your disquisition. b. BEFORE you submit (Process is the same for Papers, Theses, and Dissertations) i. Prepare your disquisition according to the Format Guidelines . These provide you with information regarding margins, page numbers, required headings, Table of Contents, tables, figures, etc. It is highly recommended that you review these
guidelines and apply them AS YOU ARE WRITING your disquisition rather than going back and changing the format to fit them. 1. Note: These guidelines have been updated, effective 12/16/11. ii. Once you have passed your final exam/defense, ensure that the following paperwork is completed AND on file with the Graduate School. (Please Note: I can NOT review your disquisition without these items): 1. Report of Final Examination 2. IRB/IACUC/IBC Compliance Notification 3. Copy 1 of the Disquisition Approval Page 4. Online Payment c. SUBMITTING your disquisition (Process is different for papers than it is for theses and dissertations) i. For Papers: 1. Click on the “ Submit Your Disquisition ” link within the Dissertations, Theses, and Papers section of the Graduate School ’ s website 2. Click on the “ Submit your master ’ s paper ” link. Enter the requested information into the space provided and attach your paper as a PDF. 3. Click “ Send form! ” 4. Wait for a review decision/memo from the Disquisitions Editor ii. For Theses and Dissertations: 1. Click on the “ Submit Your Disquisition ” link within the Dissertations, Theses, and Papers section of the Graduate School ’ s website 2. Click on the appropriate submission link (according to what it is that you ’ re writing) a. Click on “ Submit my dissertation/thesis ” in the “ Ready to begin? ” box on UMI ’ s ETD website b. Set up an account and follow the instructions/prompts throughout the ETD Administrator to submit your ETD i. Read the entire screen and this process should be very clear for you ii. Submit ETD as a PDF! iii. Wait for a review decision/memo from the Disquisitions Editor d. DURING the review process (Process slightly different for papers than it is for theses and dissertations) i. For Papers: 1. You will receive an email directly from the/an editor with a review memo attached. This will indicate a list of revisions/changes that are required before the paper will be accepted. 2. Complete the changes FULLY. 3. Reply to the editor who emailed you and submit your UPDATED PDF to the email. ( Note: This process continues until the formatting of your paper has met the standards required by the Graduate School, as outline in the Format Guidelines. ) ii. For Theses and Dissertations:
1. You will receive an email from the ETD Administrator stating what decision your disquisition has received (i.e. “ Major Revision Required ” or “ Minor Revision Required ” ). It will also have a review memo attached, which indicates the revisions/changes that are required before the thesis or dissertation will be accepted. 2. Complete the changes FULLY. 3. Resubmit your UPDATED PDF to the ETD Administrator by following the link provided in the email from ETD Administrator. ( Note: This process continues until the formatting of your thesis or dissertation has met the standards required by the Graduate School, as outline in the Format Guidelines. ) e. AFTER the reviews are complete/Final Approval Granted (Process different for papers than it is for theses and dissertations) i. For Papers: 1. You will receive an email directly from the/an editor with a final review memo attached. 2. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS on that memo COMPLETELY and CAREFULLY. 3. Submit your FINAL PDF to NDSU ’ s Institutional Repository (instructions included in the final memo). ii. For Theses and Dissertations: 1. You will receive an email from the ETD Administrator stating that your disquisition has been accepted and will be sent to ProQuest. 2. The Disquisitions Editor will submit your final document to ProQuest and you will receive an email from the system notifying you when this is complete. 3. Then you celebrate! III. Questions, Comments, Discussion 1 Disclaimer/Note: Do not rely on this document as the sole guide when you ’ re completing your disquisition. This document ’ s original use was a presentation outline and therefore does not include detailed instructions of the all the required steps. I have highlighted the general process but you should ensure that you are following the more specific steps provided for you on the web pages.
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