growth in vehicle ownership and per capita income germany

Growth in Vehicle Ownership and Per-Capita Income: Germany, Japan, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Growth in Vehicle Ownership and Per-Capita Income: Germany, Japan, South Korea, USA: 1960-2002 1000 USA 800 2002 USA Gompertz function 2002 600 Vehicles per 1000 people Japan USA 1960-2002 400 1960 Germany S.Korea 2002 200

  1. Growth in Vehicle Ownership and Per-Capita Income: Germany, Japan, South Korea, USA: 1960-2002 1000 USA 800 2002 USA Gompertz function 2002 600 Vehicles per 1000 people Japan USA 1960-2002 400 1960 Germany S.Korea 2002 200 Japan Germany 1960 1960 S.Korea 0 0 10 20 30 per-capita income, 1960-2002 (Real $ PPP, thousands)

  2. Growth in Vehicle Ownership and Per-Capita Income: Brazil, China, India, South Korea: 1960-2002 1000 S.Korea 2002 Brazil 2002 100 Brazil S.Korea Brazil 1960 Vehicles India 2002 per 1000 India 10 people China 2002 Gompertz 1960-2002 function S.Korea 1960 1 India China 1960 1962 0.1 0 1 10 per-capita income, 1960-2002 (Real $ PPP, thousands)

  3. Vehicle Ownership and Per-Capita Income, Historical and Projected, for 8 large countries 1000 USA 2030 900 USA 2002 800 Spain 2030 700 Spain Japan 2030 600 2002 Japan Korea 2030 Mexico 2030 500 '02 USA 1960 400 Brazil 2030 300 Korea 2002 China 2030 200 Mexico 2002 Vehicles Brazil 2002 per 1000 India 2030 people: 100 90 historical 80 & projected 70 60 50 40 30 Mexico 1960 Japan 20 1960 Brazil 1962 Korea China India 1982 2002 2002 Spain 1960 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 GDP per-capita: historical & projected

  4. History 1960-2002 and Projections 2002-2030: Total Vehicles 2200 Rest of World 2000 Rest of Sample 1800 1600 History Projections Brazil 1400 India Total 1200 China Vehicles 1000 (millions) 800 Rest of 600 OECD 400 200 USA 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030


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