Jan 19, 2016 A Farmer’s Perspective on Growing Irrigated Grain Corn 1 Henk Kamper, Forty Mile Ventures
2 January 19, 2016 Forty Mile Ventures Diversified Irrigated Farm Operation Farm together with dad and 2 brothers Locations: Burdett, Vauxhall, Lethbridge
3 January 19, 2016 Purpose and Goal To give a farmer’s perspective on growing Grain Corn under irrigation in a diverse rotation.
4 January 19, 2016 Outline The Opportunity Challenges Grain Quality
5 January 19, 2016 The Opportunity Strong local demand Spread of harvest season Fast Improving Genetics
6 January 19, 2016 The Opportunity Strong Local Demand Corn Deficit area High Moisture (25-32%) & Dry (<15.5%) Diversified Demand Feed mills Feed lot / Dairy Distillery Pet Food
7 January 19, 2016 The Opportunity Spread of Harvest season Harvest takes place after most other crops After physiological maturity fairly weather tolerant
8 January 19, 2016 The Opportunity Fast Improving Genetics Local Research intensifies Upside Yield potential Risk Reduction
9 January 19, 2016 Challenges It is not “just another grain” Crop insurance coverage insufficient Trash
10 January 19, 2016 Challenges Not “just another grain” Corn is a very responsive crop: it requires a completely different set of agronomic practices Ideal harvest moisture > Ideal storage moisture
11 January 22, 2016
12 January 22, 2016
13 January 22, 2016 Challenges Crop insurance coverage insufficient Historic area averages are low Hail damage adjustment not based on our type of Corn plant
14 January 22, 2016 Challenges Trash Blessing and a curse Chopping Corn Head (High Speed) Discs Baling of stocks
15 January 22, 2016
16 January 22, 2016
17 January 22, 2016 Grain Quality Moisture (15.5%) Bushel weight (56 lbs/bu) KEY: Hybrid/Variety Selection
18 January 22, 2016 Maintaining Grain Quality in Storage Corn needs to be: Dry (under 15%) Cool (under 4 degrees C) Clean (limited amount of cracks and dust)
19 January 22, 2016 Questions?
20 January 22, 2016
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