
Group Meeting 4 13 November 2018 Reference Group Agenda Taiwhenua - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Reference Group Meeting 4 13 November 2018 Reference Group Agenda Taiwhenua Feed back Project name Values exercise summary Creating a vision Establishment of criteria framework Big picture objectives Taiwhenua Feedback Purpose of

  1. Reference Group Meeting 4 13 November 2018

  2. Reference Group Agenda Taiwhenua Feed back Project name Values exercise – summary Creating a vision Establishment of criteria framework Big picture objectives

  3. Taiwhenua Feedback Purpose of meeting • To provide taiwhenua with information about our wastewater treatment plants • To discuss the project • Discuss how taiwhenua and the community can be involved • Talk about the development of the criteria • Talk about affordability

  4. Taiwhenua Feedback What we talked about • Project background • The issues • The process • Engagement with community • Desired outputs • Reference Group • Tangata Whenua involvement • Wider community involvement

  5. Taiwhenua Feedback Outcomes • Representation on the reference group

  6. Project Name Last time talked What does it about Who for? signal? “Project Flush” Wait for vision?

  7. Values exercise Four pillars Grouped and scored using dots Number of dots demonstrated importance within and across pillars

  8. Values exercise

  9. Values exercise

  10. Values exercise 10 7 32 10 5

  11. Values exercise Top 5 Forward Community Recognise Not polluting Protection of looking, use, facilities, wastewater the the River future-proof amenity as a resource environment investment value

  12. Values exercise So what? This information can be used to develop Representative of community? option selection process Can it be used to create a road map/vision?

  13. Creating a vision Recycle, Future proof , Environment , Investment , Funding , Cultural , Swimming , Safe, Financial , Minimise, Facilities , River , Compliance , Ratepayer , Fishing , Recreation , Protection , Standards, Affordable , Maori , Community , Alternative , Environmental , food , Pollution , Social , Impact , Resource , Amenity

  14. Creating a vision - example Removal of wastewater discharges from the X River Commitment to improvement of river health not just related to wastewater – but in a holistic way Wastewater is managed in an environmentally and fiscally sound way for our community.

  15. Creating a vision Recycle, Future proof , Environment , Investment , Funding , Cultural , Swimming , Safe, Financial , Minimise, Facilities , River , Compliance , Ratepayer , Fishing , Recreation , Protection , Standards, Affordable , Maori , Community , Alternative , Environmental , food , Pollution , Social , Impact , Resource , Amenity

  16. Criteria framework Value and vision • Basis for developing criteria to assess the options and development of a BPO. • Assist with developing qualitative or quantitative measures of the non-cost considerations. Criteria aims to: • Enable a multi criteria decision making process to be used to allow options to be evaluated on their importance to the community. • Allow for options to be evaluated on their importance to the community.

  17. Criteria framework Purpose • Develop questions that allow all options to be compared evenly and consistently Structure • Questions and response per option. • Could be yes/no or a score that is added. • Could have minimum score threshold. • Could need positive response for each question.

  18. Criteria framework Level applied • What level of evaluation is used : • Phase A - Screening • Phase B - Preference • Phase C - BPO • It can change over time Less detail Screening may be qualitative BPO may be quantitative More detail

  19. Criteria framework 3 types of assessment: Bottom lines • Has to be met Requirements • Need to be addressed Aspirational • Would ideally like to achieve Need to make sure address/fulfil the Vision Need to convert technical attributes to a • If $X, how good compared to $Y score • If 15g/m 3 , how good is that compared to 23g/m 3

  20. Criteria framework Issue Criteria Means of Assessment Waterbodies are accessible and safe to swim in, and take Measured improvements in effluent bacteriological quality. H ealth and wellbeing of kai from, all year round. the waterbodies is restored and protected for Reduction in nitrogen levels. Alignment to Healthy River Wai Ora Plan change. current and future Decrease in annual loads of nitrogen discharged into waterbodies. generations. Reduction in phosphorus Alignment to Healthy River Wai Ora Plan change. levels. Reduction in phosphorus levels. Mauri and mana is safeguarded for present and future generations. Acknowledgement and protection of cu cultural Method of discharge used. Raukawa kaitiaki relationship val alues. with their waters is respected, enhanced and supported. Meets future needs A wastewater solution that • (including cultural needs). Ability of the solution to be scaled for growth over an agreed period of time. meets the lon long-term ne needs s • Recognition that resource consents can be granted for up to a maximum of 35 years. of of the com ommunity in a • Continuous improvement. Ability of final solution to be staged to match both growth and funding ability. flexible way Economically via iable for the Total cost to the residential ratepayers from the upgrades. This includes any potential revenue Cost to ratepayers. community generation from the options, as this will offset operating costs.

  21. Big picture objectives What are we trying to Will this achieve the achieve? Vision?

  22. Criteria Phase A Phase B Phase C Screen Preference BPO Bottom line? Bottom line? Bottom line? Aspirational? ? Requirement?

  23. Big Picture Options 100 % Water 100 % Land Cultural Preference Financial Preference Environmental Preference Recreational Preference

  24. Big Picture Options Irrigation - Deficit 100 % Land Irrigation - Non-deficit Irrigation - High-rate Environmental Preference Recreational Preference Financial Preference Cultural Preference Rapid Infiltration Overland - Wetland Overland - Rock trench 100 % Water Pipe to Water

  25. Criteria • John’s Presentation

  26. Criteria Phase A Phase B Phase C Screen Preference BPO Bottom line? Bottom line? Bottom line? Aspirational? ? Requirement?

  27. Option Development – Phase A Keep High Level

  28. Criteria Phase A Bottom line Screen Score In or out Bottom line? Aspirational? Aspirational Score In or out

  29. Option Development – Phase A Keep High Level Bottom line Aspirational


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